Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominoes: One to the Chin

Geneviève released a satisfied breath as she heard the results of her wrist hold. At least she still had that going for her. The rest, however, was not a pleasant experience. Her teeth ground against each other after the boot met a rather sensitive zone, stomach heaving with rapid, heavy breaths to distract from the pain. Reflexively, Gen's hands wrenched forward to try and snap Circe's wrist as punishment.

The head-to-head collision was not something she could prepare for, however, and massive pain ensued. If Gen was having trouble seeing before, the impairment was now twofold as her brain shrieked inside her skull. She released her grip on the other woman's arm and raised her hands in front of her face to protect from any further attacks to her head. Her mind whirled; even her Force sight flickered as she dealt with the harsh, oscillating sensations. She was all but blind, and vulnerable.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Circe smiled, knowing that things were reaching the endgame at last. Circe jumped up, getting her legs locked around Gen's waist before trying to leverage her to the ground, squeezing her thighs with all her might to try and crush the air out of her at least and break a few rib at most. "Just... calm... down... We can still work this business out, Gen..."

She certainly hoped so. She intended to foot the bill for the woman, after all.
Geneviè tucked her chin to prevent any attempts at a chokehold and kept one arm raised in front of her face as Circe worked to disable her. The Benefactor brought her left elbow downwards with full force, aimed for the other woman's false ribs. Gen was stubborn and refused to be brought into submission for as long as she could still deal damage.

Lasedri swore and shrieked as one of her own bones snapped. She tried to shimmy out of her assailant's clutches, grabbing for the woman's shoulder and neck, but her movements shifted her broken rib about, inciting more swearing and groaning. It was all but over. "Damn you! Go kiss a Hutt!" she raged, physically giving up the struggle, allowing herself to be dropped to the floor before curling into a purely protective position.

She had only one defense left, and that was to try what she knew about the mind and the Force. Anger coursing through her, she unlocked a final reserve of willpower and closed her eyes, groping about in Circe's mind and attempting to maim whatever she could open to her devices.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

The elbow to the ribs didn't result in any damage, but it did leave a significant bruise, one Circe was sure to feel for the next week without bacta treatment. The screams of the fellow CEO made Circe smile as she applied all the pressure she could with her legs, trying harder to squeeze the life out of Gen.

And when she tried to intrude into Circe's mind, the CEO laughed. The last time someone had torn through her memories, the mind-invader was a powerful Shi'ido Force-user. She steeled up, waiting for Gen to finish discharging... Then forced herself at Gen's own mind. Hard. She tossed whatever residual Force energy she could into intruding into Genevieve's mind, opening memories and firing neurons to overwhelm her with senses and past thoughts. Then maybe, just maybe, she would be pacified.
Nothing had worked. Nothing. She was not powerful enough. Her efforts to break into Circe's mind had proved fruitless, and instead, her own mind screamed and collapsed, contorting itself and unleashing memories--some long-forgotten. Her own voice reverberated inside her head, and her own, current thoughts slurred and rebounded incoherently. She even thought of a sure way to escape, but the idea was immediately drowned out by more oncoming memories and a plethora of colliding sensations. She just wanted it to stop.

Gen began to hyperventilate, lungs spasming and nudging at her broken rib. Her body tensed and her hands raked through her raven hair, resignation in her movements. There was nothing more she could do.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

With Gen fading, Circe maneuvered herself to be directly on top of Gen, the full weight of her body now on the woman's ribs as she moved to pin Gen's arms down, staring at her. "Now... I want to hear you say it, Genevieve Lasedri. I want to hear you say right now that you submit to me, and that you will give up these senseless threats in exchange for my aid - and your assistance with my plans."

She gave a force down with her butt on the damaged lower torso of the Echo Esprit CEO. "Say it. Now."
"Damn your ass to the sun, you frakking banshee," she spat through grit teeth, knowing there was not much of a choice but naturally wanting to let Miss Subach know exactly what she thought of her in any case. She sucked in a deep, choked breath, and groaned under the pressure her sternum was being subjugated to as the pain multiplied.

"I'll help you," she muttered, finally. "I'll help you now. And when we're done... Then, I'll help you to your grave."

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"No." Circe eased up with the pressure on her ribs, but still had her pinned to the ground. "This is how it works. You will do as I say, when I say it. You will not attempt to kill me, nor will you attempt to stifle my plans. And in exchange, I will give you what you need in order to make what you desire a reality. Accept my proposal, and not only will I assist you - I'll also help get your wounds healed. Deny it, and the only thing in store for you is unending suffering in my laboratories."

She doubted she would ever actually do the latter, but hopefully it would be intimidating enough.
Cheap threats like that meant little to Geneviève. She knew how to kill herself should such a situation arise, though suicide was not exactly something she was looking forward to. Suffering seemed to be the only option presented no matter what her decision was, however. Being forced under the authority of this creep was not the way Gen wanted to live. But circumstances dictated she make a selection, and that was to live--no matter how oppressed--and one day seek to return the favor. But she would submit. For now.

"Fine. Get off me, then."

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Circe did so, making sure the blaster pistol lying on the floor was still far away from Gen's reach. Holding her good arm down, she moved to help the fellow CEO up. "And now, to showcase my sincerity... I'll be paying for your medical bills. As well, I may have a spot for you on a week long trip to an exclusive resort. There'll be spa treatments, gambling, coliseum shows, and much more, if you're interested."

This would... probably surprise, Gen. Circe wasn't half sure of the reaction herself.
Lasedri initially refused to accept the hand, intending on avoiding any further physical contact if possible. Getting up on her own did not work out so well, however, and she gave in and grabbed hold to be brought to her feet.

Gen had now concluded that Miss Subach was either absolutely insane or insanely conniving, now offering a stay at some pleasure resort. Gen had no desire for such things. She had work to do and pride to regain after this incident. And the fewer people she came in contact with at this time, the better. "Keep your toys. I'd rather just brood in a corner," she remarked, searching through hazy eyes for her blindfold.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Oh come on..." She crossed her arms in frustration at the woman's stubbornness. "I pummeled you senseless... It's the least I can do to make up for the time you'll spend in a bacta tank. Please?" She looked left and right for dramatic effect before returning to she the CEO. "Besides... I might be down a woman, and I'd prefer bringing along whichever ladyfriends are available. It's the proper thing to do, since all of it is free."
Geneviève scuffed around until her foot happened across the black band, then knelt down to pick it and wrap it around her head once more, despite the nearly debilitating pain her broken bone caused. "Yeah, usually I don't trust people who blackmail me. That makes no sense to you, I know."

Standing up, she turned to face Circe once more and scowled. Down a... what? For the time being, there was no way she would be able to evade the shadow of Subach and whatever her detrimental scheming would bring, but there was no way she was going to let every step be tread next to the manipulative banshee, and especially not publicly. Gen was already plotting ways to worm out of this 'contract' later on, no matter what the woman threatened. "The temptation is unreal." Sarcasm was her only tool for now.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"I'm a forgiving sort of person. Besides, it's worth you beginning to receive the rewards of working with me prior to is working together with regards to your rebel plans and my business expansion work." She smiled , still looking over the cross businesswoman. "Once this is over with, we can get you in a bacta tank so you can start healing."
Lasedri was not a forgiving person. "I don't care about rewards. No reward is worth this." Never mind that there had been a bounty issued for her death or capture. While only a handful of people knew who she was, the less public exposure, the better. Keeping up appearances with Miss Subach was not a good way to hide.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"They'll assume it was a business meeting. A retreat. Don't be foolish and think otherwise." She crossed her arms once more, still eying the fellow CEO. "I've heard about the bounty that's been put on your head. Rest assured that as long as you work for me, no one will be claiming it anytime soon. That I can guarantee."
Apparently, her message was not getting home. Gen huffed and flashed her ring finger and little finger in a Chandrilan cursing gesture. "Read my lips, Subach: I don't want to," she snarled. No matter what this woman demanded, Gen was going to take the opportunity to speak her mind and shove her digits in the other's face. Whatever abuse she received, she would do her best to skirt the boundaries and make the experience as unpleasant as possible for both of them.


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