Kyoko Ike

Image Source: Ringu, Ju-On
Name: Don-Gai
Designation: Semi-Sentient
Homeworld: Shri-Ta
Language: No Known Language
Average Lifespan: Bound to An Alter
Estimated Population: 21
Average height of adults: 1.5m
Average length of adults: N/A
Skin color: White/Grey
Hair color: Black
Corpse Like
Breathes: Type IV
Dissipation: Their bodies are not completely corporeal meaning they can disappear and reappear over different areas. When they aren't visible to normal means they look like whisps able to travel within the fraction of a second but their bodies cannot harm or touch people. It is a quick way to appear around the forest or within the places when they are hunting down force users but fo actually catching and feeding off of them it does nothing.
Force Hunters: Their bodies and spirits crave the force to satiate themselves. Unable to really consume enough force energy to stop the pain of what happened to them. Their skills of sensing and hunting down the force users within the forest and the buildings within it. Their ability to make sounds resonates and increases the closer they are to a force user. A counter effective skill but it allows others to know they are near. They show a preference and are more prone to violence when around darksiders, while they will attack all force users eventually. Darksiders are like nip for them making them seem more violent and relentless.
Minimal Movement: The Don-Gai are restricted, bound to a central location and unable to go past the Atrisian Markers that bind them within it. Crossing the barriers or being forced over them can dissipate and destroy the creatures. Unlike other worlds where they have been found the construction that went into the markers in unknown and tuned with the force to repel and contain them.
Boneless: Their bodies are formed and not really made to be strong when they take shape. It makes them slow moving and unable to actually move properly around. Their shapeless form can be incredibly unnerving to see. When they are in a corporeal and physical form they can be attacked or beaten back.

Hunger: The Darkside ritual that bound them to the alter by the cultists have turned the wraiths ravenous and they seek out force users within the forest with the intention of consuming their energy. Whether this leads to their deaths or not can vary differently as stronger force users might be able to survive but younger ones could risk death.
Low numbers: The Don-Gai are not a species that reproduces, they do not make more of themselves. They are the trapped souls of beings who were sacrificed to the alter and the darkside that have slowly become twisted and angry over their imprisonment.
Madness: Over the time that they have been trapped within the alter their minds have slipped away into a madness. Their ability to think is barely there and they do not really plan or coordinate more treating things as an inevitable conclusion. They will catch the force users or they will fail is the choices.
Dwarfed Wraith: Unlike traditional darkside wraiths, these ones are different. They were not darkside priests who sought to continue to live through rituals and using the alter itself. THey were sacrificed to the alter to empower it and their souls bound within it. They don't have the experience with the force itself nor the knowledge of how to keep their minds intact or use abilities like mentalism to invade the minds of others, nor telekinesis to throw objects around... but they can appear as more then a shadow as a trade off and still are able to only be seen by force sensitive individuals.
Races: Darkside wraiths
Diet: Force Energy, Force Users
Communication: N/A
Culture: Not much is known aout them, after the children were killed the villagers spoke about the horrors of it and later on as they were discovered to be unrestful within the force. Legends slowly were being developed about them by different groups that came through the forest. Seeing the pale skinned, black haired beings that would appear in the forest and attack force users within the group or others who seemed to be getting unnerved by them.
The true origins after the village was destroyed and abandoned after the creatures got loose. Over time the rest of the forest became silent with the markers that created a barrier containing them within the forest so they could not move about on the planet. The alter their souls are trapped and bound within The alter's location was lost to others to find, the Don-Gai's origin and creation falling away for legends and rumors.
Over the centuries as the people of Shri-Tal avoided the forest and the location in general save a few who dared to travel and brave it seeking treasures. There was not much to be found. A thick pervasive mist was over the forest and the buildings within it. Only when the jedi returned to the planet, specifically the region there of the world and started to try and recover it. To rebuild everything for the people and give them hope.
Only then did the wraiths become active again, their hunger leading to a madness that made then more angry and wanting to hunt down anything that came into the forest. The new villagers and jedi themselves have worked to investigate the forest and provide new information about them or trying to figure out what they are. THere isn't much known and the wraiths themselves have no speech aside from a resonating guttural groan.
Technology level: N/A
General behavior:
With Others: Slow moving and mostly silent save for when they are close to a force user. The Don-Gai are ravenous force eaters and have over the centuries become dangerous to anything that might touch the force traveling through their home. They are mostly going around the forest and whenever something that can touch the force it there. They are violent and dangerous hunting down relentlessly once they catch the scent of someone. Though they are not fast, they are not even strong. Their bodias are soft and ale to be smashed away, they can be fired upon and made to retreat back to the alter where they are trapped.
With each others: They do not interact with each other to coordinate, their speech and abilities to communicate beyond a high pitched resonating whine is gone. The pitched whine can alert others as it echoes throughout the forest itself and they are closer to a force user. They might appear together by chance though in some cases but it usually means there were two around when they found a force user.
With force users: They are violent and hungry, chasing after them at their pace and prone to displays of strangeness and horror as they come closer to feed off of the force users. The stronger the force user the more might be attracted to them and if the darkside is felt they almost work themselves into a frenzy wanting to consume the power and essence of the being.
History: Not much is known about the Don-Gai but they are not naturally occurring creatures, created by darkside cultists who were in the forest. They were taken to an alter deep within it from the village nearby. Once the villagers realized what was happening they went after the cult and dealt out their own form of justice but they were to late to help the others. Twenty one were killed in the forest and as the years past things started happening. Not at first but eventually when others came and disturbed the areas around the alter then throughout the forest itself.
THen in the village as the elders created barrier markers to contain and protect from them. Around the village and around the forest itself. The wraiths were not very smart, their intelligence seemed to have lowered beyond the base desire to attack and consume force users or those sensitive to the force itself. The few documented cases of darkside wraiths also differed from them, unlike others they were not force users when they were killed nor were they the ones doing the ritual.
Binding themselves to the alter and knowing how to retain their minds or invade and plague the minds of others who came to the world. If anything they were significantly weaker in not being able to use mental attacks or telekinesis to attack others but there were more of them, they had the ability to hunt out and find force users within the forest and they retained the looks albeit with paler skin and unnaturally straight black hair. Their bodies when they formed looked wrong, unable to moved completely proper
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To add some lore and danger's to a location as well as add a little more clear strengths and weaknesses to a lesser defined species. They are also to give creatures encountered in a faction thread some visible information.
Exploration of Forest:
Silver Jedi Halloween Event: