As the horde of marauders advanced, Zachariel stood idle at the center of a half circle of dead knights. They had fought well, were worthy in many aspects, but simply not good enough. Of all of them, only a handful truly were independent, most notably their leader. That was to be expected, but it was simply proven during this fight. As Kryll finally joined him, Zachariel took a moment to look the man over, then look back on the kills he'd had. Smirking slightly beneath his helmet, Zachariel nodded to the mans statement.
Though the knights were a good fight, they were also annoyingly difficult to deal with. Not in the manner that they were extremely skilled, but that they'd slow the Brotherhood down far too much. That said, they deserved their own reward for putting up a fight. Thus, rather than immediately respond to Kryll, Zachariel reached down to one of the worthy knights, one that had struck his helm. Grabbing the knights helmeted head, Zachariel pulled. With a sick squelch the head was removed from the body and left to hang in Zachariel's hand. Straightening, Zachariel placed the knightly helm on a prominent shoulder spike.
"Indeed lieutenant. The worthy ones shall make a fine addition to my collection, and the rest shall simply die."
Chuckling once more, Zachariel turned his attention forward to the marauders. Many were climbing to higher levels, some already having breached the doors and rushing through. And on the ground floor more were flooding forward, rushing after the harried defenders. At their lead were the strongest, and those with shields. Following them was a bloodthirsty horde of uncaring and unending marauders.
Marching forward, Zachariel motioned for Kryll to follow him. Passing through the destroyed doors and into the hallway beyond, they'd come upon a slaughter, even as the marauders continued to fight further away. The number of defenders here showed it was merely a holding action, and that the true defenses lay further back. If anything in this palace could be considered truly defended, aside from the throne room. Making their way past the slaughter, they soon came to a divide in hallways, one filled with marauders and local defenders.
At the split there were several knights forming a shield wall, preventing any true offensive. Around them were regular soldiers, staying in cover and firing upon any marauders. As for the marauders, they had created makeshift barricades with the shields they carried, or simply taken cover by the walls. This stagnation only helped the defenders, as it was clear they were holding the line so their fellows further down the corridors could set up defenses. And while this was a setback, it was also an opportunity. Turning to Kryll, Zachariel smiled darkly.
"I did offer you a command, didn't I Kryll? Well then," Zachariel motioned towards the combat. "command, and prove yourself worthy."