Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dorkas Ammer Satris

Full Name: Dorkas Ammer Satris-Sega

Also known as: Dorkas Sega
Titles: Royal Advisor to the Cluvius family.

Home Planet: Unknown.

Residence: Ryloth.

Profession: Strategist. Morsmorence's owner.

Spoken Languages: Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Twi'lek, Echani, Arkanian.

Faction: The Confederacy of Independent Systems
Sub-faction: The Order of the One.

Force Sensitivity: Positive.

Rank: Witch Spellweaver.
Alignment: Neutral.

Species: Hybrid. Unknown.

Age: Apparently mid twenties, exact age unknown.

Gender: Female.

Height: 1.72m.

Weight: 54kg.

Build: Slender and curved.

Skin color: Pale white, smooth.
Scars: Scar tattoo of a hydra flower. (back of neck).
Markings: Tattooed hands (backs).

Eye color: Vibrant light-blue.

Hair style: Medium length, falling a few centimeters below her shoulders. Most often in a bun.
Hair color: Naturally very light blonde, usually dyed red.
Direct Family:
Imer Satris ~ Adoptive Mother.
Avern Sega ~ Adoptive Mother.

Distant Family:
Biological unknown.
Amias Sega ~ "Cousin".

Marital Status: Single.
Orientation: Heterosexual.

[member="Liber Cluvius"] ~ Friend and confidant.


Mongrel. (tbd)

Items of Note:

Ziisak ~ Ritual blade.
Scatter gun.


The Conjurer. Light freighter.

Satris Grimoire
The Force: Dorkas grew up in a witch coven, one unlike the rest. Since a very, very young age she was instructed in the use of her powers and as a result knows how to employ them in a myriad of ways. She is extremely accustomed to pulling and sensing the Force, keeping it close to her at all times.

Master Crafter: Dorkas excels in the creation of alchemized, force-imbued or otherwise apothecary elements or consumables with a very varied array of effects. In addition to this, she has learnt the arts of weapon and armor crafting for which her old coven was renowned for.

Fast reflexes & agility: Her reflexes, speed and general mobility are higher than those displayed by a baseline human.

Cunning: With one of the sharpest minds, Dorkas combines intelligence with scheming and finds it very easy to fool and manipulate others should she require to do so. In turn, she often finds herself one step ahead of those trying to influence her.

Observant: She loves to be all over everything that can possibly affect her. That means she has a very well trained pair of eyes and ears.

Loyal: Once her true favor is gained it is hard to lose. Dorkas does seem like the type who would save herself at all costs and most often is like this. But not with those who truly matter to her.

Weak: Finding herself among the physically weak, Dorkas tries not to rely in direct confrontation. Because she would lose.

The Force: Brilliant talents come at a price. Dorkas is so used to manipulating the Force that she grows increasingly disturbed when her connection to it is threatened and feels utterly useless, defenseless and even panicked without it.

Fanatical: Her ability for obsession must never be underestimated. The woman is a firm believer of her ideals and will follow them almost blindly, in her own personal way. Attacking her beliefs is certain way to gain a reaction from her.

Perfectionist: The workaholic will not find any rest until everything is absolutely perfect, tiring her mind and resources in the process.

Little moral attachments: Though by no means evil, she seems to have a somewhat slow filter to sort the good from the bad and if given free reign she can prove to be quite unscrupulous.

~Specializes in: Magic.
Allignemnt: Neutral.

Versed in the arts of Magic and Force Imbuement, Dorkas has devised some marvelous applications of her talents unlike any seen before. A strong user of the Force, she protects herself through an array of spells and hexes, together with her preferred forms of elemental manipulation: terrakinesis and cryokinesis, allowing her to bend earth and ice to her will.

However, once she was free from the ties of her coven, Dorkas started to truly develop her potential at crafting, mixing her creations with the powers she had acquired. She combines her knowledge of Magic with these skill to create most of her products, uniquely made, which she then sells or keeps for herself and her fellow members of the Order.

Strongest Abilities:

~Force Magic~
Spirit Ichor manipulation: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰ ▰▰
Force imbuing: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰ ▰▰
Force Blast: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰▰ ▰▰
Spell of concealment: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰
Terrakinesis: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰▰ ▰▰
Cryokinesis: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰ ▰▰

~Force Powers~

Tutaminis: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰ ▰▰
Mind trick: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰▰ ▰▰▰
Alchemy: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]▰ ▰▰▰

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