That's not the only thing I'm inflating ;)
Hevana Martin Hair-triggered Super Soldier May 23, 2013 #22 Hmm... Maybe I should bring @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] along...
Jonathon Patches Information Broker May 23, 2013 #23 Ha... Like the play on words, Miss Keen; but contrary to popular belief, I'm not so easily convinced. However, if there ever comes a time where my moves are a bit lacking in the Jagger... I will be sure to call upon your services.
Ha... Like the play on words, Miss Keen; but contrary to popular belief, I'm not so easily convinced. However, if there ever comes a time where my moves are a bit lacking in the Jagger... I will be sure to call upon your services.
Valiens Nantaris Head Admin Admin Character Bio May 23, 2013 #26 I'll start it and invite all the girls. *Looks stern at Hevana* Business before pleasure though, remember that.
I'll start it and invite all the girls. *Looks stern at Hevana* Business before pleasure though, remember that.
Jonathon Patches Information Broker May 23, 2013 #27 Mira Keen said: You got it, Mr. Male Seductress. Click to expand... Hevana Martin said: *continues to eye Patches's title* Click to expand... Uh... Yeah... Miss Alcori has a sense of humour apparently. *shrugs* What can I say, I have a few surprises up my sleeves.
Mira Keen said: You got it, Mr. Male Seductress. Click to expand... Hevana Martin said: *continues to eye Patches's title* Click to expand... Uh... Yeah... Miss Alcori has a sense of humour apparently. *shrugs* What can I say, I have a few surprises up my sleeves.
Hevana Martin Hair-triggered Super Soldier May 23, 2013 #28 *continues eyeing Patches* I don't like competition. I believe in hostile takeovers. And eliminating the competition.
*continues eyeing Patches* I don't like competition. I believe in hostile takeovers. And eliminating the competition.
Mira Keen Miralukan Witch May 23, 2013 #29 Boy, this sounds like it's going to be a Hunger Games Five-Way. Someone grab a camera.
Jonathon Patches Information Broker May 23, 2013 #30 Now now, Miss Martin... no need to resort to such hostile activities. Drink first? At least meet your alleged "enemy" in the eye.
Now now, Miss Martin... no need to resort to such hostile activities. Drink first? At least meet your alleged "enemy" in the eye.
Hevana Martin Hair-triggered Super Soldier May 23, 2013 #31 Good point. Makes it easier to remove them.
Jonathon Patches Information Broker May 23, 2013 #32 I actually rather like having my eyes firmly attached to my head... that rule goes for all my extremities as well actually, fyi.
I actually rather like having my eyes firmly attached to my head... that rule goes for all my extremities as well actually, fyi.
Hevana Martin Hair-triggered Super Soldier May 23, 2013 #33 Well then its a very good thing I've always had trouble following the rules.
Cira Best Onion Character Bio May 23, 2013 #34 Hevana Martin said: Good point. Makes it easier to remove them. Click to expand...
Mira Keen Miralukan Witch May 23, 2013 #35 Hevana, knock it off. You don't come off as a seductress; you're coming off as a sexist idiot.
Siobhan Kerrigan Sic transit gloria mundi Character Bio May 23, 2013 #40 Joined in. This should be fun.