Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Hoshek"] [member="Daella Apparine"]
I don't want to be part of your stupid group. I don't want to have an avatar that looks like an absolute nerf herder. and I definitely don't want staff changing my profile picture, or anything else about my profile without my permission. The same should apply to everyone else that has a shred of decency on this forum. @Tefoch, I expected better from you.
I don't want to be part of your stupid group. I don't want to have an avatar that looks like an absolute nerf herder. and I definitely don't want staff changing my profile picture, or anything else about my profile without my permission. The same should apply to everyone else that has a shred of decency on this forum. @Tefoch, I expected better from you.