Let Me Drown
Stranded in the jungles of an UNKNOWN PLANET...
“Everything has reason and purpose,” Elias said, lifting the disassembled beacon with a soft groan. He held it up for Valery to see. “Wiring’s come loose,” he explained flicking the cable with his finger to show her.
He pursed his lips as he thought of ways to reattach it, toting with the device while Valery set out to gather food. The next few hours were uneventful. The distant sound of the river made for excellent white noise, against which Elias could paint his thoughts. Without a soldering iron, there’s no way he could reattach the wiring… if only he grabbed a repair kit from their ship before the explosion. They were prepackaged loadouts containing various tools and pieces of equipment to help with ship repairs and upkeep on long patrols. Could one have survived the engine overload?
The sound of her voice pulled him from his plotting. He gave her a warm smile, one that only grew wider when he saw her catch.
"How are things here? You feeling okay?"
“I’m much better, now that you’re back,” he said. But when his words hit his own ears, he cleared his throat, adding, “with food.”
His stomach was rumbling, and while he wasn’t a stranger to fasting, he’d need all the energy he could get in his current state. Elias leaned forward, offering to help however he could with cleaning and cooking the fish. Years spent on his father’s wa’a kaulau gave Elias an impressive edge when it came to angling; As fast as Valery could spear and roast the fish, Elias was gutting them.
“So, I’ve got some good news… and some not so good news.”
He gave her a cautious side-eye, trying to gauge which she was in the mood for first.
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