Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Down on your Luck?

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"Ah chit! Chit!"

It was said that a Smuggler always arrived to the spaceport in style and whoever said that needs to receive a blaster bolt to the face. Jolter swerved his ship through the hail of blaster flak. He thought the fracking battle of New Jedha was over and that the Galactic Alliance triumphed over the Brotherhood of the Maw. Well that was a fracking lie, there was some scattered Brotherhood squadrons taking on a GA capital ship and a few of their starfighters that surrounded it. Given that Jonter loves to do fancy flying he stuck out like a Gungan in the middle of the Tatooine. Both the GA and the BOTM opened fire on Jonter causing his shield to drop to 10 percent.

"Damn it Stan!" Jonter yelled through the radio. "I thought had clearance!"

All Jonter could hear was garbled nonsense, "frack you!" Jonter yelled slamming his fist on the console. Pressing some buttons, Jonter began to accelerate his ship away from the small battle and towards the coordinates that Stan sent him. This smuggling run better be worth the hassle, he expected a peaceful spaceway but it seems it seems that it was too much to expect the GA to do the bare minimum. Jonter entered Jedha's atmosphere still at top speeds. "Argh," Jonter breathed. "I took a hit at the back quarter, landing is gonna be tight."

The fact that the fracking spaceport was as miniscule as a Porg's droppings certainly didn't help. Jonter took a sharp turn seeing a large buildings looking like they're under construction, the Smuggler started the landing cycle as he entered the landing pad. A violent rumble was felt in Jonter's cockpit he struggled to keep the ship under control. From outside, Jonter witnessed sparks as his ship's hull scraped against the metal wall. "Not my fault," Jonter muttered making sure that the rest of his ship was intact.

Blinking, Jonter looked around to see a thin man leaning against one of the munitions boxes. He had thinning brown hair and a smug look on his face. "Piece of chit," Jonter got out from his chair running towards out of his ship. "Stan!" Jonter yelled. "Why the frack did the GA try to attack me?!"

"Well hello to you too Jonter," Stan replied. "I tried to tell you over the radio, there's still pockets of Brotherhood resistance in Jedha. Recently the bozos have been fracking with the GA's communications which included the automated systems such as the clearances. Got a bit worried though, the Brotherhood has been bringing the fire lately and it's preventing us from successfully setting up shop. I've listened to the chatter up in space, it's fracking shooting gallery up there."

"No kidding," Jonter gave a heavy sigh taking a closer look at his surroundings. "Haven't been in Jedha in years," he said. "This place looks new."

"Welcome to Fort Skywalker," Stan replied. "Biggest Fort in Jedha, the GA wanted to create a foothold on the planet after defeating the Brotherhood and built this advanced monstrosity."

"Apparently not advanced to have a feasible spaceport." Jonter said. "This place a mess."

"GA built it in a hurry to try to establish military presence." Stan said. "I've heard they're gonna do some renovating as soon as they wipe out the remaining Brotherhood. It hasn't been easy though based on how you escaped that battle." Stan approached Jonter giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Nice flying though." he said.

"Your blasters are ready Stan," Jonter said stretching his arms. "Looks like I'll be grounded for a little while until settle down."

"I'm gonna have to make it quick," Stan said walking back to the hangar and inspecting the munitions boxes. "Even though the main army has retreated, the remnants are putting up a real fight despite being disorganized and scattered. Been tough helping refugees or moving supplies through the area without getting ambushed. I'd say you need to haul ass as soon as possible."

"Well I'm not sticking around in this hellhole." Jonter replied. "Especially this close in Brotherhood space."

"Like I said," Stan replied crisply. "I'll make it quick, there's a bar not too far from here." he rifled through is pockets tossing Jonter a credit chit. "Your payment Jonter." he said. "Don't spend in one place."

"Don't worry I will," Jonter turned on his heel heading for the bar. Once he entered, the Smuggler plopped himself next to a Zeltron who was drinking in her sorrows. "I'll have some whiskey." Jonter grumbled slapping the credit chit he received on the table.

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"We're the kind of people who help people."

It was a wonderful thing to think quite lovely to say to yourself or others and rare to see put into action. Blaire had come to Jedha to be one of the rare ones. Outreach had been encouraged of her and her family for as long as she could remember. Sometimes that looked like bringing data-holos or toys to an orphanage or blankets and food to the homeless. After the events of Naboo, Blaire had seen outreach change to from small children and the unfortunate and her own relative safety to the dangers of an active war zone.

Her qualifications for being on Jedha at Fort Skywalker were exactly none. She was a ballerina not a soldier or a medic and yet the need for those willing to help was so great that she was not turned away. She was embraced. She'd learned how to clean and staunch a wound, how to fashion a tourniquet, and had assisted on a tracheotomy or three. She cooked, cleaned, washed, folded, held the hands of the wounded or dying. She did what was needed.

Outside the fort there was a local tavern which had become the unofficial watering hole for the soldiers still stationed at Skywalker. She entered the bar at midday dressed in simple working clothes. Joining her was her ever faithful escort Jaa Ardan. Tall, muscular, dark haired, and roughish Jaa was popular among the soldiers stationed here. He still wore the uniform of a man in service to the primary advisor to The Queen of Naboo, despite there not being any reason to. Her father had been lost and Jaa's as well. He simply stuck with her because he didn't know where else to go and in her mind that was more than fine. Jaa was good company and worked just as hard as she did to help during their last few weeks on base, he'd even taken to showing her how to shoot. His rifle was back in their quarters on base but Jaa kept his sidearm on him always when they went out, his primary duty was keeping her safe after all.

"Bar-man! Two whiskey. Corellian." Jaa said as he approached the bar which at the moment was occupied only by a zeltron woman and a man she did not recognize. Blaire found a table after greeting two or three soldiers she knew from base who had come for a day drink or a meal. Jaa was saying his welcomes as well while he waited for the drinks, the zeltron woman had stopped staring at her half empty glass and now only had eyes for Jaa who was happy to give her his attention back.

"Great. He's going to take forever with those drinks now." She said to herself as she pulled out her data pad and began scrolling.

She took a moment to check her messages. She'd received no new communications but she still had one in her drafts that was half written.

Dear Brandyn,

I don't know if this will reach you. If it even can, Shiraya's blessing I hope it can. I miss you so much. Don't tell Bri but I miss her too.

That was all she had. She wanted to say more. To tell him of her crazy night on level thirteen-thirteen that had cost her the most important audition of her life. She wanted to tell him of Hapes and her life there and how so much of it was hollow without him and daddy. She wanted to and yet she didn't know how. Maybe one day she would.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter placed his forehead onto the table groaning, just his luck to exit out of Lightspeed and find himself in the middle of the skirmish. There was a concept called Smuggler's luck where to be a Smuggler you have to be fast with a starship, skilled with a pistol, and be born with insane amounts of luck. Jonter was only blessed with the first two. The young man thought Smuggling was fun when he first joined the criminal underworld and it some instances it was. Though for the most, it was just mostly Jonter spending his time trying to make the right connections so he won't be thrown in prison. There was so much kissing up he had to do in order to tiptoe past authorities and even then you never know if your "friends" will back stab you.

Stan was one of those "friends" he made years ago. Though he worked as a field engineer who's contracted by the GA, his other job was a gun runner meaning he smuggles in weaponry to supply cartels or rebellions. There was a lot of creds to be made from the dangerous business but Stan had the right connections to not get caught. Jonter had been doing some jobs for Stan working as a small time gun runner, the jobs only got tougher once the war between the Brotherhood and the GA began. Smugglers thrive off war, it meant that the sides fighting were usually preoccupied with destroying each other allowing crimes to slip through the cracks.

A lot of stiff competition these days but Jonter struggled to find work mainly because he wasn't a well known commodity. Afterall, Jonter just joined the Smuggling business after deserting from the Sith Army. There was a young woman closer to Jonter's age looking behind him scrolling through her datapad. She looked cute, might as well turn on the Smuggler charm and by charm Jonter meant possibly getting tazed by an annoyed woman. Still, didn't hurt to try.

The bartender gave a curt nod and slid the glass full of whiskey towards Jonter. "If anything," Jonter took a sip making sure to wipe off the froth from his mouth. "The GA should be the one expanding the damn spaceport, that chit looks like it was made last minute."

Jonter sighed taking another sip. "Hey there beautiful." He said turning around. "This is my first time in Jedha in years," he said. "Name's Jonter Dalton," he said. "I'm a privateer for the Alliance and who might you be beautiful?"

Might as well enjoy the attention while he can.

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren




"Hey there beautiful." A voice said from over at the bar. Somehow Blaire knew the comment was directed toward her. She moved her data pad down from her face just enough for her eyes to be seen through thick coal lashes. The voice on the other side of her datapad belonged to a man at the bar. Dark-skinned and handsome with a face she didn’t recognize. Not that she everyone on the base or who hung around the spaceport by any means, people were always coming and going and yet there was something about this guy that had her convinced he wasn’t just another soldier.

"This is my first time in Jedha in years," he said. "Name's Jonter Dalton," he said. "I'm a privateer for the Alliance and who might you be beautiful?"

Blaire put her datapad away, crossed her arms in front of her and leaned back in her chair, making a show out of studying Jonter. A quick glance told her Jaa was still at the bar engrossed with the zeltron woman and not an inch closer to being at the table with their drinks, whether this was because the zeltron turned on her charm or because Jaa was busy turning on his, she couldn’t say.

“Blaire. Blaire Sal-Soren.” She said, “Well mister Dalton, are you going to buy me a drink? You can finish yours over here with me and tell me what kept you from Jedha for so long. Let me guess…criminal record? No wait…a wife.”

Blaire placed her foot on the chair directly across from her and shoved it away from the table to offer Jonter a seat. His approach was perhaps a bit more crude than she was used to but he did seem the sort that could provide an interesting time.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton


Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
A smile spread across Jonter's lips so this Blaire is playing hard to get it seems. It was actually cute that she was assuming that he was either a criminal or had an estranged wife. The former was true though while the latter...... well let's just say back when Jonter was a slave in the Sith Empire, the Sith would choose his wife. The reasoning behind it was to breed the strongest slave possible, genetics are destiny at least that was what Jonter's master would constantly tell him. Thankfully the Sith Empire collapsed before Jonter was chosen a wife, he shuddered to think what kind of woman would be a fit for him.

Jonter "served" in the Sith Army fighting the Galactic Alliance and the New Imperial Order (now known as the Empire...... how original.) during the dying days of the Sith Empire. He fought on Korriban, Ziost and other battles too many list. Jonter couldn't say he was proud of what he did for the Sith it was either obey or die and Jonter likes his life. Now and days Jonter just wanted to keep to himself who knows if either the Alliance or the Empire is after Sith remnants. The Smuggler's grin continued to grow when she offered him a chair something that he was all too happy to do so.

"Why wait until I finish my drink," Jonter said walking over to Blaire and sitting in front of her. "It'll be disrespectful not to drink with a woman that's as lovely as you."

He motioned the bartender. "Give her what I'm having," Jotner said winking at her. "So to answer your question gorgeous," he said smiling. "I'm not married, I'm just a..... single guy who works as a freelance. Exploring the galaxy, meeting beautiful women like you."

Jonter chuckled, that was a lie. Jonter always played things safe, being a gunrunner didn't pay much but it granted him clearance and it allowed Jonter to avoid detection. As a former Sith Soldier, who knows what they'll do to him. "So Blaire," Jonter said. "What are you doing in these parts, a pretty woman like you sticks out in these parts."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"It'll be disrespectful not to drink with a woman that's as lovely as you." he said taking the seat in front of her.

"Disrespectful to who?" She asked with a laugh as she watched him sit down. The bartender brought her drink to the table and she slipped him a credit chip as thanks. She swirled the golden liquid once or twice and brought it to her lips.

"Mm, thank you for the drink." She said with a polite smile despite her only thought being: Not Corellian

"So to answer your question gorgeous," he said smiling. "I'm not married, I'm just a..... single guy who works as a freelance. Exploring the galaxy, meeting beautiful women like you."

"Hm, and despite all the many women who have had the pleasure of your charm, there wasn't one you found to settle down with?" She said sarcastically of his bragging. Why men thought shouting about how many girls they've been with should impress a woman was beyond her. Did they think that the mere suggestion that they could have perhaps settled down but yet hadn't would somehow make them seem appealing? Seemed more like a red flag to her than some invitation to be the one to try and settle them down.

"So Blaire," Jonter said. "What are you doing in these parts, a pretty woman like you sticks out in these parts."

"I'm not sure you've noticed Mister Dalton but there is still a war here on Jedha. I came to do my part and help the brave men and women here any way I could."

And help she had. Just yesterday she had assisted on an amputation and two weeks before that she and Jaa rushed to help clear the wreckage of a downed X-wing, helping to save the pilot's life, though she remained badly burned and in intensive care, submerged in bacta to this day.

"And yourself? What brings you to Jedha, the promise of credits? The profit of these people's lives?"

She was perhaps a little sharper with him than he deserved but the wounds of Naboo were still fresh and her time here had allowed her to know and care for many who had been irreparably harmed and the thought that he would swagger in here for no other thought than his own pockets and on top of that try and charm his way into her good graces and other places besides with vapid shallow compliments better reserved for the type of girl you paid to dance with a pole did leave her vexed.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"Disrespectful against the laws of nature sweetheart," Jonter said gently raising his cup towards Blaire. "It's natural to admire the beauty of women such as you. To praise and worship the ground that you walk on, the fact that you stick out around these..... scoundrels and no one decided to make a move on you is telling. Where I come from, you have to take a risk and talk to that pretty girl. It ain't the end of the world if she ends calling you a jerk."

It was the opposite in Korriban where Jonter was born in, it was either sit down, shut up, and obey otherwise you'll be killed. A slave's life wasn't exactly glamorous with Jonter seeing his close friends and family either being beaten to death or used as for Sith experiments. Jonter himself was beaten and whipped by his Sith masters for minor transgressions before being forced into the Sith Army which was a mercy thinking back.

"I thought the Alliance won the battle of Jedha?" Jonter asked. "These Brotherhood remnants have become a pain the ass it seems. For crying out loud, I had to navigate through a battle in space. I barely escaped with my life!"

Alliance propaganda is quite effective, based on the news you would think the Alliance would have this war wrapped up by Life Day. But the Brotherhood were a faction driven by faith and fury. It was amazing what the new Sith accomplished in a few years compared to the Sith Empire. "I came to Jedha," Jonter said trying to maintain his sense of coolness. Blaire was clearly trying to act like she wasn't interested but she wouldn't invite him to chat if that was the case. "Because I want to help the Alliance win as well! I bought in munitions, rations, and all that for the fighting men and women of the Alliance. I may be an adventurer but that don't mean I like to help out every now and then."

He sighed. "But to your question about settling down, I just want to find that perfect girl you know?" Jonter said. "Just like I'm sure you want to look for that perfect man to sweep you off your feet?" Jonter gave Blaire a wink and smile.

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
This guy cannot be serious. Disrespectful to the laws of nature?

She laughed out loud when he said she should be worshiped. Who says something like that? How in the galaxy was she supposed to respond to something like that?

"You're the only scoundrel I see in here, Mr. Dalton and it's quite the leap for you to think I haven't made any moves of my own." She finished slyly taking another sip of her beverage. This bar as far as she'd known it, which hadn't been long, was usually full of soldiers not scoundrels unless one was to count Jaa Ardan but he hardly filled the room and for this privateer to think himself the first sentient here to pay her a compliment or seek her attention, well in her mind that did not make him very bright at all. Blaire had had her fun in the short time she was on Jedha, a night here or an afternoon there, and there was that time she convinced that handsome doctor to spend his weekend leave with her. At the end of it she thought he may desert just to stay with her.

"Surely, someone like you knows that getting called a jerk is far from the worst thing that could happen if you talk to the wrong pretty girl?" She asked behind a teasing smile.

"The Alliance did win. We wouldn't be sitting her chatting if they hadn't."

"I came to help." He told her as he explained exactly what it was he supposedly brought to aid the troops stationed here.

"And you brought these things for free? Not a single credit chip is going in your pocket?" She asked skeptically.

He sighed. "But to your question about settling down, I just want to find that perfect girl you know?" Jonter said. "Just like I'm sure you want to look for that perfect man to sweep you off your feet?" Jonter gave Blaire a wink and smile.

She laughed again but she couldn't help but look toward the bar at Jaa Ardan when Jonter mentioned a man to sweep her off her feet.

"You make a lot of presumptions toward me and my personal life Mr. Dalton."

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"Believe me sweetheart," Jonter chuckled. "It's far from the worst I've ever called besides I like being called a scoundrel."

No, the worst thing Jonter was called was a useless piece of garbage only born to serve and die for the Sith Empire. Jonter was constantly reminded of who he was by his Sith Masters: Just a little plaything that can be killed any time. He could feel his whip scars ache as he dwelled on those unhappy memories. "Of course I get paid Blaire," Jonter said. "But hey I'm here because I care, you can call me a hero for hire."

Jonter leaned against his chair while Blaire mentioned that he was making a lot of presumption of her personal life. "I'm pretty sure everyone has that dream Blaire," Jonter chuckled. "But I'm glad I got somebody to talk to."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"Believe me sweetheart," Jonter chuckled. "It's far from the worst I've ever called besides I like being called a scoundrel."

"I never said it was a bad thing. In fact, I quite like scoundrels." She told him with a wry smile. "And Blaire is fine." She told him. Names like "sweetheart" or "hun" or "babe" bothered her to no end. She had a perfectly fine name and introduced herself as such, it couldn't be that hard to remember and if it were, well then, the conversation just wasn't worth having.

"Of course I get paid Blaire," Jonter said. "But hey I'm here because I care, you can call me a hero for hire."

She laughed at that. A soft polite laugh that girls of her station were taught were appropriate. She found men did find it attractive or at the very least they pretended to.

"A hero-for-hire?" She asked him with a bemused chuckle. "And what if the other side had tried to hire you Mr. Dalton? Surely, the boys in black need munitions and the like as well?" She asked.

It was a question of character though she asked it lightly enough. She knew there were some people who would be disgusted at the thought of helping the Maw in any way and others who would simply lie to please her. There were others however who would take work from the Maw just as quickly as take work from the alliance and not lose a moment of sleep over it. Scoundrels.

"I'm pretty sure everyone has that dream Blaire," Jonter chuckled. "But I'm glad I got somebody to talk to."

"You would be mistaken then Mr. Dalton. I've never had that dream." She told him as she finished her drink.

The thought of her future being tied to a single person made her chest tighten. She could think of no other word for it other than "prison". To take all she is, all she was, and all she could be and lock it away for what?

"Is that all we are going to do? Talk?" She asked, a slyness in her voice.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter checked his Holowatch hoping that Stan would finish clearing the weapons cache. The thing about certain blasters especially ones officially made by major factions like the Galactic Alliance is that they come with an ID lock that can only be unlocked through biometric scans from soldiers. Those weapons needed to have those locks disabled by the manufactures. Blaster launders often work on the inside and Jonter formed a friendship with one of them. A man who calls himself: Mr. X.

"I dunno," Jonter said smirking. "How about I take you on a date? I've heard there's a hill overlooking the entire grassy plain of Jedha. It's north from Fort Skywalker. Why not you and I have a nice little picnic there."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"A picnic?" She asked, brow furrowing and her lip curling into a pout. "Mr. Dalton, you disappoint me. You had me convinced you were a proper scoundrel."

A picnic? Did she really look like a girl to swoon over something so…pedestrian? There was food right where they were, and half chit whiskey as well. Maybe, this spacer wasn't anything more than a handsome face, and it would take more than that to keep Blaire interested. She required a little bite.

Her eyes flicked toward the bar hoping to catch sight of Jaa and give him some kind of sign to come rescue her but the man was nowhere to be found, and neither was the zeltron or Blaire's drink.

He was going to pay.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton
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Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
A laugh escaped Jonter's lips, he gotta admit he loved seeing Blaire as being miss plain hard to get. It made things fun and besides the most important thing that Jonter accomplished was that he got Blaire's undivided attention. "Please," Jonter said cheerfully placing his hands behind his head while lifting his feet on the table. "You believe that having a picnic in the middle of a warzone where crazy ass Dark Side cultists are howling for Alliance blood is something out of a story book?"

Jonter shook his head maintaining his smile. "Sweetheart," he said. "You really underestimate me."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"Please," Jonter said cheerfully placing his hands behind his head while lifting his feet on the table. "You believe that having a picnic in the middle of a warzone where crazy ass Dark Side cultists are howling for Alliance blood is something out of a story book?"

Jonter shook his head maintaining his smile. "Sweetheart," he said. "You really underestimate me."

"No," she told him looking at his boots on the table with a face of disgust that only the most pampered can pull off. "I think it's boring." She told him. She had seen plenty of Jedha already, plenty of blood, and plenty of war.

"Mr. Jonter, it rather looks like I have over estimated you, and my name is Blaire, thank you."

He had a ship! He was a gun runner! And yet he thought to impress her with a picnic in a war zone? A war zone she has spent months in, meeting and losing friends, being covered in blood of ally and enemy alike. She wanted to see the stars. She wanted to fly a ship wanted by galactic governments, piloted by an outlaw.

She wanted…

Where the seven Corellian hells was Jaa?

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter's face faltered a bit, his smug expression slowly turning dour. Now Blair went from hard to get to downright impossible. What was he missing? Jonter thought he had the charms of the typical Smuggler he watched in the Holovids. What did he do wrong? Unless..... Jonter studied Blair his eyebrows crinkled into a frown. He recognized that look from the Sith masters he served as a child. She wasn't stressed, she was bored and wanted to get out of this warzone as soon as possible.

"Wait a minute," Jonter slowly got up and stared at Blaire. "You want to go on an adventure?!"

He chuckled. Looks like this woman was addicted to danger and she saw him as her ticket out of here. "Well then....." He chuckled nervously. "I guess that can be arranged though...."

Jonter took his arm. "Let's talk in private," he whispered. "Don't want any Alliance officials eavesdropping."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
Jonter Dalton stood from his seat exclaiming something about an adventure and reached out for her arm. Blaire let him pull her from her seat.

"Let's talk in private," he whispered. "Don't want any Alliance officials eavesdropping."

"Like your ship?" She asked.

Was leaving with a self professed scoundrel to abscond onto their spaceship, while her bodyguard was not around to know where she got off to the best idea Blaire had ever had?

Maybe not the best but it was a good one. It would teach Jaa a lesson for thinking with his…well not his big brain that's for sure, and Blaire was not worried about this Jonter, not really, for Shiriya's sake he wanted to have a picnic and if worse came to worse, she had that holdout pistol that Jaa gave her tucked in the small of her back.

"Can we go now?" She asked.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Blaire was going to go with Jonter just like that? Strange..... is it possible that Blaire could be a Sith spy? Given the rumblings of the Sith forming in the edges of the Outer Rim, Jonter had to be cautious. "My ship," Jonter said gritting his teeth. "Is getting its cargo moved my man: Stan will contact me once the all the stuff cleared."

Holding Blaire's hand, Jonter immediately exited the bar looking up at the clear sky. Squinting, the Smuggler could see flashing white dots in the distance. "We're not even clear to leave this place," Jonter lamented. "Fighting in space is still intense to the point where we can see it from the planet's surface. Even I get all smuggled stuff out, we're still grounded here until we get the all clear from the Alliance."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"Then where are we going?" Blaire asked letting Jonter lead her out of the bar.

She wanted to fly or something, something exciting. She had to say that right now Jonter Dalton was one disappointing smuggler. Maybe Jaa would find them, that could be exciting.

"Can you fight?" She asked.

Jonter seemed big. Not quite as big as Jaa but it would probably be interesting if the two got in a scrape over her,

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"I prefer to stay out of fights," Jonter said. "But I can defend myself especially if some creep tries to pull a fast one on your pretty face." Though Jonter's heart was racing over the possibility over Blaire being a spy, he couldn't help but be drawn to her beauty. "Damn me," Jonter thought. "Bringing her will be nothing but trouble but..... look at her!"

"I am going to go and check on the cargo," Jonter said holding her hand. "You on the other hand will need to stay out of sight because if my partner catches, I get in trouble which means I don't get paid for this run."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"I prefer to stay out of fights," Jonter said. "But I can defend myself especially if some creep tries to pull a fast one on your pretty face."

If Blaire rolled her eyes any harder she would have fallen over.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked teasingly as Jonter supposedly led her toward his ship. He could be taking her anywhere really and try to do anything but he really didn't give off the menacing vibe.

"I am going to go and check on the cargo," Jonter said holding her hand. "You on the other hand will need to stay out of sight because if my partner catches, I get in trouble which means I don't get paid for this run."

She let him continue to hold her hand. It was sweet but just presumptuous enough to feel like a scandal.

"I thought this was your ship?" She asked trying to picture Jaa or daddy let anyone tell them they weren't going to get paid for a job they did.

"Sounds more like your boss than your partner." She said once again finding herself disappointed in the smuggler.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

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