Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Down on your Luck?

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
"Was going to say that you were beautiful," Jonter smirked unconsciously holding Blaire's hand. "But I figured enough people would describe you as such so I decided to spice things up."

He was starting to feel comfortable in Blaire's presence, not that he wasn't but he was surprised Blaire didn't try to poke his eye out or kick him in the balls. Lady luck was finally on his side for once in Jonter's life! "That ship?!" Jonter looked at the luxury Starship no doubt belonging to a Senator or someone in power. "Of course not! I'm a Smuggler not some rich merchant from Alderaan!"

The Smuggler took Blaire towards the hangar where he saw Stan continuing to remove the cargo from his ship. "I'm a Gun Runner Blaire," Jonter said. "That means I work for various employers from the Alliance to Cartels, with the war going on there's always going to be weapons that need to be smuggled."

He squeezed Blaire's hand. "Let's go check on Stan," he said.

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"Was going to say that you were beautiful," Jonter smirked unconsciously holding Blaire's hand. "But I figured enough people would describe you as such so I decided to spice things up."

Those are the same thing. She thought to herself, rolling her eyes…again.

"That ship?!"….

"No, not that ship." Blaire said annoyed. "The one you said I can't go in or you don't get paid. I was just asking because I wouldn't think a real captain would let anyone tell them who they could bring onto their ship." She clarified the bite still in her tone.

"I'm a Gun Runner Blaire," Jonter said. "That means I work for various employers from the Alliance to Cartels, with the war going on there's always going to be weapons that need to be smuggled."

Blaire roughly pulled her hand from hers.

"I understand perfectly well what a gun runner is, Jonter." She put added venom when she said his name. "I'm not some naïveté little girl and you shouldn't talk to me like I am." She was really angry now.

"My point was," she stopped walking and crossed her arms. "If this guy decides if you get paid and won't pay you if he sees me, he doesn't sound much like a partner does he?"

"Let's go check on Stan," he said.

"Is that the guy I need to hide from?" Blaire asked getting more sick of Jonter Dalton and his attitude by the moment.

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
So much for lady luck blessing Jonter.

He grimaced when Blaire removed her hand from his just when were looking up. "I mean it's my ship!" Jonter said. "It's just that Stan's people are taking out the cargo. I like to fly solo you know and be my own man."

Jonter then sighed, he didn't understand why Blaire acted as though he was treating her as some naive girl. Many people have often confused being a gun runner with being a smuggler much to Jonter's surprise. "People are often confused about what a Gun Runner is," Jonter shrugged. "So much that me clarifying it pretty much a habit for me."

The Smuggler nodded when Blaire asked if she needed to hide. "You could do that," he said. "Or you could say that you're my partner. Stan is a paranoid man but he and I have been working together for a while."

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren
"I mean it's my ship!" Jonter said. "It's just that Stan's people are taking out the cargo. I like to fly solo you know and be my own man."

Blaire rolled her eyes again. A habit that daddy had tried to break her of ages ago. Jonter Dalton was being willingly obtuse and she was not happy about it.

"People are often confused about what a Gun Runner is," Jonter shrugged. "So much that me clarifying it pretty much a habit for me."

“Stupid people maybe.” Blaire said sounding exactly the spoiled petulant child she was acting like.

The Smuggler nodded when Blaire asked if she needed to hide. "You could do that," he said. "Or you could say that you're my partner. Stan is a paranoid man but he and I have been working together for a while."

She realized that for all the times she was disappointed that Jonter wasn’t Jaa, she could do a better job of remembering that he was not Jaa Ardan. He probably didn’t intend to come off as a jerk.

“Your partner?” she said a small grin starting to pull at the corners of her mouth. “You’d be lucky to have me.” She elbowed Jonter playfully in the ribs. “So partner tell me about Stan and tell me about this job.”

Jonter Dalton Jonter Dalton

Jonter Dalton

The Unluckiest Smuggler
Jonter grunted when Blaire elbowed him on shoulders, he should've told her to stay outside. Stan was a paranoid man and was always suspicious whenever things don't go to plan. "Frack man....." Jonter thought. "This is what you get when you have a pretty girl override your common sense."

Stan placed his hands on his hips his gaze lingering on Blaire. "Jonter!" He said walking towards the Smuggler. "Who is this?"

"My partner: Blaire," Jonter said trying and failing to force a smile. "I was picking her up while you were offloading my things."

Stan's eyebrows slowly knitted into a frown Stan didn't fall for the ruse It was clear based off his expression. Stan was in the Smuggling business for decades. He didn't get this far as a criminal without knowing how to read people and with the constantly changing expressions on Jonter's face he might as well be an open book. "Jonter...." Stan sighed. "Are you trying to impress your girlfriend here?"

"GIRLFRIEND?" Jonter looked at Blaire incredulously.

Blaire Sal-Soren Blaire Sal-Soren

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