Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Down The Road

[member="Delila Castillon"]

Two of the bolts flew over his head, Jerick managing to duck in time to avoid being struck by them.

A curse escaped his lips, and suddenly he found a third bolt striking him directly in the shoulder. The bright red blast struck his skin and burn through his suit, tearing apart the fabric and singing the skin beneath. A slight yelp of pain escaped him, but he didn't stop his charge.

The Executioners behind him made no move to follow, assuming that the Thawne would be able to handle the situation without their assistance. They were ruthless men, more prone to judgement than a gaggle of high school girls sitting at the same cafeteria. Jerick knew that they would be watching, and lest they say something unsavory to his parents he would have no choice but to succeed in taking down this woman.

He let out a slight roar.

Then he bounded forward, leaping at the woman and aiming to tackle her.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Delila was pleased with herself one of the bolts had made contact with the man. It slowed him down slightly but also enraged him as anyone taking a blaster bolt to the shoulder could attest. Considering she had taken a similar shot months back in a firefight Delila knew the pain. And the limitations soon to follow once the adrenaline wore off.

Charging toward her, the target leaped, grabbing towards her. Delila kept a forward motion, needing to gain as much ground as possible. His hands connected around her knees, weight pulling her down face first to the dirty cantina floor. Blaster remained tight in her grip, the redhead taking a hard fall instead of trying to actually brace herself.

Realistically it wasn't going to be much use if they were going to be doing some close quarters combat but Delila liked the fact if the goon squad came towards her a fight could be had. Booted feet came to try to kick the target off, concerned he was gaining the upper hand already in their fight.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Jerick moved fast, and he did exactly what his parents taught him to do.

He had been running the Coratanni Cartel's fighting rings almost since he'd turned fifteen, a position that he was not only exceedingly good at, but naturally disposed to. Since childhood he'd often been the scrappiest of the Thawne kids, never using any real technique or form, but succeeding in taking down even Matthias in a straight fight.

It was one of the few skills he had.

As the young man went crashing into Delila his hands quickly swept low. He didn't attempt to punch or hit her, but instead swept his arms around her. One attempted to clamp around her neck, the other hooking around her belly in order to force the window out of her.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Delila knew what he was doing - trying to stop her from breathing. She was most concerned with the arm attempting to snake around her neck. Breathing was essential and she didn't want to be passed out in a room full of enemy. Not that Delila suspected she would be killed right away. In her opinion he could have killed her already. No, the target wanted information out of her.

A grunt, her hand pushing against his shoulder while her knee came up, an attempt to put space between them and loosen his grip.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

He grunted as he felt her hand press against him.

Jerick knew that he only had a limited amount of time. The woman had a gun, and while the Executioners were still int he cantina eventually whatever Hutt or Crime Lord ran this place would realize there had just been a massacre. Coratanni could take on most anyone in a war, but with only five of them here they could hardly take on an army.

The Coratanni Lieutent let out a muted curse, and then balled the free hand around her stomach into a fist.

In an odd, twisting way he found his hand around and brought it down into the womans Thoracic diaphragm, hoping to knock the wind out of her.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Fingers tightened around the blaster. One hand was struggling to keep the target from gaining the upper hand in choking her. Blaster hand was coming to smack against the guys head. A good couple smacks would either make the target enraged beyond measure, back off or perhaps a bit of both. Anyone with a brain knew if she could shake him off for a minute he could be shot again. Delila had been told to keep him alive but her patience with that clause was already wearing thin.

Just as her hand was coming up his fist made contact, knocking the wind out of her. Strangled cough soon followed, along with the now soured liquor from her stomach. Blaster scattered across the floor.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Bile splattered across his clothes, catching on the black of his jacket and sinking into his shirt.

The scent of it touched his nose almost immediately, disgust floating across his features as he realized what had just happened. The woman had decided, or rather had been forced to throw up on him. The worst part of him nearly responded in kind, bile rising in his throat before he managed to catch himself and swallow hard. His face twisted in a grimace.

"Stupid Schutta!" Jerick cursed.

His fist came down again, this time towards the woman's face.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Delila couldn't have been more happy than to have vomited on the pretty-boy target she was currently fighting with. It caught him off guard despite the fact he was the one who landed the blow to her stomach. There was a curse from his lips, rage and frustration bubbling up. Dells would take it, the more frustrated he got the more mistakes would hopefully be made.

Fist came down and she moved her head slightly, still catching a bit of the blow. She needed the upper hand and quickly. Knee came to meet groin.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

The strike hit home, an unfortunate fact that caused Jerick to half cross his eyes.

A loud 'oof' passed from his lips and almost immediately pain shot up through his body. A groan forced its way through his throat and he went tumbling to the side, landing on the ground besides Deila with a loud thud. His hands of course fell to his front, guarding himself from further strikes.

His breaths drew in shallow.

What the fuck was going on with this woman?
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Delila hadn't expected such a tactic to actually work. Target had crumpled to the ground and seemed to be in a decent amount of pain. Her face certainly had felt better days and her breathing was coming at a pant. She could stay, grab the blaster and go from there. Or Dells could get the hell out, regroup and follow the target at a later time.

Option number two was best right now.

"See you soon."

Grabbing the blaster, Delila high tailed it for the bathroom and the window one could escape out of.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Jerick let out a curse, swearing something under his breath.

The ache between his legs hurt quite a bit, but he wasn't about to let her get away. The pride that he felt was a little bit much for that, especially given that four of his parents executioners were standing around inside of the cantina, all of them like watching.

Without a thought Jerick spun, moving onto his stomach and attempting to catch the woman's leg with his right hand.

The effort was last ditch to be sure, but it was something.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Again the idea of killing the target entered her head. The four horsemen were waiting around but if she took a shot at their boss then Delila suspected they wouldn't be so hands off. Pretty Boy lunged and grabbed her ankle. There was no way she was slowing down. There was a hard yank, nearly pulling the target with her. Pulling with enough force her boot popped off, leaving one worn and fairly smelly boot behind.

Dells was up and out through the window. The assignment had been compromised, she would have to figure out how to continue without being caught. Pretty Boy knew what she looked like, he'd be on the lookout now.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

Jerick let out a curse as he scrambled up and off the floor.

Before he even turned around he could already feel the Executioners eyes on him, all of them staring. He knew that their judgement would be silent, but that hardly mattered. He had to find an end to all of this. The entire bar had been slaughtered, but clearly the woman whom he had just fought was the one who had been following him.

He let out a curse, kicking the shoe that had been left behind. "Burn the place down."

Jerick barked at the Executioners.

"Then get me whatever information brokers we know here on Nar Shaddaa." There was bound to be more than a few. "I want to know who she is."
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

Dells didn't stop running until nearly half a kilometer or more later. Lucky for her, most people on Nar Shadda didn't bat an eye at such a thing. Criminal activity was fairly widespread, keeping a head down and to one's own business was vital to survival. Walking was now a bit difficult to do considering she was down a boot. The redhead was pissed about the boot. Yes it had been old and worn but they were expensive and not to mention fit well.

Add that to the assignments expense list.

She was staying close to the spaceport where Pretty Boy had landed when she first spotted him. There would be a regrouping from there. Maybe she would have to call in someone else. Scrub the assignment. Pretty Boy saw her face and it was going to be near impossible to sneak up on him once again.

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