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DR-34D Command Walker - Citadel Lament

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The Devil | Kavar Lok Kas'Oni


[*]Defenses: Very High
  • ​Alchemized Armor
  • Reinforced Joints
  • Radiation Protection

[*]Passenger Capacity: ​Upwards of 600 Legionnaires (In Command Center and Legs)
[*]Cargo Capacity: Small
  • Alchemized Defenses
  • Mobile Command Center
  • Walker Servo Motors
  • Walker Gyroscopic Propulsion System
  • Walker Fusion Drive Systems
  • Walker Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Walker Life Support Systems
  • Walker Navigational Systems
  • Walker Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Walker Communications Systems
  • Walker Environmental Control Systems
  • Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks
  • Strengths:
    Alchemized Walker: Through rituals that nearly killed its main creator, and having killed several hundred, if not thousands of engineers, this walker is one of the pinnacles of command vehicles for the Sith Empire. Because of its alchemization, the walker is nigh-impervious to standard attacks and many forms of assaults, from other walkers and vehicles to starships in orbit.
  • Mobile Command Center: Designed to resemble a citadel of archaic aesthetic, the command center upon the shoulders and back of the walker allows Darth Carnifex to rule the battlefield with impunity. The command center's spires and also house the walker's primary generators and reactors, with the feet housing the backups. They also hold the walker's optional compliment of legionnaires who act mainly as the walker's defenders should intruders manage to somehow enter the walker's interior structure. With the gaudiness expected of the Emperor and the logistical and destructive systems that have become the norm of the Empire's machines, the command center offers a grim, dreaded look into the mindset of the Galaxy's conquering warlords.
  • Armaments: Boasting weapons normally seen as ground emplacements and on starships, the Citadel Lament is a veritable walking dreadnought capable of destruction untold during ground engagements. Capable of defending itself from all-sides with manual and automated defenses, the Citadel Lament can only be touched by the most skilled and/or luckiest of assailants whether on foot or in machines.

  • Extreme Weight and Size: The sheer mass of this machine makes it incapable of sharp turns and actions requiring maneuverability beyond standard walking and the slight leaning required for angled shots.
  • Slower than Slow: The walker will rarely see fighting up-close-and-personal unless the enemy is nearby already or makes their way to it. This also makes it vulnerable to fast opponents that manage to avoid its nearly innumerable weapon emplacements as well as forcing it to be a long-ranged machine.
  • No Shields: Due to the method of creation and energy consumption, the walker cannot produce a shield, making it vulnerable to sustained assaults and attacks upon any weak-points that it possesses.
  • Dark Side: As with all things of Sith Alchemy, the Citadel Lament is susceptible to the Light Side and its forms of attack. While the required pressure is vastly increased due to the defenses of the machine, it is still possible if enough Jedi band together for one massive assault, barring that they survive long enough to do so.

The idea for the Citadel Lament came to Kascalion in a dream. Envisioning a towering figure of impenetrable metal and countless weapons over and over again in waking dreams that left him in a cold swear, the Devil Lion came to the understanding that such a beast must be made, if not for the Empire, but to silence his ever expanding muse. Thus began the construction of the Citadel Lament, the first and perhaps only entry into the the DR-34D Command Walker class of Imperial Walkers, although the term Mecha would be apt as well.

The creation of the machine proved tiresome and egregious for many months, with hundreds of Engineers falling victim to dangerous work conditions and increasing complexity. In addition, Kascalion grew inspired and decided to utilize Sith Alchemy to craft the machine into something of dark prowess. The process of this increased the machine's construction time even longer and claimed the lives of even more Imperial personnel. Before long, the machine's frame had began to forge an aura of dread and fear, one that even the Devil Lion acknowledged as something beyond what he had felt in his life before.

Combined with his visions of a land of ancient spires of arcane knowledge, the machine took on a humanoid form carrying a vast citadel upon its shoulders. Designing the "head" of the machine to resemble that of a man in pain, the dark walker took the name of "Citadel Lament" and was planned to serve as the Empire's icon of burden, acknowledging its understanding of the price they had to pay for galactic security.

Eventually, the machine's construction was complete and all became clear the Devil Lion who presented his creation to the Emperor as a gift for decimation upon the foes of the Empire.

Although it has seen little action because of its size, transport difficulties, and unique status of being the only one of its kind, the Citadel Lament is widely known for its intimidation factor and the destructiveness it can unleash upon the battlefield. With weapons capable of sundering starships and decimating armies, Darth Carnifex is now capable of ruling the battlefield with a fist of iron that proves unbreakable to even the hardiest of opponents.
Factory Judge
[member="Kascalion Giedfield"],

After speaking to the powers that be, I am going to have to deny this submission. Gonna go ahead and tell you why, what my thoughts are on it, and so forth.

This for all intents and purposes, is one massive walker. However, my own thoughts upon it was that it was going over the line into Mecha territory. Even more so, because you are using an image from Warhammer 40k. Namely, I do not feel it matched the "Industrial Star Wars Feel" that is listed directly in the Factory Standardized Rules. More over, it takes a more humanoid shape with shoulders, arms, and even a clearly defined "face" upon it just from the picture you have alone. You even mention that it was specifically meant to look like "A man in pain."

To have this edited to match a general consensus that the Factory holds as to what constitutes as a Walker, Mecha, Power armor, or just a mounted Vehicle, would completely change the structure of this submission.

I do appreciate the effort put forth. Its a thought out submission. However, it just doesn't fit the Star Wars universe.
Factory Judge
This submission has been denied and moved to the Archives.

You may request a Second Chance within the Factory Discussion Forum and tag [member="Runi Verin"] for review.

Thank you!
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