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Approved Tech Draemidus Finis Crystal

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Manufacturer: Draemidus Prime
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Light
Size: Average



  • Intent: To create an extremely powerful, naturally occurring energy source for the Draelvasier.
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  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • When a laser is focused through the crystal it produces a colossal amount of energy, usable in many various forms of technology.

  • The Draemidus Finis Crystals produce an enormous amount of energy compared to most standard energy sources used throughout the galaxy, even kyber, far exceeding most by a magnitude of ten.
  • In part due to the cataclysm that transfigured the crystals, they are surprisingly durable, stable, and resistant from most forms of damage.

  • It's greatest strength is one of its greatest drawbacks. The sheer amount of energy contained within the crystal means if destroyed, it will unleash a devastating explosion.
  • Due to the hardiness of the crystal, the process to harvest these is long and complex to ensure safe extraction, without compromising the integrity of each crystal requiring significant time.

Draemidus Prime.

The legendary homeworld of the Draelvasier species contains a colossal legacy stretching far into the past. Unlike any other world in the known galaxy, it is a legacy marred in more devastating conflict and disaster than any other world. Such a warlike species has dearly paid the price and anyone who looks upon its surface can see something horrific has happened here. In ages past deep beneath the crust of the world, Nova Crystals were once found. These blue crystals were burrowed deeply, often utilized when rarely found for use in devastating weaponry for many wars.
That was until disaster struck.
A terrible cataclysm that served to break a shattered world more, leaving its species reeling permanently twisted the surface of the planet. These crystals were permanently transfigured by the terrible disaster, turning them from a blue sheen to a blackened red color. The process permanently excited the crystals, infusing them with such latent energy from the event they could no longer be considered to be the same crystal at all. For countless ages these crystals remained dormant beneath the surface, forgotten in the many wars that engulfed the planet.
That was until the rise of the Bryn'adul Empire.
Under the leadership of Chieftain Tathra Khaeus, the Draelvasier invaded the known galaxy spreading like a plague, destroying countless worlds and wiping out species. The ever-growing demands of their immense war machine left the brilliant minds among the Draelvasier ever searching for any advantage they can find. To this end they turned to the pages of their long, storied past and their homeworld. It was here that the Draemidus Finis Crystals were rediscovered in ancient underground caverns. The first attempts at harvesting the crystals proved deadly however, costing the lives of many due to their explosive properties.
This would not stop the Draelvasier. As they had done many times before the species simply adapted, changing their methods. Scientists underneath the supervision of Warlord Rakvul developed a process by which the crystals could be harvested. Once they were safely extracted, they were then swiftly put into use as valuable energy sources for a wide variety of technological applications, the possibilities were endless.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an extremely powerful, naturally occurring energy source for the Draelvasier.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Draelvasier | Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Draemidus Finis Crystal
Modular: No
Material: Transfigured Nova Crystals
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