Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dragon Palace Casino [Open to All] [Red Ravens]

Well, that was the most entertaining situation he'd ever seen in a casino. Not that he'd been in a lot of casino's or anything. Regardless, he was pretty sure that he'd never before seen someone just waltz in and start mowing people down. Killian didn't particularly care about the aliens that got killed, but it burned his butt that humans died as well. Being a xenophobe sometimes worked out in situations where xenophobia would be frowned upon. Since humans had been affected as well, he could genuinely be angry at the attacker.

Of course when [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] returned from dealing with the situation he simply just waved his hand at him.

"Such things have a way of happening in establishments like this no matter what you do to prevent them. No offense or anything. I rather like this place."

He grinned and then glanced at the other people around. So many.

"So what's deal, Lysle. Why'd you invite us here?"

Lord Ghoul

The Thronebreaker rolled his eyes, beating aside [member="Daxton Bane"]'s telekinetic attack with a casual gesture. Dressed only in a leather jacket, a grey tunic and plain pants, Shorn looked more prepared for a bar than a battlefield. It was a mistake people often made when confronting the derisive Sith. He didn't appear to take much of anything seriously. Mikhail didn't know the deep arts of Dark Magic. He couldn't heal himself wickedly fast. In fact, he probably couldn't even take an apprentice in a saber duel, mainly because he didn't own a lightsaber.

If Daxton had attempted any other type of attack the chances of success would've skyrocketed, but Mikhail used telekinesis almost to the point of exclusivity. So when Bane's attack came Shorn couldn't help but let out a short chuckle. He could count on one hand the amount of people who could match him in this area. A certain has-been Zabrak didn't make the cut.

"Really, Spikey? Is that the best you can do?"

A hand came up to his lips as he let out a facetious gasp.

"Oh, was that your line?"

He shrugged and flicked a hand, unleashing a massive blast of pent-up aphotic energy in a brutal Force Push meant to send the Zabrak flying out of the casino and into the street beyond. Unless Daxton specialized in telekinesis alone - to the exclusion of nearly everything else - his odds of not being turned into a horny projectile were next to nil.


I took the nearest unvaporized seat with no small amount of trepidation and awaited my interview, while simultaneously trying to avoid eye contact with the giant man-eating cat and the other insidious members of his nefarious crew.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

[member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Mrrew"]
Of all the people to be in the club, I would probably had not been there. But the luring of a very nice dancer had taken me out of the main room for most of what was happening. Outside now, I smiled as there was glitter all over my face from the Twi'lek that had just given me a well worth personal dance in the back. Since I was here, I might as well enjoy myself. Looking up and out, I could see many people. All of them a mix or races from humans, to the lowly Rodian, even a few Arkanian's Standard or Offshoot. While they believed they were winning it big on the slots. They were loosing to the house. it was built that way. How do you think we got our profit? Well legally that is.

I adjusted the Echani Vibrosword while it was in my hand. My fingers wrapping around the actual blade just a few inches from the guard. Seeing as how the blade was just under the average height for a human female, A good five feet in length, The sword had no sheath. Rarely would it be put in a slip, which was just three hand stitched fabric on the back of my jacket to hold the blade should I not want to carry it. Looking up, I could then feel a welling within the force.

Looking around for anything out of the normal. I moved across the floor. Looking for anything and anyone that seemed familiar to me. Maybe then I could tell who it was with this power. Walking along the ground, I looked up over the crowd. And watched as people began to clear out of one particular section. The Slot machines. Looking over there, I could see not just one face, but two faces that looked somewhat similar. I smiled as I simply stood there watching the two as [member="Mikhail Shorn"] began to choke the Zabrak who I had once hated with my entire being.

[member="Daxton Bane"] was there being in the air, and I could see his jaw moving to talk to the man who was clearly not tall or looked to be an average passerby. I just stood there. Watching as the Chaos around them ensued. With the force, I grabbed chair and pulled it behind me to sit down and watch the show between the two masters of the Force. "This is gonna be good."
If anything would impress the Sith it was strong telekinetic ability, it was one of his core disciplines. After all he had one lifted a Sith heavy transport once using the force of his will alone. So one who could brush away such an attack would bear watching.

"I am not surprised you know my sayings. You must be one of those Sith fanatics. Sorry I don't do autographs."

The blast would have pushed the Zabak outside, had he still been inside. However, the Sith was already standing outside when the blast occurred so when the telekinetic shot was fired, the Sith was no where near then danger zone. For a second, his image flickered as he taunted the other man with smile as he gestured with one hand. Then where was one Sith there were suddenly exactly four identical images. Separating from one another their words echoed as they said, "Time for me to teach you a lesson in manners."

With a menacing hiss four red light sabers hissed to life.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
It wasn't hard for a twi'lek in a black catsuit to go where she wanted in a casino. It was amazing how many people just assumed she worked there. Granted it slowed her down a bit to have to deal with all the advances, but that was just one of lifes little challenges. She usually just directed them to one of the actual working girls. She supposed that was one way to make credits, and she certainly was capable, but she'd rather be employed in.. other capabilities. Besides, it wasn't polite to freelance on someone elses turf.

So she'd found her way to the area with the fewest people and the biggest security guards. VIP. Very good. And because she was who she was, she brought drink orders from the bar to those at the table as they ordered. It was possible this Lysle of Hadian Way or one of his employees knew everyone employed at the casino, but with the sheer number of staff she was betting that they didn't. Plus in her outfit it was more than clear that she was unarmed anyway.

She'd had to restrain a smile and content heself with a slight amused twitching of her lekku when the Ryn got up on the table and gave her little speech. Lysle was clearly not pleased, and no surprise. One did not talk shop or openly admit to illegal doings in front of visitors.

Then the shooting started. A brow was raised in surprise. What sort of utter idiot would walk into a place like this with a blaster of any sort? Even with friends. With the number of security guards she'd seen, even if they'd been octogenarian grandmothers who'd never held a blaster in their lives, the sheer number of bolts in the air would cut any foe down. A quick recon would show that. Sheer stupidity. Besides, the big boys weren't even at the entrance, although Lysle and a few others did storm off in that direction. What was the point of getting yourself wasted to kill a few tourists? Pft. Amateurs, obviously. It stopped quickly enough, no surprise there, though the explosion at the end was something. Still a stupid something, but something.

Lysle was busy and getting fed up with his meeting being interrupted, so she decided to leave him be. She had no good cards to lay on the table at the moment, and the man had enough exotics hired around the place that she likely couldn't just count on the species card to catch his interest. How lucky then that an easy in to this rising organization had presented itself.

The hard truth was that Chiasa was broke. Broke, homeless and jobless. Not that she slept on the streets. One did not need to stoop that low when one looked this good. But being able to find a paying gig? Perhaps wrangling one of the fancy rooms here as part of her payment? That wouldn't be so bad.

She decided she was done delivering drinks and took a seat next to the girl. The hired help at a business meeting might look odd, this did not concern her. With all the excitement she might be completely overlooked by the others. That would be just fine.

"I'm up for it, tell me when and where to meet you."


Manidark Zail

Bounty Hunter / Freelance
Zail, responded quickly to the gunfire, put on his helmet and scanned the room, multiple corpses were gathering up near the entrance... son of a bitc.. Zail thought, following his leaders order Zail moved fast towards Sebastion, a man he did not know. He needed to protect these "guests" Zail didnt know them, but he shall do as ordered, and produced his revolver, sent a com link to his Jawa stating to move his butt, from his ship and near the casino, perhaps his little friend can see the entrance of the casino from the outside, get a better view of the attackers.

"Name is Zail, I am with this guy, Sebastion right? Yes lets get you people into the safety room fast".

​ Zail, looked over his back as he started to grab a guest from the table, to help him up, when a shot occurred, nearly missing them. Zail responded with a quick scan and fired.

[member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]
Jennifer had not paid attention to Chiasa until she sat down next to her, her eyes turning away from her datapad to scan over the Twi'lek for a second or two. A brow raising as the orange and yellow Twi'lek started to talk. No, she had not seen this one before and judging from the looks of the people in the room no one had ordered her.

She wanted to be on the mission? Jennifer was slightly irritated, mostly at herself for not realizing this VIP room wasn't Red Raven exclusive and having just been scolded by Lysle she wasn't in her best of moods. So as she talked she may have sounded a little snappy: "Yea sure, but what qualities do /you/ bring to the table?" Jennifer sighed at herself, obviously finding the noise in the room irritating. Grabbing a tiny digital card from her pocket she tossed it onto the table infront of Chiasa, the job, meeting place and a count down to when was seen on it. An open invitation perhaps.

With this Jennifer stood up from the chair, not waiting to get an answer and started to walk out of the dining hall, who knew. Maybe this Twi'lek would show up after all?

(( <3 :3 [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] ))​
Oooh yes, this one was a novice all right. Should prove to be an interesting mission then, Chiasa thought with a smile, taking the card and making it disappear into a suit with no apparent pockets. The Ryn must be good for something though, or she wouldn't be tolerated. Underworld organizations did not tolerate spunky youngsters out of the goodness of their hearts.

It didn't really matter though. What mattered was that for now the girl was attached to the Ravens, and if Chiasa did the job, she would not only get the credits, she'd get that little bit of reputation, that little bit of credibility she needed to really get in with the Ravens.

She did smirk again as the last snarky question ran through her head. What did she do? She was a twi'lek. She was a distraction on legs. Add to that quite a good education and an ability to talk her way out of most situations, and a proclivity for quick and viscious violence when it was to her best advantage.. If she didn't know already, the girl would learn, much like those idiots whose corpses were likely still being cleared away, that it wasn't all about showing up guns blazing.

If she'd been the one targeting the Ravens it would have been quiet. Assassination. That got things done. Had a problem with a planets political leader? You didn't waste money sending thousands of troops and ship and tanks, you found his favourite off duty spot, they all had them, you caught his eye, you took him into a back room and then you killed him. Quickly and silently. Wasn't she already back in the VIP room, sitting in a nice chair, about to listen in on a meeting to which she had not been invited? But then, unless her lekku's were wrong, and they rarely were, there were some fairly strong force users in here, and likely if you started thinking murderous thoughts that would be the end of you.

Another valid reason to sit her like a good little girl and not start any fusses!
Now that things had calmed down in the casino, Cryax Bane went back to work. He started by doing a full tune up the new Mirari Bodyguard Droids he had sent outside to go speeder hunting earlier that evening.

The boss probably wouldn't take too kindly to his new droids being dinged their first day on the job and from what he heard over the CryptNet, Lysle had quite a temper. He checked their servos and gave them a good polish. Not really his job, but he liked going above and beyond when it came to Droids. After they were given a good oiling, he paused to look at them, shaking his head sadly. Such amazing beings, wasted on being other organics slaves. Now was not the time to let his radical droid liberation philosophy cloud up his thinking. He needed to stay focused.

As Secretary of the Red Ravens he was way more than just the guy who knew how to run the Holofax machine, although he was pretty much the person everyone called when it broke. Cryax was one of the eyes and ears of the organization and had access to a good chunk of the enterprise's most sensitive data. He needed to keep his head in the game.

He sent the droids to their posts on the Casino floor and went back to his office. He unpacked a few more supplies, grinning as he hung a poster of his favorite Nautolan pinup girl right next to another that read "Hang in there Baby" over a photo of a Nexu kitten.

Satisfied that his office was sufficiently decorated (finally), he decided to make the rounds around the casino floor. His commlink active and attached to his ear, he stepped out of his office and, listening for any chatter over the CryptNet, made his way to the main floor. Cryax normally hated crowds, but it was good to see them here tonight. It was evidence that the Dragon Palace was getting back up and shaking the dirt off.
Sebastion was doing one final walk around the perimeter to be sure that they were safe, after he had determined that there was no imminent threat, he decided to head back inside the Casino. Sebastion was still worried about how a few people got weapons past one thousand guards, when he passed [member="Cryax Bane"]. "Hey Bug, can you do me a favour? I think that we should review the security footage and find out how they got those weapons past, I'm thinking someone might have let them in." Sebastion patted the Chiss on the shoulders and then walked away and continued to wander.

Lord Ghoul

"Aaaamaaazing source material. Very original. Love the way you harness all those creative juices."

The hot and growing irritation prickling along Mikhail's neck wasn't helped when Big, Dark and Horny materialized in four places at once. Shorn's stomach clenched into a tight knot even as he gave the Zabrak a thin-lipped, maniacal smile.

Once upon a time, Mikhail had faced off against Jared Ovmar, one of the most accomplished mentalists in the galaxy. And before that, Isley Verd. He'd been up against uber-duber mind-boggling abilities before. But the problem with using illusions on a guy who specializes in chucking things is that instead of being confused, he might just chuck everything.

Mikhail, posture nonchalant, glanced from one [member="Daxton Bane"] to the other. He didnt know why exactly the Zabrak hadn't been taken out by his Force Push, since giant telekinetic shoves tend to travel in straight lines unless otherwise deviated. The relative distance between himself and the not-so-inside-the-casino Sith didn't really matter, as evidenced by the wreckage of speeder bike parts and other bits of debris caught in the telekinetic push's path and immediately turned into impromptu-shrapnel.

But apparently that didn't matter to Mr. Magic Horns.

So, Shorn took a few steps forward until he stood outside the building, unfazed by the sudden quartet of 'pithy' cliche-spouting humanoids.

"Hmm, a lesson in manners. Let me think. You mean like not barging into the Emperor's throne room and turning his body into floor-polishing equipment? My bad. Oh right, I remember, you tried that too.... Remind me how that ended?"

Energy roared out from the Thronebreaker's body, telekinetic waves exploding in every direction. These shockwaves picked up the leftover debris of the bomb explosion and sent the pieces of rebar, twisted metal, and chunks of permacrete shrieking through the air like a swarm of hornets. On the heels of the swarm of shrapnel were the shockwaves themselves, easily capable of turning Tattoo-Face into a life-sized Sith rag doll and sending him cartwheeling through the air and down the street. The fact that there were now four Banes didn't particularly matter, since the attack was coming at all of them ... at once.

But what about that pesky orbalisk armor? So Shorn didn't have the first clue about whatever the hell Daxton Bane was wearing. Cool. The orbalisks would definitely stop the rebar and concrete from punching the Zabrak full of holes. What they wouldn't stop was the imparting of kinetic energy. At these speeds, just a single brick of permacrete smashing into the Zabrak's stomach wouldn't kill him due to the armor, but it would probably break a few ribs beneath. Of course, Mikhail wasn't sending just one brick.

Whatever happened, Daxton could either maintain the illusions and get smacked around, or try and figure out a counter and let the illusions dissipate. Doing both would see him dead.

Manidark Zail

Bounty Hunter / Freelance
Guess a little late?(OOC)

It happened within seconds it seemed explosions, gun fire, boom, shot, kill... his motto. The Jawa Rodrici, he indeed scoped out the entrance of the casino and what the creature saw was nothing but total chaos... gave a quick report to Zail and ran and hid.

With his armor fully scrapped, visor and helmet intact, after getting the guests out and into safety, Zail had come back into the room only to find, an huge fire sonic boom go off, and blood.. dripping.. luckily he didn't get damaged, but boy what a mess... Zail needed to open up and learn from his fellow Ravens. So he walked over to where Sabastion, was walking and asked him a simple question.

"So, I am in dire need of information regarding a man, who needs to be killed, and also a friend perhaps".

Zail looked him over, after removing his helmet, offering a hand.

[member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]
Dozens of flying debris and shrapnel did not seem to faze the Sith one little bit, not even to slow down as the four said simultaneously, "it went quite well actually. Thank you for asking. Unfortunately I cannot say you will enjoy the same fate, I am afraid, you have overestimated your reach." At that point, the material struck were the onrushing Sith.

But instead of puncturing or injuring flesh, the material simply flew through his images as if they could not find flesh to tear. Smoke and mirrors, that was Daxton's speciality. While he distracted his foe with the illusions, he masked his true location for, which he was attacking.

Taking advantage of the brief moment after his oppenent's attack, he launched a pair of Mandalorian Forcebreakers near his opponents position. By the time he realized what had happened, his connection to the force would be temporarily severed. Leveling a heavy blaster in the direction of his target, he grinned wickedly before saying, "Care to push your luck?"

His cloak was torn in several places from the flying shrapnel that could not all be avoided or pushed aside. Beneath that he wore a modified body suit from which several insect like creatures seemed to scurry as they sought to repair the damage to their host. Yanking a rod of metal out of thigh, he waved for the other man to make his next move.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Lord Ghoul

When everything else was moving one way, namely outward and away from Shorn, it wasn't that hard to spot two spheres flashing through the air in the opposite direction.

The force breakers sailed toward Mikhail.... and then abruptly stopped in midair. Shorn made a squeezing motion with one hand. The grenades bent and twisted, crumpling into tiny balls. Mikhail then whipped them back at the zabrak, accelerating them to railgun speeds with the Force.

If the past was any precedent he didn't really expect the attack to work against invinci-horns.

Cold blue eyes stared down the barrel of [member="Daxton Bane"]'s blaster. Shorn gathered his focus, preparing for the obvious.

Wheels within with wheels. In the Sith's experience was though telekinesis was strong, there was just one weakness he could exploit. The mentalist had to focus on his target to effect it. If he was attacked while his focus was elsewhere, he was vulnerable. Like a viper that was when Daxton chose to strike.

At the moment, his foe seized the projectiles in the air and started to squeeze them, Daxton reflexively tapped into the Force, hen using the dark knowledge obtained from communing with the Dark Crystal, he opened his mouth and unleashed a focused Force scream.

The ultrasonic waves would be enough to rupture eardrums, cause disorientation and severe pain unto the target, as well as shatter crystal and glass in the immediate vicinity of the blast.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

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