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Approved Location Dragon Palace Casino

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Name: Dragon Palace Casino

Image Source: Various architectural sources, and James Bond Skyfall movie. These images have been on my computer for a while and I cannot confirm where I got them.

Intent: The intent of the Casino is not only a way for the Red Ravens to accumulate wealth, but as a base of operations for the illegal criminal organisation. The Casino will be home to Lysle Rigger, the Vice President of the Ravens. From here he will run the organisation, and welcome allies and associates of his for meetings.

Classification: Casino

Location: Located at Ground Zero on the Utopia-esque planet of Antecedent. The casino is located on what is considered to be the ground level of the Ecumenopolis. Surrounded by behemoth skyscrapers and tremendous stretches of architecture. It squats low in comparison to these titans of architecture. Far from Central, capital of Antecedent and home of the governing body. The casino is located on a stretch of district renamed Little Coruscant in jest of Nar Shaddaa's nickname by the Red Ravens. This is due to the recent incursion of illegal activities in the area that has drastically risen the crime rate in the district.

Affiliation: Lyse Rigger, Vice President of the Red Ravens.

(Inspiration and details taken from real life casino's. I'm not an expert with architecture.)

The Dragon Palace Casino is an incredible 10,500,000-square-foot luxury casino and hotel resort owned by Lysle Rigger. The Dragon is a 41-story, 2.9 billion credit investment. The resort has 3200 suites available, with tremendous swaths of convention space for future endeavours on entertainment and business. It also holds 550,000-square-feet of casino space, with a whopping 4200 slot machines, 1200 gambling tables, and a 20,000 seat arena for live entertainment and sports events. The casino hires thousands of bodyguards for purposes of prevention of cheating and maintaining security. Weapon scanners and sensors sit at the main and only entrance into the casino, known for its artistic dragon hovering above that shine neon lights at night.
  • Nightclub
  • Bar
  • Dining
  • Entertainment
  • Hotel
  • Game rooms

History: When it was decided by Lysle Rigger and Sigourney Xanthius that it would be wise to move to Antecedent with the impeding war with the Black Suns, Lysle began to invest on the planet. He began to accumulate connects and set himself up a network in the local area. Soon he managed to acquire a few nightclubs and cantinas, soon owning half the district. With this plot of land he began to demolish and build a casino in his vision.

Links: N/A
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