Aedan Von: The Rising Sun

Company link: Drakos Systems
Corporation name: Drakos Systems
Operations: Armor & Weapons; Starships
Once a company that produced arms for the One Sith, Drakos Systems have broken away from them, and decide to produce weapons to other factions. An up, and coming company, Drakos Systems sells a wide variety of armaments, and (soon) starships. It is now a large company in it's own right, especially with the ever rising conflicts throughout the galaxy providing an excellent opportunity for foray into multiple markets.
(OOC: Limited sales to dark-side factions & individuals. Extremely rare we will make sales to Sith(probably not).
Drakos Systems has the right to refuse the sales of any of its products to anyone without giving any reason as to why it does this.
Starship Weapons
- M4020 Sensor Jammer (2,000) (A EWAR Weapon that is designed to completely decimate a ship's targeting systems with false contacts. Comes in varied designs, allowing it to be highly adaptable for various situations)(Closed Markett)
- MR-32 Deck Canon A deck canon used for point-defense, it combines slug, and ion fire in order to completely destroy a starfighter(1500 credits)(Closed Marekt)
- MBLOR Missile: An EWAR missile capable of being used. It is letal in battle, and was a somewhat popular choice when it was used by its intended masters, the OS.(Closed Market)
- MGG2 Pulse Wave Turbolaser: A long range turbolaser that is based on the pulse-wave blaster. It has similar effects to a disruptor due to it's similarity to a pulse-wave blaster.(Closed Market)
- MGG Pulse Wave Turbolaser: Useful at close range. It features two variants, and is a powerful weapon for any ship.(Closed Market)
- MGW Ship Mounted Turbolaser: A heavy turbolaser that packs a punch. Uesful for any ship(Closed Market)
- DKS 401 Anti Force User Armor(25,000)A well designed anti-force user armor that features various armor functions, but most notably features phrik, and a dark side nexus; it is a useful design for dark-siders in combat.(Case by Case basis)
- Arara Armor(20,000): An armor perfect for force hunters. With phrik, and alchemized duraplast, the armor is resistant against lightsabers, and various other weapons.(Case by Case basis)
Starship Equipment
Baelor Hyperdrive: Named after his old rolemodel Isamu Baelor during his time in the One Sith, the Baelor Hyperdrive is very fast hyperdrive featuring a .6 rating. It can also go past interdictor ships, making it extremely useful and effective.(Closed Market)
OU Device: A highly advanced navigation computer; useful for many ships, and a popular model in the market.(Closed Market)
(OOC: Credit to [member="Isamu Baelor"] for helping with the background of the logo)[/FONT]
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