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Dramatis Personae [NPCs for use]


Eloise, nicknamed 'Frankie', was the first Shadowrunner of the Darkwire network. When the Corporate Authorities began to take control of Denon in early 856ABY Eloise was approached and hired by The Storyteller, the shadowy leader of Darkwire (later revealed as ExO Fey himself). She was a native to Denon, born and raised in the slums of the lowest levels. She gained status on the shadow market as a powerful slicer and mod-junkie. By the time she was twenty 80% of her organic body had been replaced by cybernetics, most of it performed in illegal chop shops.

In the following two years of her time in Darkwire she assisted the Corporate Authorities in establishing dominance over the planet, wiping out key political figures and sabotaging databanks. She contacted and recruited talented individuals into Darkwire and was crucial in Darkwires success. When the Corporate Authorities rule was finalized in 858ABY, Eloise vanished from Denon. There was no trace of her. Years later, she re-appeared as a virtual avatar in Darkwire's tatt-chat realm, her memory and acerbic personality intact to serve as guardian and advisor to the next generation.

ExO Marlene Starlight is soft-spoken yet wields ruthless authority, her unenviable patience and careful alliance-building just two sources of her power. Her military tech empire, Starlight Industries, is the a leader of paramilitary equipment in the Slice is another, being the biggest financial contributor of Corporate Security, Corpsec, the police-soldiers of the Corporate Authorities to give her the last key to power. She manipulates CorpSec for her own benefit and poses the greatest threat to Darkwire in the entire Corporate Authorities. Cunning and astute, she will take out anyone in the way of her goals, even those closest to her.

In the wake of disturbing revelations on the part of the previous ExO and rising unrest fueled by Darkwire, Marlene Starlight was selected as the Chief Executive Officer, or ExO, for the Corporate Authorities of Denon. Her power over CorpSec and her endless determination made her a natural choice among the members of the Direx Board to govern Denon and the Corporate Authorities as a whole.



The Executive Directorship Board, otherwise known as the Direx Board, is responsible for the managing of the companies which compose the Corporate Authorities of Denon. It has fifty-five members, known as DireX, who are all high ranking business executives with thirty-seven of those seats consisting of voting sponsor corporations. The remaining eighteen seats rotated among the non-voting but contributing members. This allowed them approval rights on the budgets of CAD.

The Direx Board was led by the ExO or the Executive officer. Other posts included the Prex, Viceprex, Auditor-General and the Diplomatic Advisor that represented the interests of the allied nations. Like many individuals in the Corporate Authorities, the Direx Board was also victim to bitter infighting. Although they could not openly target one another they utilized their social influence, political sway, vast wealth and sometimes, Darkwire, to get what they wanted.

It is believed the Direx Board members are all equal but an unspoken hierarchy had been established with the three (formerly five) most powerful figures in the Corporate Authorities, exclusive from the position of ExO, dictating the Direx Board. Were it not for all their infighting and posturing, not even the ExO could stop their combined influence.

Larz Blackheart
Darkwire Shadowrunners often find themselves on the virtual run from Larz Blackheart and his army of slicer droids. This cyber-security chief is a mastermind of the Holonet and all its sub-services, including the underworld CryptNet. His code is a complex matrix of endlessly spiraling encryptions. He is a mastermind of slicing and a formidable foe for Darkwire, and sometimes, a powerful ally.

Diviak Manfloon
Mining companies the galaxy over gather in the dark shadows of his presence and fall before the red gaze of Diviak Manfloon whose influence on the Direx Board grows daily. He has spent his life harvesting worlds of their resources, ecosystems annihilated and entire populations financially devastated to further the wealth and goals of the Mining Union. His current projects center on Belazura and Sarko VI.

Luminous Sun
Powerfully and mysteriously attractive, Luminous Sun is a mistress of seduction and the leading corporate figure in the Entertainment industry. She frequently works with underworld syndicates to source Twi'lek and Zeltron slaves for her pleasure palaces, and spice for her pseudo-legal spice dens. She has become a source of frequent income for Darkwire as she hires Shadowrunners to eliminate competition, particularly for her ventures on Devaron and Bovo Yagen.



In the lowest levels, in the abyssal urban depths, of the ecumenopolis that was Denon, it was a rare thing indeed to see sunlight. For the inhabitants of the baroque and gleaming cloud cutters, sky towers and superskytowers—the latter reaching as much as two kilometres high— the sun was something taken for granted, just as were the other comforts of life. Since WeatherNet guaranteed that it never rained until dusk or later, the rich golden sunlight was simply expected, in the same way that one expected air to fill one’s lungs with every breath.

But hundreds of stories below the first inhabited floors of the great towers, ziggurats, and minarets, in some places actually on or under the city-planet’s surface, it was another story. Here hundreds of thousands of humans and other species lived and died, sometimes without ever catching as much as a glimpse of the fabled sky. Here the light that filtered through the omnipresent gray inversion layer was wan and pallid. The rain that reached the surface was nearly always acidic, enough so at times to etch tiny channels and grooves into ferrocarbon foundations. It was hard to believe that anything at all could survive in these dismal trenches. Yet even here life, both intelligent and otherwise, had adjusted long ago to the perpetual twilight and structured environment.

At the very bottom of the chasms, in the variegated pulsing of phosphor lights and signs, stone mites, conduit worms, and other scavengers flourished on technological detritus. Duracrete slugs blindly masticated their way through rubble. Hawk-bats built nests near power converters to keep their eggs warm. Armored rats and spider-roaches scuttled and hunted through piles of trash two stories high. And millions of other species of opportunistic and parasitic organisms, from single-celled animalcules all the way up to those self-aware enough to wish they weren’t, doggedly pursued their common quest for survival, little different from the struggles on a thousand different jungle worlds. Down here was where the jetsam of the galaxy, a motley collection of sentients dismissed by those above simply as “the underworld,” eked out lives of brutality and despair.

It was merely a different kind of jungle, after all.

And where there’s a jungle, there are always those who hunt.

KV-N1 is a strange syndicate. They dominate the information trade and have rapidly expanded operations on Denon. KV-N1 is unique in that there are only droids in the cartel. The HRDs blend into society and the other droids are largely ignored, allowing them to move through normal society without issue. They have few enemies for no one can find them. They could be anyone, anywhere, watching you.

3411 is a slicing crew that have been established on Denon for centuries, the former kingpins of the information trade. With a long history in selling information to the biggest criminal cartels and syndicates in history. When KV-N1 arrived on Denon they quickly began losing clients. They see KV-N1 as a threat to their existence and wage a silent cyber-war against them.

Wealth and cult practices has made Zerø a formidable crew on Denon, with thousands of dirtboys and dirtgirls following the preaching of the Zerø crime lords. They primarily manufacture and sell spice in every level of society, from the lowest junkie to members of the Direx Board. The premium cut spice is sold to the rich while the poor are sold dubious quality drugs, often resulting in overdoses.
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