Without Mask:

With Mask:

NAME: Victor D'artagnan
Alias: Dread Pirate Roberts
RANK: Pirate Captain
SPECIES: Corellian Human
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
EYES: Sea Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
+ Marksman: An eye for detail to the point he makes very precise shots and can do them on the fly. It gives him an edge in a standoff.
+ Pilot: While normally most people claim to be an ace pilot and while this is true about Victor, he is more skilled in fleeting and commanding multiple ships or large ships rather than starfighters.
+ Luck: This doesn't really need explaining and no this isn't the Force protecting or guiding him.
- No Limits: Most people have a code, a way of life. Even those who are evil have a sense of principals. Victor only believes in three things Credits, Violence, and Booze.
+/- Silver Tongue: He has a way with his words
+ Quick Draw: While he has no Jedi skills, his ability to draw and fire is remarkable in comparison to Non Force Users.
+ Duelist: He is a renown fencer and fierce with the daggers.
-Demons: His past is what keeps him on his path. He tries to fill his pain with treasures, rum, and women and it works as long as he doesn’t stop.
-Power comes at a cost: While he has many implants, they are indeed weak to EMP blasts.
To be the best, sometimes you have to start from the bottom. It seems that many, “Under dogs” have something that makes them stand out and climb to the top easily, but Victor was not one of these guys. He was not strong, clever, smart, cunning, fast, rich, or anything. He was actually only one thing, lucky.
Victor was the son of a merchant and a dancer. A dancer was a polite term for what his mother did. His parents had to do what they had to make it by. From birth Victor learned what it meant to be without, to starve, to thirst, to want. This was why he quickly joined the underground crime world. He was always at the bottom due to his lack of skills.
When he was sixteen things began to change and his luck only needed to happen once. During a spice run his ship was attack by the Dread Pirate Roberts. He was a pirate known in the Galaxy to never leave anyone alive. When it came Victor’s turn to die, he did not beg for his life, he merely bowed his head in defeat. He knew no words, no actions that could spare him. It was his lack of regard for his life that caught Robert’s attention.
Robert took Victor on as a ship hand and Victor began learning anything and everything he could. He would read all the stolen books that were found, duel the other members of the crew, learn to use the gun, sword and knives. After years of this he became somewhat formidable. It wasn’t until he was 22 that things truly began to change.
The Dread Pirate Roberts set his sights on a cybernetic compound. The compound with full of cybernetics, implants and armaments. This provided Victor the opportunity to finally stop being on the bottom and rise to the top. He was never seen as smart enough to be untrusted, hence why that night while Robert slept, Victor murdered him. That following morning, the crew awoke to Victor throwing the former Captain’s body on the deck and with that Victor became the new Dread Pirate Roberts.
He then began adding implants to his himself to make himself better. Over time he last his right and left arm. He replaced them with specialty cybernetic arms. He also took some pure beskar and made a mask that resembled the face of the last Roberts. When he became 28 he lost the ship and crew in battle and began the journey to gain it all back and get a new crew.
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