Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dreadnought Dancing

Omi blushed. "I.. well thank you." She said completely unaware of anything else that was happening. All that she was focused on was the cute blue Togruta right in front of her. Sure she was a flirt, sure she must have been in this situation hundreds of times before without ever thinking back on it. Omi blushed. It didn't matter. Omi looked down all over the girl. The many chains and bangles that hung around her form. She couldn't look away.

Just then two more voices came in and Omi was still lost in the trance. "You are so beautiful." Omi said realizing she was caught in the web. She would have turned on the water, but with wet clothes they could only raise suspicion and attention. And Omi couldn't take her eyes of [member="Asheda Tyr"]
Ash continued to smile, a victorious feeling that she was still getting Omi to blush her butt off, it was a odd compliment, telling a girl they moaned well, but never the least the blue Twi'lek seemed to like it, or was just to flustered to think straight."You are welcome sweety, but lets not dwell on that to much, we have work to do, you can get all hot and bothered once this mission is over, I know a good place on Atrisia were we can stay". Unfortunately their little tangent has lot the window, more people coming into the shower rooms, seemed they had just come of shift, well no matter, not like Ash minded her current location.

her ears then heard a rather strange sentence, her head turning around to the Twi'lek as those words escaped her mouth, Ash raising an eyebrow, getting closer to Omi."Oh my, is that a love confession honey" Ash's hand wrapping around the woman's shoulders, "I have not really done anything romantic with a girl but I honestly do not mind, though I believe having Lekku makes things more... interesting".

[member="Omi Henata"]
Just like that Omi's heart sank. She was getting carried away with new emotions. And new feelings. And Ash was right. They had a lot of work to do.

Wait.. that was it! "Lekku!" Omi said with a louder tone yet still in her hushed voice. That is how they could get to the third floor without arousing suspicion that uninvited slaves were skulking around. It was risky.. and it would hurt a lot, Omi would need to pull all the strings and gather all the favors from the people that owed her one over her years living on the barge. But she was sure it was the best option.

"I have a plan.. you might not like it but I am sure it will work. It can fool all the security camera's on the third floor, and get us up there without arousing suspicion. We are going to need your lightsaber." She said her voice going quite as she spoke the name of the weapon. She lightly pulled up the skirt where the laser sword was concealed as she did so. And they would need to find the chef...

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
Ash was caught a little surprised by the sudden expressive way Omi said Lekku, almost making her slip on the wet tiled floor of the shower room in which the stood. As the plan was thought out herself becoming a little worried on what the young girl had in mind to get past these guards and security. "Whoa whoa, your not planning on cutting your lekku off? I know you races are a little different but I know that your brain is in those dangling parts, unless you want to become brain dead, or just full dead explain what you have in mind".

If this girl was a slave for most her life being not so knowledge about anatomy may be an actual thing, unless she was going to change her tattoos, but either way Ash was not going to give her the laser pointy stick until she knew more about what this so called plan. Herself blushing as the Twilek rummaged around her lower skirt, unknowing feeling her up a little along the thigh.

[member="Omi Henata"]
"I know that tips of the lekku can be cut off without damaging the brain at all. A few of the slaves here do it and it is sometimes punishment for disobeying." She said, unsure of how factually accurate her thoughts were, however, she had seen twi'leks and some other lekku bearing races have some lekku missing and still act completely normal. "And.. if you haven't noticed we are on a bit of a time crunch. If you are here to long the Hutts will realize you are not one of theirs. As clever as you think you are, I promise you that the Hutts have seen if before. And if you get caught then.. well missing lekku tips is not going to be a problem." She could then contact the chef on this floor and ask for a favor to.. well.. cook them. She had once deafened the chef and helped him stay alive, with Omi receiving punishment for helping him, so he would be happy to do if it Omi asked him to.

She could only hope she was right, the whole plan and both of their lives were now on the line if Omi wanted to escape. To be honest she could just walk out now.. continue to practice her powers until she felt she was ready to take on.. the entire militia on the barge. But that could take years. Years that Omi was unsure that she could survive. She looked back at Ash and sighed.

"I know you look at me and see a dumb slave. But trust me. The only way. ONLY way we are getting up to the escape pods is if we take up some sort of exotic food, you hide in the cart and disable the camera's with the force as we walk by each one, and then on our way back we hop in one and get out of here..." She said trying to think of any other plan that was possible. The third floor was heavily guarded and even more secretive. Omi had only ever been there once before and had almost died because of it. If it wasn't for the presence of a jedi there to bargain for her life she would be put to death for seeing too much. Nonetheless, things looked pretty grim right now. That is when Omi realized her hand was still halfway up Ash's thigh. She blushed and moved her hand back hoping that the steam was thick enough to block out any sight Ash could have on her pink face.

"I mean.. we all go up there if we blew up the ship. But if that happened we wouldn't have a surefire escape pod. And hundreds of people would die. There is not enough pods for all the people on board. And I am not risking any life except my own." She said trying to stand tall. Omi then looked back down at the girl's poofy skirt. "Now give me the lightsaber!" She said reaching her hand for it once more.

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
She let out a small sigh of defeat, to an extent he was right, her master former student being a Twi'lek (Tin'tinag) who had suffered a Lekku cut and lived easily, so to that extent perhaps she was right, not that it would be painless. "I guess, I do not know any illusion powers nor do we have time to redo you tattoos, buuuuut but but but but but, I do know thee art of small". "Instead of us cutting off your Lekku I can temporarily change your skin colour, such would be painless for you and more convincing, perhaps there is some Twi'lek girl that is allowed on the upper floors that I can make you look like"?

Ash only had to change the skin colour on the parts Omi was showing, not her whole body, tis would only take a few seconds and, "the rest of your plan works quite well, have to thank the chef later, though to be honest I could probably just mind trick him into it". "Though that can be his cover if things go south and he is roped into it, after all meddling into peoples thought is my specialty". Mainly being trained in such forms when still in the Jedi, part of the 'non combat' tree of learning for the minor peacekeeping order.

"Also I do not see you as a dumb slave, you have goo d taste in women, though I would say you can be a bit 'my way or the high way' when planning something from what I see". "You need to exercise patience sometimes Padawan, give a minute to think things through, don't just jump at the first chance you see, there is always alternate to look towards". herself reciting the words of a Twilek master she had met upon joining the Jedi before it's untimely demise at the hands of their former grand master.

[member="Omi Henata"]
Omi nodded. Perhaps that was a better plan. Although to Omi it seemed rather pointless. "Ash. There are never any slaves on the Upper levels, and if they are they are being tortured or worse. I don't think you were briefed as well as you thought you were..." She said feeling a bit defeated. Although she would like a change in skin tone Omi was unsure if Ash really knew what the upper levels were like.

"I am not saying we have to cut off my lekku, but let me tell you what the upper levels contain. That is where the crime lords are. Only people the Hutts have invited to the barge. There is no way to get up there without a Hutts permission. It is not the kind of place you just go to. We are going to need to sneak into and pose as some other slave, because if they see me then.. well they might recognize me. But as for getting up there and walking around no big deal. That is completely out of the question." She said sighing and trying to think of a way to make both plans work out.

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
Ash looked at Omi with a stoic stare, "torture... that is something I am familiar with, that pain, mules spasms", herself shuddering remember when the First Order had first captured her. "You need not worry about what I see, believe it or not I am battle hardened, the stuff I have seen, both as an insider and outsider, not pretty". She shook her head, looking back to woman as she talked about upstairs.

"Hmm I see... so I would need to be invited to go up their, but from what you say getting to the escape pods should be easy... well that is good information to know, and I think my superiors could work with that in another way". Meaning, no under cover ops, they would be using force next time they came, not her job, she'd leave that to the Rens and the sneaky people. "New plan, no going up to the big bosses house, you know enough about this place, that is decent enough, the information you have in your brain is perfect". "Perhaps if I was to sty here longer, gain attention and get invited that would work, but as it is with you my cover is more or less broken if we go through with the escape". Such meaning the task would go to someone else and getting a new force user regardless of her mission outcome is something to would gain extra marks.

[member="Omi Henata"]
Omi almost gasped at her idea. "You want to stay.. here?" She asked with her mouth gaping open. In the hellhole that had been Omi's life for years? That was a little too much for her to handle. Although the woman had seen battle and had felt pain, that was not what made the slave's life so difficult. It was the phonological. Being used as a pleasure toy, being told you are nothing but a body, being spat on and beaten for expressing your mind. Omi was like a statue. And everyone of those events where she was treated like that was a stone thrown at her. Breaking off parts and making it look awful.

"I don't think-" She said not finishing the sentence. Omi was like a statue of stone it was true. However, Ash was more like clay. She could mold and adapt when she needed to. Any rock that was thrown at her would simply cause a problem until the rock was gone and she could adapt to it. "Alright then. If you wish to stay I will help you however I can. But you promise me that when you leave you take me with you." She said looking over the aqua skin of the girl again. "Promise me Ash." She said moving her hand from the lightsaber under her purple skirt. He cheeks went hot as she realized that some of her trust problems and fear of being alone started to show in her tone of voice and on her face.

Suddenly guilt started to show as well, feeling stupid for giving into her emotions. Omi didn't think Ash would care. In her words she had never been emotional with a woman before. But it didn't matter. They had a choice to make.

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
She could see the worry in her eye, it was a tough decision to make, the only problem was how long it would take, "it is the only thing that seems logical at the moment, but tell me how long would it take me to get noticed by the higher ups on this ship"? "I am a skilled force user and have many other things that need to be done, if such takes too long then HQ will pull the mission and send someone else in to do the work". "Someone able to keep under the radar and do things more traditionally with hacking and other types of agent work". Who know, they may just see the Hutt ship as a threat regardless of her findings and just 'acquire' if off the hutts as it is.

"What I am saying Omi is that if you want to leave today now and get off this ship we can do that, I don't care if it ruins my mission, what I have is decent enough and if my superiors are a little made, well I have other ways of pleasing them". Her past as a Jedi and other 'skills' being very unique among the First Order. Besides, I can always come back with a different skin color and breast size, I would suspect these Hutts are not expecting Jedi masters to be infiltrating their ship during the middle of a war. "It is your decision Omi".

[member="Omi Henata"]
"Excuse me you change your..." She asked unable to finish her sentence as her face went bright red with blush. That was something she wanted to see. She didn't think the force could do something like that. Would have made her job much easier if she could get that power.

Omi felt the blush fade. "I want to leave. I will come with you and tell your superiors everything that I know about this ship and the intentions of the Hutts in charge. I hate to say. But I don't think I could stand it here much longer..." She said hugging herself. Ash was in her mind. A miracle. Omi's miracle. Her salvation from this life she had been forced to grow so close to. "Please. Lets just get out of here Ash." She said wanting to hug her as her emotions of finally exacting this hole were about to come true.

[member="Asheda Tyr"]
Once could practically see the emotions coming from Omi, the wild blush and body movements, it was quite the cute site to be, if they were not on a Hutt ship in the middle of nowhere she may have very well gone down on the Twi'lek right here and now. Unfortunately such was not the time, OMi had said what she wanted to do and the Jedi master was more then happy to oblige.

Stepping forwards Ash smiled at Omi, running a hand across her cheek, "then we shall, just point the way to the escape pods and we shall be off, you can rest in a nice bed tonight away from this place". Granted it would be in Vaders castle on Mustafar, but anything was better then his place. There the two could do all sort of things without having to worry about others.

[member="Omi Henata"]

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