[member="Dar'yaim Balor"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"]
When the Duch’a’s lovely hand motioned to the chair. With the invitation to sit with everyone else within the room there was only one true polite conclusion. Aleister took a sat down. “Thank you”, appreciatively he smiled as he thanked the Duch’a.
It would seem. The Duch’a began shedding more light as to way they were all gathered here within this room. He personally was quiet as he listened. Looking at the Duch’a he could not help but think she was rather direct. Then there was a curiosity as to how Commander Balor could be in a Hapen prison. It was a thought of confusion on how that could be. That and how he could have not noticed.
In turn it was the princess’s turn to speak. The first word she bore was Duch’x. He could easily notice she displayed her emotions without apology. Aleister did not take affront to this. Nor did he take offense to her second mistake of etiquette. She properly said his title but did not mention his last name.
The Duch’a Dallamoor was known for her bush-wa attitude towards Hapen protocol. Princess Organa happened to be an outsider. Her miscue of poorer social demeanor was to be expected. Aleister was not offended. Within the Happen Court there would be plenty that would be. Aleister lost his astonishment for the uncivilized. He had to deal with much of the same behavior as a Naval Officer.
He had not turned his noise up at her when she spoke. He listened. His expression may have been natural and lacking very emotion. However he was already sympathetic to the Princess’s plight. He knew the man to whom she was speaking of. He mat to lack the decorum of a Hapen. Yet he was an honorable man and a superb soldier.
But the Commander maybe dead? Aleister frowned at this news. Given all that was said it may have been hard to tell why the Duch’x Grey frowned. The princess very well could have thought Aleister had frowned at the suggestion servant was allowed to speak.
The prompt response of the captain Aleister knew very well. Many of times an officer had to bring a report forward that had a very unfavorable details.
In conclusion Aleister was appreciative of the report from the captain. “Thank you for your report Captain”, nodding to the man Aleister motioned for the man to stand at ease. If he had remained tense for too much longer Aleister feared the man would be frozen in place.
Looking at the three of them Aleister had as much information to back the actions he was about to take. “As acting Admiral the Hapen First Royal Fleet I declare this case to be classified”, there was no harshness when he said this. The official announcement did come out as he intended to. In was a command. Aleister did not have to tell any of the three of them. This could end very badly if this came publically known or if the treaty between the Republic and the Consortium was broken.
“I want to help”, there was some sympathy in his voice. “I can’t help for personal reasons”, his eyes almost seemed defeated as he was pondering the words as to explain. “I can’t take action as Dar’yaim’s friend or how I personally how I feel”, he sighed, as he started to regain control of his emotions.
“I however can take action as a Loyal Fleet Officer and Duch’x of the Hapes Consortium”, now back in command he put aside how he personally felt. “At this time the Hapes Consortium will not wish this to be public. As in the event this could have negative consequences to our current allegiances. We will have to go to Hapes Prime to my office to access a secured database. From there hopefully we can find answers. Hopefully we can find some information we seek to end this unpleasant situation.”
“Duch’a Dallamoor”, now he looked directly at the Duchess of Cheruba. “I get the impression you may have talked to Princess Faith Organa about Ta’dine Allana Flore Badeaux? If the Princes had agreed, it could give me more political leverage to move forward”, there was a hint of inquisitiveness in his voice. Though it was almost meant as a cue for the Duch’a to ask the princess now. Than is if she had not already. “If you have already then you could introduce the Ta’dine Badeaux to Princess Organa while we’re on Hapes Prime”, pensively he awaited for their response.