- Full Name:
ArcaDreyn.- Commonly known as:
- Dreyn.
- The Arkanian.
- Commonly known as:
- Age: Precise age unknown - believed to be in her mid to late twenties.
- Gender: Female.
- Force-sensitivity: Negative.
- Allegiance:
- The Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- Dauntless, 717th Batallion, Venom Squad.
- The Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- Occupation:
- Combat engineer.
- Explosives technician/detonations expert.
- Homeworld: Arkania.
- Known Languages:
- Arkanian: Native.
- Galactic Basic: Native.
- Binary: Fluent.
- Ryl: Fluent. (sans lekku sign language)
- Concordian: Fluent.
- Full Name:
- Species: Arkanian offshoot - spliced genome undetermined.
- Height: 1,80m - 5'9"
- Weight: 62kg - 137lbs
- Eyes: White, no irises.
- Hair: Stark white, long, straight.
- Complexion: Pale.
- Implants:
- Eris E-ink tattoo: programmed as an explosives-specialized sensor.
- Cyberlink.
- 'Dauntless' Cybernetic Enhancement Package.
- Brain recorder. (unused)
- Distinguishing features:
- Unlike most Arkanian offshoots, Dreyn is indistinguishable from a pureblooded Arkanian. She possesses pure white eyes and four-digit hands.
- Several cuts and burn marks in her hands and forearms, mostly from working accidents.
- Several tattoos and piercings. Most notable: 717th insignia on right side of the neck.
- Cybernetic implants.
- Thought Machine-gun: Saying she has a sharp mind would simply be an understatement. Dreyn is intelligent, perhaps too intelligent for her own good. Outsmarting the would-seem Arkanian is a feat to be achieved. Dreyn also possesses an accelerated synapsys rate, meaning her reflexes and overall physical responde to stimuli is a lot faster than an average individual's.
- The Fixer: Created with the purpose of making and fixing stuff, Dreyn has an unprecedented talent for engineering and tampering with machinery and systems in general. Inventing new stuff is a gift that comes relatively easy, fixing existing stuff is more often than not a quick task.
- Ode to Destruction: She was designed to create and, ironically, Dreyn developed a terrifying talent to create tools of destruction. The woman is nothing short of a prodigy when it comes to explosives of any and all kinds. Blast, fragmentation, anti-armor or incendiary; from common grenades to thermobaric horrors, Dreyn can and will make a bomb out of practically anything. Her creativity and adaptability in this field are truly endless. Her talent is not limited to death, for her knowledge of chemicals also enables her to make sedative gas grenades, harmless smokescreens and a very wide array of "others". If you need something
or someoneto go bang - or, just as importantly, stop it from going bang - she is the woman to talk to. - Slicer: With a knack for software and, particularly, for bypassing it, she is a capable and talented slicer.
- Up close: A sharp-shooter with amazing crowd control skills - Dreyn feels comfortable with a bit of a distance between her and her targets. While she was appropriately trained in hand to hand combat, it is not her area of talent and she knows this. Facing off one on one is something she actively avoids, and will often adopt a support role when in a battlefield offering cover fire and assistance to the actual combat specialists.
- Headaches: The price of her brilliant mind. Prone to overthinking and often overcharged with information, the woman suffers from sporadic but chronic migraines. Their onset is often unpredictable, and so she must carry medication to stop them when they decide to show up at a bad moment.
- Slaving: Dreyn used to be a slave, and had many cybernetic implants that came hand in hand with her role. Some, like the loyalty chip, have been deactivated and removed, but others still remain in her body - unused. The brain recorder in Dreyn's skull could potentially be hacked, granting access to everything that Dreyn sees and hears with other potential side effects on her.
- Grudges: She is not that easily offended
by Arkanian standards, but once someone has fallen out of her god graces, the woman knows how to hold a grudge. Never forgive, never forget - hold on to the anger and the added stress forever until you get revenge or it consumes you.
A perfectionist through and through, Dreyn is one for little words, a lot of action and all the results. The woman thrives when crushed under the heavy weight of pressure and responsibility and takes pride in the work she does. Forever working towards one goal or the other, the idea of feeling lost or directionless is completely foreign to the Arkanian - steadfast and independent. She has a brilliant mind and is very observant, caged in a permanent state of observation, analysis and conclusions that while very clear in her mind, often tend to go by unnoticed by most. She has little patience for indecisiveness or incompetence - two traits that in her line of work mark the line between life and death.
The Arkanian has a reputation for being reliability made bone and flesh. If Dreyn says she will do something, you can consider it done. The means or costs involved often matter little to her, once her word is given there is no going back - and she expects the exact same level of diligence and responsibility from everyone around her. Dependability is something she loathes, and because of this she tends to be very guarded with her feelings and affections. Self-sufficiency and autonomy are the traits from where most of her strengths are derived - and when they are compromised she will often feel vulnerable.
Facts and truths are more important to her than emotions, which can sometimes make her come off as blunt or inconsiderate. However, it also means she can always be trusted to speak her mind and never try to sweeten a remark. While not charismatic according to general standards, her transparency and insight, sometimes delivered with a smart amount of snark, give the Arkanian's assertive and rough personality a certain charm of its own. For the very few that have gotten past the cold, irritatingly clever exterior, Dreyn proves to be a very good ally to have. She will care for her own just as much as she cares for herself and push those around her towards becoming better versions of themselves.
Born on Arkania, Arca Dreyn was created by an Arkanian geneticist known as Kerran Magrody. Magrody, as many members of the Arkanian species, was obsessed with the ideal of genetic perfection - believing that his species sat at the pinnacle of evolution, with little room for improvement. As such, it was only logical to Magroday that the perfect species should have the perfect servants. Hence, he began creating his own Arkanian offshoots - picking and mixing genes from diverse species, obtained through questionable methods, to see his plan to completion.
One of such creations was Arca Dreyn - named, as was Magrody's custom, after an ancient Arkanian offshoot of renown - designed for the purpose to serve primarily as Magroday's assistant and secondarily as his personal bodyguard. Magrody was so skilled at creating offshoots that all under his service were undistinguishable from an Arkanian of the purest blood, allowing his subordinates to blend in into Arkanian society seamlessly and him to pick on his peers for being unable to recognize a lowly offshoot from a pureblooded Arkanian. So, Dreyn grew up as a prized and well educated slave.
Her gift for engineering and slicing made her a valuable asset - treated more as an object than as a person and forced to obey because of the loyalty chip implanted into her skull. It was in her early teens, during a lab accident, that she discovered her love for explosions and began devising her own explosives and experiments during her free time. Though she was spared from most of the horrors of slavery because of her outstanding usefulness, Dreyn despised her life and having to obey the orders of Magrody and act as enforcer and accomplice to his unforgivable schemes.
In one of the more daring escapades from the Arkanian geneticist, they leaved their homeworld to go to Ryloth - with the intention of acquiring test subjects and twi'lek samples. Magrody was identified as a slaver by the Confederate forces and hunted down soon before leaving Ryloth. Dreyn, as well as many of the other offshoots who did not die following Magrody's order to defend him, was set free. Returning to Arkania was not an option, and so she decided to remain on Ryloth were she was taken in by a twi'leki family. She was not the only individual staying with them, for a lone Mandalorian who had found respite from the chaos that plagued his people on Ryloth also lived with them.
Dreyn spent the following years working alongside the Mando in a mechanic shop - taking jobs from fixing faulty engines to creating state of the art weapons, particularly amunition and explosives to pull their own weight and help the family that housed them. From him, Dreyn learned a lot from Mandalorian culture, to speak their language, or more specifically, a particular dialect of it and furthered her combat training. It was a simple life - one she embraced - and soon enough she felt right at home and began caring for the family and the Mando as if they were her own.
The peaceful life ended when the Agens of Chaos attacked Ryloth. Everyone died in the battle exept for her, and Dreyn reverted right back to the cold self she had been as a slave. Unable to stay on the planet that now held all those broken and painful memories, she joined the Dauntless division of the Confederacy to become a commando, and hopefully find solace in putting her skills to use to prevent something like that from happening again.

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