OOC Account

NAME: Driana Mevalrek
FACTION: Rogue Jedi
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
EYES: Stormy-Grey
HAIR: Golden, with touches of caramel highlights throughout.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths - Comming soon.
- Darkside Susceptibility - Unfortunate circumstance forced Driana to take a much more versatile approach in her dealings. Though affiliated to the light, she is easily drawn to the darksides embrace.
- Withdrawn & Distrustful - Her happy-go-lucky naivete was virtually destroyed by the events that lead to her Master's death, making her sullen and pragmatic.
At a height of five feet and six inches, Driana is both slender and toned. Self-conscious about the way she appears to others, she stays in shape through a regiment of exercise and vigorous training. An ingrained desire to look her best promotes her health fanaticism, which helps keep her at a consistent weight of one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Taking after her Mother, she has mid-back golden hair with touches of caramel brown. Her eyes are storm grey and the left one blind. A grotesque scar reaches over the same eye, appearing to have been caused by a lightsaber wound. It stretches from brow, to partially down her cheekbone, and Driana makes no effort in hiding the gruesome disfigurement, but instead wears it in commemoration of her fallen comrades.
Voluntarily given to the Jedi after her first birthday, Driana has never known her family and used to considered the Order as being all she ever needed. Her natural inclinations as a youngling were to get into mischief, leading to a difficult time as a pre-padawan while she sought her place within an Order that adhered to a strict code of conduct.
Taken as a Padawan by the age of thirteen, Driana found the life of a Jedi more to her liking when she was away from the Temple. There, her headstrong and impatient nature was kept in check by a much more subtle and lenient Jedi Knight, Felch Zen-Dae. Through the years that they spent together, his calm nature began to rub off on the vivacious youngster. Though a fiery personality maintained dominance, Driana progressed toward a mature, staid tone in her presence.
During the five years as a Padawan to Master Zen-Dae, Driana spent most of her time on assignments protecting the Republic at various sites in the Outer Rim. One such mission involved infiltration, where Driana took on a new name and posed as a criminal slave trader in effort to take down a slaving operation. Her and her Master remained undercover until Driana was discovered and imprisoned. With Zen-Dae on the outside, Driana was able to convince the slaves to organize a revolt. With the help of her Master, the two successfully destroyed the operations.
At 18 years old Driana and Felch Zen-Dae returned to the Jedi Temple, when it was attacked a few months later. She was there to witness the death of her Master, who died protecting her and several other people. This event changed Driana's personality greatly, cementing the more calm and serious character of her Master, as becoming her own default nature. She now lives to honor his memory.