Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Driana Mevalrek

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Welcome aboard [member="Driana"] :p

And with [member="Darth Vitium"] apparently having caught the terminal illness of 'serial monogamy' the galaxy just got safer.

Kyla Foy

Driana said:
Force Abilities

Force Stealth
Force Control Pain
Force Shield
Force Sense
Force Speed
Force Jump
Force Push-Pull
Force Mind-Speak

Other Abilities

Starship Operation
Unarmed Combat
A bit much... force powers to lol start off with
[member="Thanatos Eligos"]

Guess what? What she's doing here is perfectly acceptable. It is well within reason to start with a handful of low-level abilities, providing you can back it with the character's history, and... this part is crucial: you do it before you start writing the character.

Between self-discovery, experimentation, and some training from... oh, a relative, a prior master, yada yada yada, whatever... what [member="Driana"] is doing is fine. What isn't cool is starting with very difficult and/or very powerful abilities, and/or saying that you're starting out as a master of this and that.

Starting out with absolutely nothing is also fine. It's all a matter of preference.

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