Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Droid For Hire

Mos Eisley, Tattoine
TC-103 walked down the street of Mos Eisley, trying to stay out of the path of various gangsters and dangerous looking mercenaries. Taking a look into an alleyway next to the cantina, he saw an average gang of thugs harassing an old man. Wanting to accomplish his task, he ignored the disturbance and continued walking towards the marketplace. The sun darted down on TC, which surely couldn't have been good for his system, no matter the consideration went into his development.

Approaching a mechanic shop, TC-103 took out a piece of paper that he had created a few days prior and pasted it on the wall. On the paper was an advertisement read:


Droid For Hire

No Payment Required, Just Protection and Shelter

Experienced in Diplomacy, Communication, Basic Mechanics, and Other Forms of Aide

Will be Residing in Mos Eisley Cantina for the Next Few Days

Reviewing over to make sure he included the correct information, TC marched over to the cantina in hopes that someone would find and accept his poster, leading him to a useful life he once had.

Daxar Maverick

Captain of the IC Strike Force
ARSENAL: DLT-19 Heavy Blaster, Jetpack, First Order Stormtrooper Armor, TIE Bomber
LOCATION: Tattooine

Captain Daxar Maverick had been on Mos Eisley investigating things that went on there. Maybe the First Order could use some of the ships there, or maybe there would be a bounty there wanted by the First Order. Daxar didn't do this type of work often, most special tactical operations.
He walked into the back of the cantina.

"Hey, you, this area is restric---"

Daxar shot the bartender right between the eyes. Luckily, it seemed as if he was the only one in the back of the cantina. He walked along the walls, when he reached the main area. There was a sign that caught Daxar's eye. It was a droid for sale. Maybe that would be handy. He thought about it.
[member="Daxar Maverick"]

The blaster shot going off would be the first thing to alert the crime lord. It wasn't unusual for such things to be heard in a cantina, nor even worrying. However, one of the things that could disconcert a patron, was when the bartender you'd bribed into playing informant for you crumpled down to the ground. One hand to protect one's area of influence after all, which was what brought Vincente to his feet now, heading toward the back of the cantina.

The Zann descendant flexed his fingers, before clenching them into a fist. It was time to do business. Several quick strides took him into the back room, right as the trooper walked out of it. "We've things to talk about" He murmured softly, his cold gaze resting on the captain.

((If you want my arsenal, its on my character bio))
Hearing the faint sound of a blaster bolt didn't make TC-103 very surprised because of that being the usual in Mos Eisley, but it was the mysterious man walking towards the shot instead of away from it that made him concerned. Attempting to stay out of sight, TC-103 slowly walked and stayed a distance away from the man to avoid being detected. Once he found a considerable hiding spot, he listened closely to the conversation.

Daxar Maverick

Captain of the IC Strike Force
[member="Vincente Zann"]

Daxar stared at the crime lord. He had a grimacing look on his face, the face of someone you definitely wouldn't want to mess with. Daxar threw his blaster rifle on the ground, and for one of the first times in a long time, took off his helmet.


"How may I assist you, sir?"
[member="Daxar Maverick"]

Vincente considered the man for a moment. Likely he had no idea what he'd done, why, or even how. But he was making steps in the right direction, something Vincente could appreciate. "If you'd be so kind as to enlighten me with the fact of why you felt the need to shoot my dear old friend...Jimbo over there" He pointed at the bartender's corpse "That'd be a start"

Daxar Maverick

Captain of the IC Strike Force
[member="Vincente Zann"]

Daxar looked at the crime lord. He smiled. This guy had no idea about the First Order spies? That's a great start. As it seemed like nowadays planets were scared that other planets would blow each other up, all under the First Order.

"Sorry about the mess, but I'm not permitted to leave any cantina staff member that is a witness alive. As for you, it doesn't really matter, I'd be happy letting you go off alive."
[member="Daxar Maverick"]

"Well now friend, i'd be careful talking like that. Wrong sort of people might take that as a threat" Vincente said, leaning back againt the door frame, a smile on his lips. The more acute of observers could note, the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. His hand brushed against his thigh casually, a slight nervous tick. He wasn't quite looking for a fight but, the excitement did ocasioanlly get to him to get into a fight. He moved over, standing up straight, resting his hand against the door frame, two fingers pointed upward, a signal for the consortium guards to be wary

Daxar Maverick

Captain of the IC Strike Force
[member="Vincente Zann"]

Daxar slowly put his helmet back on, and picked up his blaster. Quickly, he ran down the hallway, out of the cantina, and to where his TIE Bomber was docked. He quickly hopped into his ship, and began to take off. Hopefully that guy didn't have an army behind him.
[member="Daxar Maverick"] [member="TC-103"]

(Well, I technically do. I can link the submission if you want...Including our navy)

Vincente let the man go, no point in starting a firefight at....Well 2 am it appeared to be. The prime business of the night should begin soon. But first...he could have sworn there was another figure back here, The Zann lord took a step deeper into the back room looking about for the other figure. On a second thought he spoke to his wrist mounted commlink "Code Green, do not fire. Let the man go...He knows enough to stay away, but not enough to cause trouble"

Daxar Maverick

Captain of the IC Strike Force
[member="Vincente Zann"]

Daxar was leaving the Tattooine system. For some reason, that guy back there really creeped him out. It was almost as like he could take out the whole First Order himself. No, Daxar couldn't let that happen. Quickly, he set his navigator to Dosuun, the capitol of the First Order. Daxar wanted to be as far away from that crime lord as possible.
[member="TC-103"] [member="Daxar Maverick"] [member="Vincente Zann"]

Freanne just got reports, that first order troops where doing something on Tattoine. She was unsure what was going on, so she decide to take one platoon of her men with her, and find out what was going on, after all she guard Mos Eilsey for the Techno Union. So she wanted to know what a first order team was doing here, seeing she had not got the paper work for them. It was probably a bureaucratic mistake. Though she wanted to know ether way, as she did not like people stepping on her toes. So her and team of desert rats, entered the town and began looking for them. She sure hoped they had there paper work in order, otherwise she would have to ask them to come with her. Whilst she got her superiors to find out what was going on, as she did not like other forces operating in her area, without her knowledge. She would be there in about five minutes, and then she would get to the bottom of this.

Vincente casually took his seat again, and ordered a drink from the new bartender, the one that came in after the body of the old one was removed from the establishment. He sipped at the whiskey with a soft sigh, his head inclinded to flash attention away from it. As things happened around him, he took little interest, that was, untill the woman came in, with her men. This could prove either beneficial, or troublesome depending on how this was played. Best not to attract any more noise for now
Managing to avoid the gangster and his possible punishment from eavesdropping, TC-103 sneaked back into the cantina. As he saw the gangster sitting down with a drink, he tried to avoid catching his attention. However, that's when TC saw a women with a militia walk in, hoping that any conflict would be avoided in the cantina.
[member="Vincente Zann"] [member="TC-103"] [member="Daxar Maverick"]

Freanne sat down on one seats near the crime lord, and asked the bar tender for her usual. She and her men have been in the bars here before, and he should know what she drinks. Whilst she was in there, they would only see four other men. The rest where on back up duty, and would get a full TU force here if necessary. After all being the local Captain of the Military here had that advantage, and she only answered to TU government.

Freanne had seen many bar being shot up before, so this was not the first. The blood had been quickly cleaned up, but the blaster smell was harder to just get rid off. She then asked the man, So what happened, and was the CCTV working. She knew it was as they used it for blackmail, and she sometimes took a cut of it as long as no one had been killed. Her main job was making sure people where not killed here, after that she did not give a feth.

Vincente looked up casually "Listen close enough, you can hear the whirr. Everythings running as it should" He murrmured with a little hand wave toward the cameras. "No trouble, at least, nothing you should worry yourself with. Just a little boy finding out hes a tad too big for his britches, metaphorically speaking of course" Scaring those was always the most fun "Anything else I can help you with...Miss...?" He asked, folding his hands together on the tabletop and resting his head upon them. One could note, one hand was covered in a white glove, the other was covered in an armored black glove. The technology knowledgeable would know that the item in question, on the white glove, was a grav gauntlet, while the black glove was a crushgaunt. Not exactly unique items, though uncommon enough to warrant some level of attetnion

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Well, frak. The one cantina Gavin walked into on this dustball, and the position of bartender was only being filled by a corpse. The woman who walked in ahead of him looked like the kind of chick who'd use the heat she seemed to be packing if he hit on her, or would shoot him up using those soldiers of hers, so he just very calmly sat down at the bar. He reached across the counter, poured himself a drink, and then looked around to see if anybody took exception to the presence of a former mercenary. Somebody usually did.

[member="Freanne"] [member="TC-103"] [member="Vincente Zann"]
[member="Gavin XIII"]

Lizzy yawned as she slowly blinked awake, a bottle had fallen over, and was drippign liquid onto her forehead. She wasn't quite aware where she was, or why she was there. Slowly she sat up, her ears peeking over the edge of the bar's counter. Slowly she stood up, streching again as she surveyed the scene around her. She was in a cantina it appeared, and it was crowded. A blush appeared on her face, she did always manage to fall asleep in the strangest of places

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin blinked at the lady who seemed to have camoflaged with the counter by having booze poured on her head. He watched her do what he considered a pretty basic wake-up routine, then started searching through his pocket for candy. None was readily availible, so he grumpily drank his beer and looked back up at the girl again.

"Nice nap? Can't say much for your choice of pillows."
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"] [member="Gavin XIII"]

TC-103 wasn't one to help people in Mos Eisley, since most people would just lead you into a trap to be robbed, but someone who had woken up in the corner seemed to have Jedi written all over her, assuming that the lightsaber hilt on her belt didn't make it enough obvious. He wanted to make use of the chance to talk to someone who wasn't a potential murderer. Walking over to the awaken woman, another man had walked over to her. He had seemed nice by the looks of him, even with a gun he had. Striking up a conversation with them would have been interesting. "Excuse me for bothering, but one of you looks a tad pale, and I was wondering if you may be need of assistance."

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