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Dubrillion no more?

Darth Odium


The black imperial star destroyer dropped out of hyperspace and began drifting toward the world in the distance. The bone clad figure on the bridge of the ship stared out of the veiwports, skin gaunt and flaking away in places. He began gathering the force as the planet's shields went up and fighters began moving to intercept. He thought of his student [member="Darth Vitium"] and smiled as the force began to build.

<<Everything dies. Let me show you how.>>
[member="Darth Odium"]

The Rebel base's removal from Erida had transpired, it turned out, only days before an almost unprecedented tragedy. He'd made a run through the fringes of the system a bit later, in the Bullet Time, just as the Sith occupation was beginning.

And he, just like the Sith -- or so his sources suggested -- had found Erida dead. Drained of life in a way that the holocrons remembered.

It was instinct that drew him here from Levantine space, just as instinct had drawn him across the galaxy a thousand times. And though he had no rationale beyond a gut feeling, some part of him knew, on some worried and barely-conscious level, that he would see something he didn't want to see. Something uncomfortably familiar.

The Bullet Time exited hyperspace over Dubrillion to check out that Star Destroyer, and his gut instinct coalesced into a knot of dread. He tapped the comms.

"Lone Star Destroyer here, Command. Old Imperial-class, painted or burned black. Monitoring."
Three months confined in her lab with little more than an AI and semi sentient hound for company, Mia longed for the stars. Taking a well needed break from her flagship and her work, Mia borrowed a purudii fighter from the hanger bay of the prison ship and hit the first hyperlane she found. She moved like this again and again, with no destination in mind.

She felt a familiar tug as she slid into real space again, a sensation that rose the hairs up on the back of her neck. She moved toward the star system, eyes raking the space around her as much as the sensors. When the star destroyer popped up, Mia reached out in the force. What in the blazes, was an old Imperial Starship doing this far out of home territory.

Another mark came up smaller and somewhat less intrusive. Mia mirrored its position keeping distance from both, she opened a channel the the latter. "Bullet Time," she said softly "This is Field Marshall Monroe, please identify?"

Always better to poke the lesser of two evils and see what happens.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Darth Odium

[member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

It was not a sick sense of pleasure, nor his hate that drove him now. It was something stronger than that, a primal blackness of the empty pit where his soul shoukd have been. He desired relief, sustenance, and the more he gave in and fed his desire for relief, the stronger it came back.

His cloak fell to the ground as he reached out in the force for the fighters that had been dispatched from the planet. The cold bolts of force diminish gripped the 12 pilots and in less time than it took to fire turbolasers they were gone. His mind filled with ecstacy and the mindless animal desire lashed out at the world and the life it contained began to be slowly drained.
Mia grinned.

"Negative." she replied "The only reason and old imperial class could be out here is a bound to be a bad one. I've got nothing, no sensor sweeps, no arming of heavy weapons. Its just sitting there."

Then everything happened at once. Fighters from the planet below rose to greet the star destroyer like a swarm of angry bees only to be diminished in a heartbeat, turbolasers flashed but the pilots died before they made contact with the ships. She felt them go, felt the cold clutch about her own heart.

"Feth...Jorus...Do the odds of survival flash across your mind at all, when contemplating taking on a star destroyer with a life sucking sith on board?" Her hands moved to warm up her own weapons.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Darth Odium"]
[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Mia Monroe"]

He wasn't one for sensing things with the Force -- at least not apart from stars, moons and hyperspace -- but the suddenness and wrongness of the pilots' deaths made their way into his mind regardless. His knuckles whitened on the Bullet Time's control yoke.

"Nah," he said after a moment, not especially thinking of the intergalactic corporation he'd founded, the hyperlanes he'd blazed, or the technological advances he'd spearheaded. "I've never been too good at math."

The microcorvette slashed through space, toward the planet and the Star Destroyer. Closer in, he aimed to arc his course so as to put the far larger ship between him and Dubrillion, more or less; he still had a good way to go before his weapons could be effective, though the same couldn't be said for capital turbolasers.

"This is Captain Jorus Merrill to the unidentified Star Destroyer." Cybernetic eyes, dancing with hyperlight, tracked the inert starfighters on their wide spread, the splaying courses they'd taken in the brief panic of death. "Leave the Dubrillion system or I will kill you."
[member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Darth Odium"]

With a flash, a lone starfighter emerged from hyperspace into the fathomless void of space. Its sole occupant was an assassin droid, a death machine courtesy of the machinations of Archangel Research and Design. Once the droid in question had been human, a freedom fighter or terrorist on Contruum. Back during the time when the Republic backed a terrorist insurgency before getting cold feet. Then Sith Lords would decide it would be a jolly idea to use the place for holocron auctions, with more misery piling up.

But she had not been human for a long time, and so dispassionate mechanical eyes that cared not for the countless innocents down on Dubrillon who now faced the danger of oblivion because the Lord of Hunger willed it so, gazed out at the stars as she manoeuvred her nimble starfighter and activated her scanners, picking up upon the massive leviathan that was the old Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It was far away from home. Delicate fingers tapped the comm as she sent a message to Anaxes, though it was very doubtful that this would lead to anything. Being devoid of the Force, Callisto would be unable to use space magic to sense anything. She was loosely affiliated with the Underground, reports had been incoming about what had transpired on Erida. Word was an entire world had been wiped out...impressive. Now she was here, though she would be unable to sense the massive aura of darkness emanating from the battleship.

Starfighters could be made out lying dead in space, but scans picked up no life if 'space magic' had killed them. Another mark came up on her scanners, smaller and less intrusive, as the microcorvette slashed through space towards the planet and the Destroyer. A microcorvette she could identify as the Bullet Time. Communication was sent to it, asking for identity clarification and status. She would identify herself in the message by using an old Contruum code. Contruum had been a prime recruiting ground of the Rebel Alliance - the one run by Merrill and Castillon, now defunct since the Old Sith Empire had collapsed - and though the Mandalorians now held sway, it still provided people for the Underground. For now she made no aggressive move towards the warship, calculating options.
I looked around as a battle alert went off. Pulling my pants on, and quickly throwing a jacket over my half-open shirt, I almost ran down the hall to the main lift. When I stepped out onto the bridge, I was glad to see that the Duchess was in full working order, and ready to make the jump, along with six other Battle Dragons, and twelve Venator-class cruisers. A couple of Predators were in orbit, too, ready to jump.

"All ships lock coordinates for Dubrillion and jump after me. Somebody shoot off a message to Eplistica. We got something in our space, and it's gonna get rubbed out."

[member='The Shadow King'] [member='Solan Charr']
Eclipsta, Bridge of the Shadow Hunter

Solan yawned as he sat in the command chair he had purposefully made sure was installed on the bridge of the Hanzai Cruiser that he now looked out of the view-port of. Apparently, someone had decided it was ok to wake Solan up and attack a world that teh Shadow Dynasty had a investment in, well fun now he had to actually work today. His arms stretched and mouth opened to yawn as he looked out at the other ships that had been put under his control Two more Hanzai's and four shadows for cover. He would have to make sure he didn't waste the lives of those under him as part of his first true command. "Hey Aeizori, ever seen what Hyperspace looks like?" He looked at the girl he had saved and was trying to explain what it meant to be free... it was taking a while. As an After thought, he sent a quick message to an old contact in the Silver Jedi Order named [member="Matsu Ike"], one he had met while helping them out a few times with his friend Una Gal, as well as Gen the Raven haired Bunny.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Darth Odium"]
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Romeo was already at the King's Crown, talking to first mate Toligon, he was above the planet, discussing the positions of the sun, and the moon.
"Sir, I got Grand Admiral requesting you to follow him to Dubrillion, a code red alpha seven." A officer came running from the bridge, yelling at the top of his lungs. Stopping in front of his king, he bowed.
"Well, you heard him! Call in two Ritouris, and bring an Ionizer with us!" He barked. "Sir, we have a few patrols that can follow us out there that can spare the ships." A officer replied. "Good, get us to Dubrillion."
"Get me a link to Ikon." The men, and women began to work faster then any crew he had seen. "Sir I have a link." Toligon came up to him with a comlink. Romeo placed it in his ear.
"Cross, this is Romeo, what's this going on at Dubrillion?"
[member="Solan Charr"]

Aeizori sat next to him, but on the floor. She was still having issues with realizing that she can sit down on a chair instead of the floor. "U-Uhm. . . Arf?" She felt slightly confused at his question, more or less, unaware what hyperspace was. Her tails swayed behind her, then would stop and went to curl up around her lithe body. "I. . .I-I don't know. . ."
"Some kind of ship seems to have launched fighters... But they ain't moving anymore. Just floatin' there. They don't know what exactly is happening, just that there's an energy surge leading away from the plan- Oh, son of a queen."

I looked at the report coming in, a sense of dread coming over me as I did. People were just dropping in the streets. If I hadn't heard of Sith rituals before, I'd have thought that somebody was doing tagged orbital strikes. But that was impossible, and unlikely. The energy surge...

"Romy, somebody's draining something. People are fucking falling unconscious in the streets. We gotta blast this guy to bits."

Spinning in my chair, I stood to look at the holos of my subordinates on the other ships.

"No quarter, gentlemen. We're blasting a Sith into dust before he leaves an astronomical death toll. When we drop out, you see anything Imperial, you frakking blast it. Am I clear?"


[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Darth Odium"]
[member="The Shadow King"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Darth Odium"]

Solan smiled as he looked at the girl and reached down to touch her hand and try and get her to stand up. "Come on, you don't have to sit on the floor, ok?" He would wait to see if she would stand up or not, then look forward and relay his command after hearing Ikon's own. "All ships prepare the coordinates now, we jump on my mark, thirty seconds." He would wait, all them had been ready but he was giving himself time to speak to Aeizori again. "Look a the stars and watch them, they will change in hyperspace... oh and hold onto something." He smiled as he spoke one last time. "Mark." With that the ships would lurch forward and jump.
[member="Solan Charr"]

She would take his hand, and would indeed stand up. "Okay Master." She softly stated, then went to look outside the window. She saw all the pretty lights, and smiled. When he went to speak, the girl's tails swayed, even though she had no idea what he was talking about. When the ships started to jump, she finally understood, and went to hold onto his chair, or a railing nearby.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Darth Odium"]

Romeo listened, and already knew what Ikon was talking about. "Drain Life....Cross get there ASAP." Romeo turned to look at the first mate. "Toligon where are my ships?" He asked her. ""Sir, ten seconds behind, ready to jump when we are." Romeo nodded again. Walking to his chair, he sat down with Toligon standing next to him. "We ready?" They all said yes. "Punch it."
Within a few second the stars stretched, and they zoomed forward.
Despite the fact that my fear had just been proven true, I smiled as the starlines of hyperspace flew past the dark shape of the Duchess' hull. I could feel the ship buck slightly, as we exited hyperspace, and there it was: the Star Destroyer... And the energy surge in front of it. No time to waste.

"All ships target the bridge on that ship an' fire. NOW."

[member="The Shadow King"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Darth Odium"]
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Mia Monroe"]

Solan sat back in the chair and soon the ships lurched out to find Cross already firing on the ship, without even checking for other ships laying in wait. Seeing as adding his firepower would be a bit useless for now as he would need to get closer, he took the time to seek out other blips on the galatic plane that they seemed to have popped out at. Finding that of a few smaller ships that seemed to be watching. "This is the Shadow Hunter, contacting unknown ships in the sector that are not the Star Destroyer obviously... please confirm your names or that of where your alliegence lies... i would hate to destroy commercial ships or friends of the Dynasty's." With that he shut off the comm.

They were still out of range of the destroyer, good, he would wait for his answer from Gen, [member="Matsu Ike"], or the two unidentified ships, to see who it was that would respond. "By the way, Aeizori, you can call me Solan, you don't have to call me master."
[member="Solan Charr"]

She finally ajusted herself to hyperspace, and lunged forward from the sudden hault. "Wha!" She was flung forward, abit, then fell down flat on her butt. "Arf!. . ." She groaned in pain, then went to shake it off. Surely she has been in hyperspace before, but in something more. . .less confined. She regained herself and looks over to Solan. "Arf.. .?" His statement felt foriegn to her. It goes against what she was 'taught' as a child. "U-Uhm. . .Okay. Master Solan." This is the most logical thing she thought up of from his request.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Darth Odium"]

They hopped out of hyperspace, a normal view a the space returning to Romeo now.
Romeo checked the ship's ID that was not from Cross' section. It was Solan. "King's Crown, Sin's flagship." Toligon reported for Romeo as he stood up in awe as he watched the Star Destroyer, and all that was around it. "My, my...Toligon...we have some work to do." He said in a whisper. The ship was Sith alright, this was the work of someone too powerful to be kept alive. His two Ritouris and the Ionzier hopped out behind.
" you see this?" He said in his comlink.
He looked at the HBD, and smiled. "All fire on the Star Destroyer.." He turned and walked back to his command chair. "Toligon..I have a bad feeling about this...." He leaned his elbow on the chair, resting his chin on his palm.

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