Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dubrillion no more?

[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"]

He sighed and rubbed his forehead as he waited for the answer from the other ships, though heard a bit of a laugh behind him which he turned his head and looked at the area with a smile. "Just because im not a Sith or one of your normal Military leaders... does not mean you guys can laugh in a warzone... keep your eyes on any fighters or if the other two detachments are shot at, if we need to help them i want to know immediately." He turned his head to Aeizori. "By the way, Aeizori, not Master Solan, Just Solan."
[member="Solan Charr"]

She remained looking at him, and simply nodded. "I'll. . .I'll try to remember Mas-" She paused, knowing something was off. It truly did feel odd for her to call him by his name and not 'Master'. "Solan." She had finally spoke.
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"]

"There you go you furry tailed missy." He smiled at her and looked back towards the screens as he looked at the logistics of this battle. Cross' force should be more than enough to deal with the stardestroyer... but what worried him was what level of man it was that they were dealing with. "Aeizori, do you remember my old ship, if something happens and i tell you to leave, run for the ship and tell the pilot to take you to Point B, understood?" He looked at her, pushing it as a command to make sure she listened.... last he needed was her having her life source drained before he could stop it.
Grinning at the Crown, I almost said something, and then stopped as I noticed the spatial distortion from the Force Drain. And there were the fighters from the report.

"Bastard killed his own men to feed it. Now, I want to kill him."

I spun in my chair again, looking over the Star Destroyer before casually wagging a finger at the shield generators on top of the ship.

"Toli, you got anything that can blast through those pylons?"

[member="The Shadow King"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Solan Charr"]

Hearing this as a command, she nodded and barked in responce. "Yes Master." This one slipped out, because the girl thought that he requested her calling him this after the command. "I'll do as you say, and leave when you say the word."
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Shadow Hunter, this is the private vessel Bullet Time out of Nar Shaddaa, just passing through." He broke off his attack run on [member="Darth Odium"]'s Star Destroyer, not for lack of desire or for the sake of fear, but because the Shadow Dynasty had arrived in force, and space was absolutely full of turbolaser fire. Even a ship as agile as the Bullet Time had issues staying out of the many, many lines of fire that had just opened up.

A possible future unfolded in his mind's eye -- the Star Destroyer escaping, fleeing Dynasty territory. He could track ships through hyperspace better than any sensor, and he had none of a government's limitations when other borders were involved -- like the Mandalorians, say, or the Imperial Remnant.
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

He sighed and rubbed his forehead, getting her to stop calling him that was going to be a chore and he did not have the mind to focus on it right now... maybe he should just let her be but he had alread invested this much in it, might as well see it through. "Thank you Aeizori... Gerold, get me the stats on the star destroyer while we wait for confirmation from our two mystery companions."

Then the voice came, perfect. "Thank you for answering Bullet time, what has happened so far, we only received second hand information and if its as bad as the information said i need to know if you have seen any weaknesses... please rendezvous with me out side of the star destroyer's range so that we can talk without it ease dropping."
[member="Solan Charr"]

The Bullet Time jinked and swerved through massed fire, pilot's knuckles white on the control yoke. Between the immense Force Drain effect and the interchange of capital-grade fire, the microcorvette wasn't going to be able to break free anytime soon, let alone rendezvous. Jorus hissed in frustration and slapped a tightbeam lasercomm link into play between maneuvers, the emitter compensating for what he had to do to keep his ship a step ahead of slag. Bandwidth was limited, but it would do for secure audio.

"My gut says it's this schutta that killed the planet Erida, in the Unknown Regions. Not too many weaknesses in that department. The ship's the better part of nine centuries old in design, and those suckers were always a hundred thousand design flaws waiting to happen. Solid, though. There'll be no easy solutions."
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Solan had his men moving from battle to trying to relay a clearer message, mentally taking it down. "Thank you Bullet time, ill try and make sure that my men don't shoot you out of the sky thinking you are the enemy." He switched over comms to [member="Cross Ikon"] amd [member="The Shadow King"] "Shadow King and Ikon, The Microcorvette is to not be targeted if possible, im moving in to add some pressure to the back of the star destroyer once i know the corvette is free, im going to attempt to take the bastard's hyperdrive off line if i can but no promises... do keep on the pressure though, its possible this is the one responsible for Erida."

Darth Odium

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Mia Monroe"]

It was absolutely amazing how fast people had come from a place light years away with no knowledge of or even a distress signal from the planet. They had been so amazingly fast that they really found out travelled the 2 - 3 day trip and arrived to open fire and talk before Odium had even blinked.

<<Someone find out what hyperdrives they have.>> Odium thought to the mostly mindless crew, <<they must have ludicrous speed.>>

The force and life drain on the planet stopped immediately and Odium smiled. The life force from the world and the dubrillion navy was then not held and absorbed but added to his strength as he now focused on the ships of the shadow dynasty. TIE fighters launched and all power went to the shields and life support.

He used his existance as a force wound and reached for the crews of the ships. He breathed in as he touched the lives of their people all at once and immediately they would begin to feel their strength fade. Soon the battle dragons and stardestroyers would begin losing members of their crew. A battle dragon began list followed by another, fighters began to drift and Jorus Merrill was untouched to watch it all.
"Where the hell did these jackasses come from?" yelled Mia as she peeled away from her attack run with Jorus.

"Shadow Hunter" Mia piped up "This is Field Marshall Monroe of the United Clans, I'm going to board the star destroyer. I would greatly appreciate it, if you didn't blow the damn thing up before I get on it, or while I'm on it."

Switching her comm off. She punched a line though the fire, diving beneath the star destroyer, she let instinct take over allowing it to guide her through the fight without too much damage. A misshot, blew out one of her engines and she gritted her teeth as the hanger bay came into her line of sight. "Jorus," she called, through a private channel. "I might need a lift home after this."

Smoke was trailing behind her, alarms screaming as the turrets on the hanger bay started peppering her. She switched what remaining shield she had forward, and reached out to grasp the star destroyer in the force, using it as an anchor to pull her and the fighter into the hanger bay.

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Odium"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Solan heard the voice and cursed, if the Sith draining Ikon's fleet wasn't enough now the woman was going to try and board the thing. Slamming on the comms he shouted into them, trying to get his other commanders to get out of range of that thing. "Cross, Shadow King, The two ships are trying to board the Sith ship, try to pull back out of range to where i am so you don't waste the lives of your crew while at the same time accidentally blowing up an ally..." Keying it off he looked at his first officer. "Im heading in there, alone... watch over Aeizori here for me." Without another word he stood, the order was to remain out of the battle for now and wait for Romeo Sin to pull back or not too as he switched over to the comm channel on the personal headset and continued. "Im going to help the other two trying to board the Sith Ship... Romeo, watch out for your men and don't get them killed..." He did regret working with the Shadow Dynasty for that reason, but he had something far more important to do now.

Switching over comms to [member="Jorus Merrill"] and the woman he had heard he spoke. "Bullet time... im heading in after your friend to help how ever i can, so its possible you will be needing to rescue two people if i get shot down." He slid into the pilot seat of his personal fighter, powering it up and smiling. It was a old Clawcraft chiss design he had had retrofitted with new systems that would make maneuvering much more easily... eyes focused on the frame he waited for a moment and shot out of the cruiser, turning and aiming straight for the star destroyer as he put up as much of a barrier around himself as soon he would come into [member="Darth Odium"]'s range and knew if he wasn't careful he would be dead in seconds.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Cross Ikon"]

Romeo sighed, and gave the order for his ships to pull back a safer distance as his people started collapsing some died, others were nearing it. AS they pulled away, people started to feel better, and their firing stopped. "Field Marshall, this is Sin, acknowledged." He sighed and stood up. Toligon was a little woozy from the effects of the Sith Lord's powers.
"Sir what was that?" She asked, trying to walk up to him. "The darkside.." He grinned. He sat down in front of the giant glass windows. "Anytime this starts happening, pull back some more." He closed his eyes. "Do not disturb me...first mate as the bridge."
He began to call upon the darkside, feeding on all the fear some of his men, and women felt, feeding on the anger from the others. The Dark Jedi started to reach out with his mind, searching for the Sith Lord on the Star Destroyer.

Darth Odium

[member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Shadow King"] @everyone sorry phone Post.

The star destroyer flickered for a moment and the people that were effected by the draining suddenly felt better. The TIE fighters winked out as the now old grey star destroyer loomed silently. The sith on the bridge dissipated as the illusion that had been there simply disappeared to reveal the single unmanned destroyer from the ancient empire.

Odium had never been there.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Shadow King"] @everyone sorry phone Post.

Malkav's eyes snapped open and he watched out the view port.

"Monitor comms and have the video and comm information sent to my quarters for review." he said as he stood, "If they spot us jump to hyperspace as planned."

The red haired man in old emperial advisor garments walked out of the imperial shuttles cockpit and toward the back a devilish grin on his lips.
Jorus' palm slammed into the control panel. "Feth." The curse came from mingled relief and irritation. Whoever was capable of this was still out there.

The Bullet Time inscribed a loose spiral back away from the unmanned destroyer. He commed [member="Mia Monroe"]. "Monroe, Jorus. Sensors read the destroyer as unmanned. Get out of there right now. Do not board. It's the Dreadstar Gambit."
Mia lifted her gaze from the screaming console as the ship flickered around her. She set the ship down in the empty hangar bay, unease settling over her. The cockpit hissed as it opened, the sound echoed around the large space. She'd gotten to her feet and half out of the cockpit as Jorus's message hissed through her ships comms. Dropping down to the floor she flicked her personal communicator on.

"Say again, Jorus?" Fingers curled about the bolt guns on her thighs and tugged them free on their holsters as she moved towards the blast doors sealing her from the rest of the ship.

[member="Odium"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

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