Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Ducks Fly Together

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"To have that many on this planet is considered one of the luckiest things you could do." Jonyna explained. "A lot of our culture is still dictated by the fact we had to spend several generations repopulating after the Mandos nearly wiped us out, so...having lots of kids is seen as a blessing by the Force."

Jonyna paused, looking to Cora with a gentle smile. "I hope your other siblings see you well though. I miss mine every day."

Upon Cora's explaination, Jonyna let out a growl of disgust.

"...that kind of treatment of someone would get you ostracized over here. Treating a family member like that. What did you even do to get exiled?"


Right – that did make sense. Even the most fertile of populations would take quite a few generations to reproduce enough after nearly being wiped out entirely.

"Your people have done well for themselves. Looking at Cathar now, at an entire city living in a tree, one could not guess that war ever came here."

There was a weariness to her gentle smile. Even if the war had been long ago, some scars could never heal fully.

Cora's expression turned a little more somber at the mention of her siblings. She doubted that very little ones would recognize her, and there was still a baby among them she had yet to meet. "I was quite close with them growing up on Ukatis. I'd...die for them, truly."

She tilted her head at Jonyna's growl, a wan smile tugging at her lips. Cora let a few moments of thoughtful silence pass before answering.

"Political disagreements, I suppose."

They weren't uncommon on Ukatis, and King Horace was not above jailing dissenters. He also disagreed with the murder of his son, it so happened.

"After my husband passed away, I was grateful for the chance to return to the New Jedi Order."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"Well, you're always welcome here. I got warm stew and a bed for you if you ever need a place to stay." Jonyna offered a warm smile. To not be welcome in your own home, where you grew up...

That was practically unthinkable to a Cathar. Political disagreements were settled in the dueling ring, with elders overseeing them. To exile your own child over it, to cast them out and leave them to the elements...

It went against everything Jonyna was raised to believe. Cathar society's foundation was built on trusting those around you, relying on them. When a neighbor broke a fridge, you helped them fix it. It was that simple. If you needed food, you asked the farmer directly, or got it yourself.

A breakdown of that, over a simple disagreement.

Jonyna suspected there was more to this story. More to Cora's life.

But she wasn't one to pry.

Instead, she paused, looking to the grassland in front of them. After walking for a good while, they were getting close to their destination.

Just on the horizon, Cora could see the green of a tree canopy poking over her furthest line of sight. "There she is. Pya Vetar."


The warmth from Jonyna's smile was infectious. It caught on Cora's expression and melted away some of the tension.

"Thank you, Jonyna. That…means a lot. Really."

The silence that stretched between them was less awkward. More thoughtful. After spending much of her life in one place, Cora often forgot that not every place in the galaxy was like Ukatis. Most weren't, really.

Eventually, the muted tones of the savannah gave way to a peppering of lush green. The canopy of Pya Vetar cut a stark contrast between the dry grasslands.

Cora raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she squinted into the distance.

"Our destination, is it?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"That'll be it." Jonyna said with a peppy grin.

The closer they got, the bigger the tree got. Cora could see it, the start of what would become a mountain. Right now though, the tree was only the size of a small skyscraper. 15 stories tall, and yet already filled with wildlife, as well as...

As they got closer, Cora could finally see it. The trunk of the massive tree had been turned into an art piece, murals carved and painted into the side of the tree. Murals of feats of wonder, of tales of old...and of one very familiar.

"...oh." Jonyna paused. Stylized in Cathar art, a mural of a cathar jedi standing at a temple gate, a storm above her. "...another one. That's...humbling."

Jonyna's contemplation was broken only as her ears twitched at a new sound. High above them in the tree, a strange bird call could be heard. One that was followed by a bird, currently entirely aflame, flew out of the branches and landed on a low branch, staring at the two of them.

"...there it is..." Jonyna whispered as low as she could. "Holy shit."


Cora observed the murals that decorated the massive trunk of the tree. Depictions like these often told a story. War, calamity, and the heroes that triumphed over them were common subjects.

Their commonality made them no less impactful.

Jonyna's eye was drawn to the scene of a Cathar Jedi, a fierce storm brewing above her. Another one?

"Is this…someone you know?" She ventured carefully.

Their collective attention snapped upward as the strange cry of a bird reverberated from somewhere within the tree.

With a rustle of leaves, the creature made itself known. It had the general form of a bird, but its body was engulfed in flames.

"Wha-" Cora blinked, startled. Her voice hissed in a low whisper to Jonyna, eyes glued to the bird. "…how is this tree not on fire?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"'s me." Jonyna muttered, before the bird finally came down to stare at them.

Jonyna looked up to the bird, looking in utter awe of it. "...that's a Je'ka Lairi." She whispered, "They're...birds of myth. What I wanted to go looking for...I didn't expect one to here."

The Je'ka seemed to be fixated on Cora, twisting it's head nearly upside down as it looked at her, before letting out a clear imitation of Cora's voice.
"…how is this tree not on fire?"


"It's you?!"

Cora echoed Jonyna's words with heavy surprise. She was notoriously bad at distinguishing one species from another - poor Ko Vuto Ko Vuto had gotten a first hand taste - and she hadn't wanted to assume that the Cathar in the painting was one she'd met.

"What did you do to-"

"…how is this tree not on fire?"

Oh. The bird was mocking her.

Jonyna seemed transfixed on the flame-wrapped creature, in awe of their fortune. Cora did not share that awe. Her eyes narrowed sharply as she scrutinized the miniature phoenix like a student who'd just back-talked their teacher.

"What did you say to me?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The bird let out a caw, before flying back to the tree. A minute later, it came back, and landed right at Cora's feet, flower in beak. It seemed to have picked it for her, presenting it as if it was a gift. The flower was a vibrant blue, and seemed to resemble a lily in structure.

"...I think it likes you Cora." Jonyna snickered.



Cora's expression held in uncertainty as the flaming bird presented her with a flower. She knelt down to receive the blossom, feeling a little silly. For what, she wasn't exactly sure. Being mocked by a bird, being upset the bird for mocking her, or both?

"Thank you." She tilted her head in acknowledgment to the creature. "I apologize for taking a sharp tone with you."

The blonde knight glance to Jonyna and raised a brow.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The poor bird drooped, letting out the most pitiful caw she'd ever heard a bird make. After a moment of hesitation, Cora knelt down and cautiously held out her pointer finger.

She glanced up to Jonyna for a moment.

"Do you think they were separated? Or…"

Her tone dipped, soft and somber. Force, she hoped that his companion was simply lost.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The poor bird hopped over and nuzzled Cora's finger, offering only a low noise of defeat.

" the sound of it, it sounds like it was more than just lost..." Jonyna frowned, looking to the poor bird. "Je'ka usually mate for life, so..." Jonyna knealt down, petting the bird. "You looking for someone to be with, little guy?"

The bird looked up to the cathar, cawing as he hopped closer to Cora.


More than lost.

Oh. Oh.

Cora wasn't sure why the bird had become so curious about her, but perhaps he was simply sad and looking for a companion. She smiled, slightly, as he nuzzled her finger. Surprisingly the flames didn't hurt, so she scratched him gently beneath his chin.

"Would you like to come with us for now, little guy?"

She glanced over to Jonyna, the continued.

"We could help you find another…bird friend, maybe."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The bird seemed to coo at that, before fluttering it's wings and flying up to Cora's shoulder.

"...I don't know if there are any more around here. Je'ka are usually only seen once in a lifetime..." Jonyna admitted. "Unless you're someone they choose to meet..."

The bird once more fluttered it's wings, looking to Cora with a happier expression.

"Little guy!" The bird repeated in Cora's voice.


"Once in a lifetime…"

Cora passively followed the bird's path as he hopped his way onto her shoulder. Again, she was surprised that she only felt a small amount of pressure from his little feet - and not the searing edge of a flame.

She blinked over at Jonyna, unsure of why the Je'ka seemed taken with her. Perhaps because she wasn't a native, and therefore an object of curiosity.

"Should we bring him somewhere, then? Does Cathar have any facilities equipped to look after creatures like him?"

Idly, she scratched the bird beneath his chin with a finger. She felt heat, but her skin did not burn. A curious sensation.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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