Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ducks In A Row and then some

I know that I've written one of these up before and I did make good on it for about two months. This time, I'm afraid it has to be much longer. I very much need to put away this laptop of mine and put it away in storage. I'm about a month out from Basic Training and my push up game is still weak. I'm playing much more than focusing on chores and personal time with friends and family.

Besides, I am so bad at commitment on this site and I hate myself for it. There's no need to prolong my stupid behavior when I have far more important things to work on and worry about in real life. I'm sorry for all of the ignorant, annoying and/or foolish things I've done in the past and it makes me happy to know that I was able to at least make some people smile and even laugh.

My laptop has been an idol in my life and I need to cut it out.

[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Atheus"] | [member="Miss Blonde"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | @The Awesome People of First Order and Imperial Remnant Discord Chat | @The Many People I Will Miss | @#BushDone911 | @Ha Ha, I'm funny and original

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