Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dude..... What Did I Do Last Night?


Location: Jax's Apartment​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber

Jax's legs felt like jelly being stacked on top of each other.

He and Aveline just finished a mission assisting the Coruscant Police Force in stopping a robbery in a bank. It wasn't too hard, the robbers were bold but foolish not helping their case was the fact that they were chitty shots. Honestly putting a Jedi to lead the retaking of the bank was overkill but Jax did his duty none the less. The two of them celebrated afterwards by going to a local bar and drinking. Jax at first just wanted to hang out, bond with his bratty apprentice and probably drink one or two beers just to get the buzz going. 12 drinks later, Jax found himself stumbling around the streets of Coruscant yelling at a rock he found on the streets about it taunting Jax over the death of his master. "I should've died okay!" the Jedi yelled. "I shouldn't be a Jedi Knight but here I am!"

Where was Aveline during the drunken escapade? Jax didn't know but she can take care of her self. Then again knowing Aveline she'll probably throw a tantrum that Jax gave her drink when she was under the age limit. The next thing Jax knew was that he was bumbling around like a Wookie on roller skates dragging himself towards the door of his apartment. Was it the force that guided him to his home? Perhaps, but given how wasted he was it's likely out of instinct than guidance from the force. Master Oda had told Jax once that drinking too much dulled one's connection to the force. Jax didn't care though, Whiskey was so damn addictive pressing the button Jax bumbled his way into his room his vision obscured by the darkness in front of him. Was the Jax's room dark or did he drink so much that it temporarily blinded him? Jawa Juice combined with a few drops of whiskey was said to cause temporary blindness. Jax remembered drinking 3 of them today.

"Hey Droid!" Jax yelled waving his arms as though he was batting away flies coming to his face. "Turn on the light will ya?!"

As soon as he said it, the lights came on blinding Jax. "Frack!" he said putting his arms up. "Too bright damn it! At least you're actually listening to me!"

Just then, Jax sensed a brief tremor in the force but before he could react he felt a cold hand grab the back of his neck. The Jedi yelped in pain while he heard a mechanical roar, the assailant smashed Jax's head through the window as pieces of glass came flying out landing 36 floors below. "Where's the Droid Jedi?!" a man's voice yelled in Jax's ear. He was definitely part of the Cybersouls gang based on his metallic voice. Jax could even hear the whirring of gears as he spoke. "Where's BB-12?!"

"Try looking up your ass," Jax said his voice garbled and blood trickling down from his forehead.

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The bank had felt like just another mission. Nice, easy, simple. It was routine. But what followed was anything but, at least for Aveline. Celebrating after a mission felt peculiar to her, especially after one as straightforward as this. They were just doing their duty. This was their job. Even so, Aveline had gone with Jax to the local bar. The promise had been just one drink, maybe too. She was too young and inexperienced to know that it was never just two.

The beer tasted… Off, to her. Yet she drank it. And when one was finished, Jax soon made sure that another found its way to her palm. She wasn’t sure why she drank it, but she did. Halfway through the third it became easier. It became fun. The looks they had been getting stopped bothering her. Every story became engrossing, every joke somehow funny.

In what had seemed like just a moment later, though in reality several hours had gone, Aveline found herself out on the streets. Jax had left her, and later she had too had done so with a new group of friend. It didn’t take long for them to squabble though, and they revealed themselves to not be as friendly as they had seemed. One of the guys had wanted her lightsaber. Just to look, he had said, but she could tell he wanted to take it off her. His grasping hands came up short, and all he got was her robe and a bloody nose. Neither him nor his friends pursued her when she ran down into an alley.

How could she not have seen this. Their intent must’ve been right there all along. Aveline had to stop, clutching at the wall. Everything was spinning…

Later that evening, thankfully, she had found her way back to where they were staying. And not a moment too late. The blue hum of her borrowed lightsaber came to life and rested right over the man’s left shoulder. She did not notice how it charred the flesh of his neck until he winced in pain, and she adjusted with horrified eyes. Still, the lightsaber remained on him, though she struggled to keep it straight. “Try looking up your… Yeah” Great comeback, Aveline...



Location: Jax's Aparatment​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax head was throbbing painfully as if he was simultaneously punched by a Wookie and a Hutt. As much as Jax was addicted to the taste of alcohol, he really hated those damn hangovers. Of course it didn't help when he's getting his head smashed through the window by a person who looked like refrigerator with wires sticking out of his body than a man. "Where's the droid Jedi!!!!" The Cybersoul gangster screamed in Jax is ear again banging his head on the edge.​
"What the frack did BB-12 do this time?!" Jax saw droplets of his blood freefalling to the bottom about 20 stories down from where he lived. His head was continued to hurt, now he has a fracking gash on his forehead. Why is it every time Jax has great moment something bad always has to happen a few seconds afterwards.​
"Don't make me laugh," Jax said beginning to giggle like a boy who successfully placed minirockets in a teacher's toilet. " You're just going to kill me if I tell ya and by the way! I'm not going to! You attack me in my fracking home, try to threaten me?!"​
"We aint gonna kill ya Jedi!" The Cybersoul gangster said pushing him on to the ground while his large friend began to give Jax a golden shower.​
"Oh great," Jax said his face getting wet. "On second thought please put my head through the window, I was really scared."​
"Where's the credits Jedi?!" the man yelled. "Where's the credits chithead?!"​
Just then large Cyborg roared in pain, the golden shower now rapidly spreading all over Jax's robes. The Jedi heard the familiar hum and slash, Aveline finally came back. "Oh chit!" the large Cybersoul gangster said flailing in pain towards the wall while his smaller companion relinquished his iron vice grip from the back of Jax's neck. "Eddie!" he shouted.​
However as soon as he spoke, Jax whipped out his Lightsaber and in two quick slashes, the man's arms fell on to the floor. "OH FRACK!" The gangster saw sparks form from where his arms once were. Jax performed a vertical slash across Eddie's chest and force pushed him onto closet. A bunch of soda cans and pizza boxes came pouring out as the large man crumbled onto the floor whimpering.​
The now armless Cybersoul gangster lower lip began to quiver while Jax held his blade against his neck. "Now," Jax said his robes covered in piss. "Let's have a little chat."​

Aveline took a moment to take in the scene. The state of Jax's robes, his wet hair, and the smell. Oh Force the smell... The two Jedi had been reunited for less than half a minute, and already Aveline would be yelling at him. "You had that all along?!" by 'that', she clearly meant his lightsaber. "Kriff, Jax..."

She didn't know what to say. Had he truly been that defenceless? The only logical explanation she could reach was that it was the very same thing that caused her current headache that had dulled his senses, probably her own as well. "Karking liquor" she muttered to no one in particular.

It didn't matter. Not now anyway. The only thing that mattered now was securing the two people who had attacked Jax. Aveline moved to secure their weapons and assess the state they were in. Then it was time for them to get some answers... Aveline had a feeling that the celebrations over their last mission was over and the next mission had already started.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Jax's Apartment​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax glowered at Aveline who was once again throwing a temper tantrum, it seems that even when drunk Aveline would let her brattiness slip. "Well this walking set of gears," Jax motioned to the large Cybersoul Gangster still writing in pain lying on the ruins of Jax's closet. "Apparently hasn't been house broken and-"​
He realized Aveline was staring at his Lightsaber. "Well Aveline," Jax said still a bit under the influence. "The thing is, I was waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Remember what I taught you, a Jedi is always patient even when they're getting pissed by a person whose Mom clearly hasn't taught him how to use the toilet. You reach out to the Force and just for it to answer."​
Jax stared at Aveline. "And lo and behold!" Jax said still swaying back and forth. "The Force has blessed with a distraction! Thank you my bratty Padawan!"​
"Can I go now?" The armless, skinny gangster attempted to wiggle his way out of Jax's grip but the Jedi sighed. "No nerf herder," Jax growled placing his arm against his neck.​
"Don't worry," he said. "I ain't going to kill you so you'll live long enough to change your pants. But what I want to know is who the frack sent you? And why this droid in particular?"
"We don't have to tell you chit!" The large man yelled. "Larius will find that butter ball and make rip him alive!"
"All right," Jax said. "Larius thank you for the information!"
"Chit!" The large man growled holding out his arm a small blaster canon emerged from his forearm and immediately began to fire blaster bolts the skinny man yelped dropping down before any bolts hit him. Jax immediately deflected blasters with various bolts hitting the Holo Tv, the refrigerator and the walls. "Come on Jedd!" the large man yelled. "Let's get out of here!"

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