Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dust in the Wind [Complete]

Queen of Devit



She knew he understood the struggles of being royalty. You were never alone, and holidays were never your own. You also didn't always get to choose the activities you did even when it was your own birthday. A slight to the other members of a high society could hurt the people of your world in more ways than one. It was exhausting.

He described how his time as a Jedi helped him grow in many ways. Perhaps it could do the same for her? He seemed confident that he was on the right path but she wondered if it was purely because he really didn't have any other path to choose? She supposed if her family was slaughtered and she had a kingdom to run she might have to make some tough decisions.

"I like to learn so I thought I could go university and study. I don't think my parents are really up for that though. They want to either marry me off of keep me away at the Jedi." She didn't mention that she suspected it was because she was the only one asking questions about the criminal syndicates.

"You must be sick of me complaining, but you are nice to listen. I know you've got much bigger problems. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren



He didn't say anything when she mentioned marrying her off. Perhaps he knew more about it than he was willing to let on, or perhaps he just didn't want to discuss the matter. Either way, it wasn't a topic he felt comfortable with in the moment. The idea of her being married off didn't sit well with him anyway. Better that she go to the Jedi, but she didn't want that. What she wanted was something else, and she wasn't going to get that with her family. He hated that he knew that but couldn't tell her as much.

"University would be good," he added as they walked. "What would you study?"

There was much that could be learned in school that they didn't have the opportunity to learn outside of it simply because of the nature of their busy lives. For most people, learning in an actual work environment was best. At least in his opinion. For royalty, there was no such thing as a work environment unless they were thrust into the role of leading their world. They were too pampered to have such things.

When she asked about helping him he shook his head.

"No, I'll be alright. Don't trouble yourself with me. I've plenty of people here to help me. Besides, I've a cousin over in Doxeti I intend to meet so I can ask her to represent us with the Alliance. I'm sure she'll be of good help as well."

ATTIRE: Link | WEAPON: Lightsaber | COMPANION: BD-F8 | OTHER: Sigil Bead (Necklace)

TAGS: Anavi Vandala

Queen of Devit



They continued their walk, all the while her keeping a sharp eye out for birds. The park was so peaceful compared to the commotion of the royal palace, but they were nearing the end of the trail and Anavi knew that he had duties to return to. She was glad she'd gotten to see her old friend, even if their conversation had been marred with grim tidings of clones and parental activities.

"I think I'd study medicine maybe. It would be nice to be able to heal people... especially since my world is seeing so many spice overdoses due to the criminal activity."

As they continued the walk he mentioned he was going to meet his cousin to square away a senate position, which she supposed made sense now that this world was part of the Alliance. They made their way slowly back to the royal palace and she knew it was nearing time to depart and allow him back to his busy routine.

"It was nice to see you Caelan. I know you are very busy but I appreciate you taking the time for an old childhood friend."
She smiled at him and felt a small twinge of sadness, knowing what all he had endured and all of the demands he had. It wasn't a life she would want and she felt guilty that she was considering university while he had his path chosen for him.

"Remember to come to my birthday party, gift or no gift.... and that I and my family.. and Kashir are always here to help you."

Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren



"Medicine is a noble field," he said with a nod. "We can always use more doctors and medics."

She was right. Spice and other drugs were a problem. Not just on her world, but throughout the galaxy. Add in all of the various wars and battles they faced and they certainly needed their fair share of doctors and medical personnel. Neither of them knew it, but he was going to be needing them pretty soon himself. Some things just were prophetic in nature like that. Her decision to have an interest in medicine and his coming need for people in that field.

They returned to the manse and he found himself looking up at it and wondering what he was going to do with such a big building on his own. Kita's room would remain, but he had no other family to share it with. When he was little, his grandparents had lived there with them until they had passed. He had hoped the same would be true of his parents but it wasn't the case.

"It is good to have a chance to spend time with someone I always admired and looked up to."

Turning his attention back to her, he stepped over and embraced her in a hug. She was still his friend, even if he had agreed to something she might hate him for. It was only with the best of intentions, and maybe she'd still get to live out her dreams because of it.

"I won't show up empty handed, I promise. Take care, Anavi. I'll see you soon."

ATTIRE: Link | WEAPON: Lightsaber | COMPANION: BD-F8 | OTHER: Sigil Bead (Necklace)

TAGS: Anavi Vandala

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