Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dying Muse for Star Wars/Role Playing - A First for Me

Well-Known Member
As the title implies, either star wars or role playing isn't cutting it for me any more.

Even with an increase in my availability, I am finding myself wanting to do less with role playing more and more... and the only roleplaying I've been doing or have agreed to be doing has been what I felt obligated to do.

I don't think it's star wars, because star wars is awesome.

I'm thinking that maybe... for the first real time in about the three years that I've been roleplaying in total... the novelty just isn't doing it for me.

On the flip side, I've started writing something that has some real promise that I've been writing consistently for the past couple of days without forcing myself to sit down and think up plot things for it:
  • A mystery story involving an Android Detective! (That's a first, normally it's about space and stuff)

Obviously this effects the only two 'active' characters I have, [member="Triam Akovin"], and [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]. Triam will remain doing what Triam does, and Zambrano the Hutt will either be announced finally slain, or he will be tossed into the Bubble of the Lost for a few years before resurfacing whenever it is, that I feel like Role Playing again.

So while this is a 'LOA' announcement... I'm not exactly leaving yet, there are still a few things I'd like to try and continue/start/finish, but after those, I think I'm taking a long deserved break :p

When that happens, see ya 'round ;)
[member="Fatty"] No doubt we'll still be putzing around here when you return! I feel it's only normal to sort of phase in and out of roleplay. I certainly do, and some of my breaks are long, some short.

Good luck with your writing, and share when you can! :)
Fatty said:
Android Detective
Daneel! :D

Seriously though. I hope that you enjoy yourself out in the real world. You don't have to take part in the thread I started if you do not feel like it. I am sure that between myself and Grudge some sort of opposition could be made up.


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