Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
The gunslinger, upon seeing the lighting streaking at him in unavoidable fashion, let out an angry yell of his own. There was nothing to shield him now from the full damage of such a terrible fate, but he would not die a coward. His teeth clenched tightly as his finger started to squeeze the trigger…

But then, suddenly, Valery was standing directly in front of him. He quickly released the trigger before firing, surprised by her sudden appearance. He lowered the weapon in his hand, watching the Jedi as she seemed to syphon the electrical current into the palm of her hand, then turning its converted power back on the enemy.


As Valery dealt the killing blow, Kardek found himself letting out a painful sigh of relief as he dropped his head and shoulders a bit, grasping onto his wounded arm in an attempt to still the burning sensation.

It was over.


He raised his eyes, offering a reassuring smile that he was alright as she rushed over to him.

"Come on, we need to get these people out of here and... get you some medical help,"

"Yes… Let's go. It's nothing." He assured her as he looked down as his tattered outer garment, "That was my favorite jacket." He said with a forced smirk, wincing again in pain.

"Can your droid help or uh, need me to help you out?"

Kardek looked at her, tilting his head slightly to the side, considering her offer. While Alpha could surely help at some level, not to mention the fact that he had his own medical droid ready and available on his ship, he decided that he would certainly prefer to have Valery's hands tending to him. And so he chuckled, "That droid would probably do more harm than good. If you don't mind…" His eyes locked onto hers again for a moment, remembering their little hiding spot just a few moments prior. "You were amazing, by the way." a comment regarding watching her in action. She was truly a delight to watch, in every aspect. But he then re-focused on the task at hand, looking towards a control surface a few paces away from them.

"Over there…" he motioned, walking briskly to the consul and looking over the protocols. "The entire system is automated. We just need to provide a purchase order number and it will deliver the capsule to our ships. There are only droids in the hangar, so I don't think we will encounter any further resistance. We didn't set off any alarms because the system was down, so we just continue to act like buyers and we can waltz on out of here as if nothing had happened."

The gunslinger walked over to the host, still unconscious on the ground, and picked up his data pad. He created the order receipt and confirmed payment. As soon as he hit the confirm button, the system automatically activated, and the consul pinged, asking for their ship docking numbers.

"What bay is your ship in?" He asked, going over and entering his own ships information. As soon as Valery provided the number, he confirmed both docks. All of the pods started to descend back into the ground in rows, being delivered to the droids in the hangar who would begin to load all of them up for them. "That easy." Kardek said with a smirk, turning back to Valery.

"Now for medical… Your ship or mine?" He continued to grip the injured arm, and was rather looking forward to being alone with Valery once again.


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

"Yes… Let's go. It's nothing." He assured her as he looked down as his tattered outer garment, "That was my favorite jacket."

Valery gave him an incredulous look for a moment, then began to shake her head and chuckle. She wasn't stupid and knew that the injury was probably quite painful, but he still found the strength to joke around and try to reassure her. Valery was very similar and always downplayed her injuries or the things she struggled with as well. So even though it wasn't necessarily a good thing, she could kind of appreciate it at the same time. "The jacket can be replaced and these wounds can be healed. It could have been far worse," Valery said with a soft smile that showed the tension of the earlier fight had almost entirely faded. She was calm and composed again, although her heart was not having an easy time now that she looked him up and down again...

At the offer to help him get patched up, Kardek seemed to be in deep thought for a moment as he considered his options before he finally requested for her to assist. She actually had no healing skills with the Force at all and knew nothing beyond basic medical training, but this was something she could luckily do. "I don't mind, I'll make sure you're back to normal in no time..." she said, her voice trailing off a little as their eyes connected again. Those feelings she had feared a little returned, and that heat inside of her kept her focused on his eyes and body for just a little too long. But his compliment helped her snap out of it.

"Couldn't have done it without you," she said with a warm smile, as she didn't want to take credit for it all herself.

The two then focused on the task again, and while Kardek explained how he was going to get all the pods onto their ships, Valery just seemed completely lost. Healing others clearly wasn't her only weakness — she was terrible with technology as well, and all these terms he was throwing at her went in one ear, and out the other almost instantly. Luckily, the task did not require her to help, so she just watched and admired his work quietly, and kept herself out of the way so he could do his work. The sooner they got this done, the sooner those people would know what freedom was like again.

That, and she'd be able to finally get him the help he needs...

"Bay 3-C, and yeah... very easy..." she blinked and shook her head to snap out of her own thoughts. "Right, let's get going. We'll take your ship because I don't have much medical equipment."

Soon enough, the two would arrive at his ship and make their way to the medical room, where Valery began to look around to get an idea of where everything was. She got the disinfectant she needed, the special burn salves, and every tool to remove dead skin. It wouldn't be the most comfortable, but once she'd bandaged him up, he'd feel a lot better. "Alright, I'm going to uh, need you to take off the shirt and sit down on the medical bed," Valery began as she approached with the disinfectant spray ready.

"Give me your arm and try to sit still. This will probably sting a little," Valery continued and once he was ready, she leaned in and began to apply the spray to start his treatment.


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
While the two had been heading to his ship, Kardek had secretly instructed Alpha to bring "Bee", his medical droid, out of the medical bay and hide him in one of the guest rooms. Kardek sat on the edge of one of the medical beds, watching Valery get situated and gather the needed supplies. His heart started beating quicker in his chest as he almost couldn't stand the anticipation anymore. He wanted to kiss her. Ever since that moment when they had been hiding, his heart had been drawn to her. He had missed their moment, letting it slip through his fingers, but he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

"Alright, I'm going to uh, need you to take off the shirt and sit down on the medical bed,"

"Yes mam." He said softly with a slight smirk and subtle wink as he grabbed the tattered shirt with both hands and pulled it up over his head, turning and setting it down beside him on the bed. His muscular frame was now on full display, albeit a little bit scared from the scuffle. There were multiple tattoos on his shoulders and arms, each one significant and meaningful to the gunslinger. He laid himself down on the bed slowly, wincing slightly at the pain, his eyes focusing intently on Valery as she drew closer to him to begin the procedure.

"Give me your arm and try to sit still. This will probably sting a little,"

he nodded, complying with her request.

"So…" He started, putting his good arm behind his head and trying to relax as best as possible as she began the procedure, "I didn't get a chance to ask about you." He winced from a bit of pain from the healing process, then looked up at her beautiful face and flowing hair. She was truly remarkable. "Why did you become a Jedi?" He asked genuinely, wanting to know more of what lay under the surface. "You seem different… passionate… driven…" He had met many Jedi, and was familiar with their strict detachment methodology. However with Valery, he sensed that she had chosen to walk a different path.


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Valery caught both the smirk and wink and turned around quickly while she cleared her throat, looking for a way to keep herself composed and her eyes from staring when the shirt was removed. Her excuse — grabbing together everything she needed for the procedure, and she believed it to be the perfect excuse. It was, however, only a temporary solution because, by the time she turned around, he had taken it off and laid down.

Didn't I instruct him to si-

She couldn't finish the thought as her fiery gaze focused intently on him... she felt her cheeks redden a little, that heat rising again, and walked over to inspect more than just the burns. How could she not? There was no harm in just looking... It would be easy enough to tell for him as well, but she did actually want to help him so for once, she forced herself out of it, set aside the thoughts she shouldn't have, and looked closely at the burns that covered his arm and part of his torso. They were simple enough to heal, and she quickly began to apply the spray, which got him to wince a little.


Valery blinked and turned her eyes away from his injuries to meet his gaze. He seemed to relax now that she was done cleaning the wounds, and all that remained was applying the burn salve. She rubbed it between her hands and slowly applied it with a gentle touch. One that wasn't easy for her, considering all the tension she had felt, but she paid attention to make sure no burns were left untreated.

In response to the question that followed, Valery smiled softly, "Well, I was brought to the Jedi when I was very young, so I joined simply because my parents agreed. I stayed because I believe in what the Jedi do, and the work I've done is very satisfying," Valery said, clearly happy to answer a light question. But at the mention of her being passionate and very driven, a subtle blush returned, as well as a nod of acknowledgment, "The Jedi aren't so strict anymore about emotional detachment and traditional rules. I still do follow a lot of them, as I was raised in a different, much more traditional time. But in some ways.... yeah," she smiled a little sheepishly. "I've always believed that being more open to some... things, can be a strength as long as you can remain in control of yourself."

She looked back up at him as her hands shifted from his arm to his chest to cover the last of his burns with the salve, "I'm not going to make you talk about what brought you to your current work, but it's good to see more people standing up against slavers." Even if the methods were sometimes a little... extreme.


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Kardek perceived her eyes as they journeyed across his body, a feeling of delight swelling up within him as he confirmed that her interest for him was still very much present. He couldn't help but wish that his own eyes could partake of her curves and luscious form as well. He did notice that she seemed a bit embarrassed by her attraction, which he was still trying to understand. Perhaps it was because she was a Jedi.

The gunslinger closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the relief he was beginning to experience from the wounds. He listened to her talk about the Jedi, but his mind could not help but grow distracted by her soft touch against his skin. It sent delightful shivers up his neck, and listening to her speak while she worked was a truly enjoyable experience.

"Thats good." He said in response to her being satisfied with what she did as a member of the Jedi, "I believe that everyone should find a purpose they believe in. Otherwise, what's the point of living, ya know?" He opened his eyes and looked up at Valery as she continued to work, a softer and more contemplative expression crossing his face, "I mean, I enjoy the pleasures in life as much as anyone else. I think that's important to… to enjoy yourself and get the most out of this life that you can. But without something deeper?" He shrugged slightly, looking up at the lights above him and letting the rest of his thought drift off unspoken. He had gone through seasons of terrible failure, where he had lost his purpose and had run to pleasure and indulgence to fill the void… but he knew all too well how empty those seasons had ultimately felt.

His green eyes shifted to Valery's as she blushed and confessed to her unique passion and zeal, which sent a warm smile across his face.

"I've always believed that being more open to some... things, can be a strength as long as you can remain in control of yourself."

As she looked at him and began to touch his chest, it caused his desire for her to grow all the more strong. It was almost too much… he wondered how long he would be able to go before her took her in his arms… and then wondered if she would let him. He saw her attraction evidently, but there was still a bit of reservation within her, just under the surface.

He could not part his gaze, keeping his focus intently set on her as she touched him. His strong feelings and desires for her were becoming more evident in his face, and his eyes fell down towards her tempting lips as he started to speak,

"I've found that… sometimes… being out of control is the most euphoric experience of all..." His voice was soft. Gentle. inviting. He brought his free arm down and carefully placed it on top of her hand, still on his chest, causing its motion to cease.

He looked up into her eyes... searching them… looking for any sign that would remove this unwelcomed space that remained between them...

"Have you ever been out of control, Valery?"
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Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

"I agree," Valery said with a soft smile in response to his comment about finding purpose and his further explanation of searching for something deeper. Her eyes were still focused on his injuries and tending to them, as she found it easier than looking into his piercing green eyes. She could feel the emotions this moment provoked in him through the Force, and it left her highly conflicted about what to do or say. She was hesitating and doubting herself, which made her feel a little more closed off than she did before, when they weren't alone and somewhere safe.

"It is perhaps the biggest change to my life after I stepped out of my stasis pod. I was able to embrace myself as a person and explore more than just my Jedi duties." And with that came her comment about being more open while maintaining control. Whether he knew or not, it mostly referred to attachments beyond friendships - love and deep bonds could be such a strength when handled correctly but a Jedi always had to be careful.

The comments returned Kardek's gaze to her while she faintly blushed and even though she was focused intently on patching up his burned chest, Valery could feel him looking at her, and occasionally glanced back from the corners of her eyes, which still had that fire in them but also showed her apprehension clearly. Kardek then commented on the opposite, on the joy of being out of control and Valery was about to pull her hand back after she has finished, when he placed his hand over her own to keep it there. She froze up and somewhat nervously glanced his way, still with a soft smile but perhaps a bit more fear in her eyes as well.

This was highly conflicting and very difficult for her to respond to.

"I...have lost control before, but not in a good way," she admitted with a sheepish smile, as she no longer looked away and eye contact finally lingered for longer than a few seconds. His wounds had been treated and she was ready to wash up her hands and bandage him up, but his hand kept her there, or perhaps it was the conflict within her.

"Look, Kardek, I... can't just give in to everything and let myself go that easily." She frowned and let out a soft sigh as her eyes dropped to the hand on his chest. Should she pull it back and explain everything to him? Perhaps it was the best thing to do, but something about him made it very difficult to do.

"Are you uh, feeling better?" She asked, thinking a topic change might release the tension again. "I still need to bandage you up.


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
"I...have lost control before, but not in a good way,"

Kardek blinked, a contemplative expression covering his features. He assumed she was referring to her use of the force, but although her eyes were still locked onto his, the barrier remained. It puzzled him, and he felt himself pause. Although she had seemed to be attracted to the gunslinger, it was apparent that there were significant factors that held her back from him.

"Look, Kardek, I... can't just give in to everything and let myself go that easily."

His hand quickly shifted, letting hers go as his eyes furrowed in evident confusion. What the kriff was up with this woman? She had been the first one to initiate signals to him of her interest, but now he suddenly felt as if he had overstepped somehow. A sense of irritation at this strange game she was playing was beginning to grow.

"Of coarse. My apologies." He picked himself up and sat down on the edge of the bed, his voice carried an edge of annoyance and sharpness with it. Unbelievable. He was sure there was something there… or at least there was. But his confusion and embarrassment was beginning to translate into frustration and indifference. It was a natural coping mechanism for Kardek in the face of any form of rejection.

"Yes. I'm feeling much better. Thank you." He said, his walls now fully raised towards her in an attempt to shelter his bruised ego. He focused on his arm, looking at the work she had done and avoiding any prolonged eye contact with Valery. As she prepared the bandages, he stared at the wall in front of him, still processing everything.

"Thank you for your help in there. Couldn't have done it without you." While his words was genuine, Valery could surely sense an element of distance and coldness that was now present. In all honesty, the man was beginning to want to move this along. No more of these games. He had a date with his liquor cabinet and he would surely not miss it. Alcohol had a way of feeding the void of his deep loneliness, even if it was only temporary.


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

When he let go of her hand, it wasn't the gesture that startled her, but the sudden shift in emotions she felt. Valery took a visible step back and looked at him with a gentle frown, almost as if he had hurt her a little. But she did understand why it was — she had given him a strong feeling that she was very interested in him, but when she was given a lot more time to think than she had been given back at the slaver pods, she froze and decided against following the emotions she felt in the heat of the moment.

"No, you don't have to say sorry. It's not you..." she assured him while she focused on bandaging him up. It was a brief distraction from the awkward situation she had created. From the pain, she had dealt to his confidence. She just listened quietly now and accepted the bitterness behind his words and the way he closed himself off to shield himself from more hurt.

He was already trying to move on and forget.

"I couldn't have done it without you either, and I enjoyed working with you. Maybe we can meet again sometime..." she searched for eye contact, her flaming eyes softer but still showing signs of what they had contained before. Valery then reached into her pocket and retrieved a small Datacard, which she held out to him. "My comm frequencies if you're interested in having them. For when you want to partner up but I'm also interested in just meeting up socially."

It wasn't exactly what he had been longing for, but it's all her apprehension allowed her for now.

She finally finished bandaging him up and patted Kardek on the shoulder, before she squeezed it lightly to still show something she hoped he'd pick up on a little. "I think it's time to get out of here, hm?" she finally asked. They still had slavers to drop off and even though she tried to mend the rift she created, she also understood that he'd likely want to be alone tonight.


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
"I couldn't have done it without you either, and I enjoyed working with you. Maybe we can meet again sometime..."

He nodded solemnly. The anger he now felt was not necessarily directed towards Valery, but towards himself. He had allowed for himself to forget once again what he had done... Who he was. He scolded himself internally for such a mistake.

"Sure." He said flatly. He felt her eyes on him, knowing that she wanted some form of resolution, and so he looked up and provided as much, offering her a forced smile and a nod of assurance.

He was a bit surprised when she offered him her data card, which implied that she actually did want to stay in contact with the gunslinger. He had originally assumed it to be more of a formality, but apparently she was genuine.

"My comm frequencies if you're interested in having them. For when you want to partner up but I'm also interested in just meeting up socially."

He would not drop his guard this time, taking the card with a nod of appreciation and slipping it into his pocket. Socially? His mind was tired of trying to figure out what her angle actually was in all of this. As she finished bandaging him up, Kardek felt her squeeze his shoulder. His walls were still raised, and so he did not allow for himself to think too much of it, considering it to be a friendly gesture. "Thats much better." He stated, moving his arm a bit to see how much maneuverability he had. As she suggested that they leave the facility, he nodded in agreement,

"Yes, best not to overstay our welcome." He stood up and grabbed a spare shirt, pulling it carefully over the bandages and down over his torso. "I'll meet you at the rendezvous."

He walked to the doorway, pausing for a moment as his hand rested against its frame, looking down slightly as he searched for the right words to say to the Jedi,

"Thanks again, Val... For everything." He said, his tone warming a bit.


The Harbinger was on the long journey home now, the freed slaves safely returned and the mission completed. Alpha was piloting the vessel, while Kardek had retired to his quarters early. An almost empty bottle of some of the finest hard liquor hung loosely in the gunslingers hand as he sat on the edge of his bed, his body slouched over a bit from the affects of the alcohol. He had been rather silent for the past hour, but now, being fully intoxicated, his mind drifted inevitably to Sashia

His face was a mix of sorrow, self-hatred, pain, and regret. With his free hand, he reached over to his dresser and pulled a picture off the top shelf...

He stared at it for a while, his heart heavy and burdened. It was the picture of a beautiful woman, laughing lightheartedly on a spring day. Kardek sighed heavily, his eyes sadly looking over her beauty as he recalled their past life together. The memories… the ups and the downs… all of it.

"I'm so sorry, Sashia…"
He finally muttered.

He shook his head, taking another swig from the bottle and letting it fall back down to his side, returning his gaze to the deceased love of his life.

"I didn't deserve you…" He said, his brow furrowing as he spoke through gritted teeth, "...And I don't deserve Valery." He nodded, as if confirming this inevitable absolute truth with all certainty…

"I don't deserve anyone."

The gunslinger would repeat the phrase periodically throughout the following hour, ultimately having been unable to receive the Jedi's assessment of him as being a good person, retreating once again into his own internal prison... a place where he believed he ultimately deserved to be kept until his dying breath.

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