Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diplomacy Eat Wisely, Talk Well [Velorum | Invited Guests]

Ylla Caeli'runa


Vaglaskógi, Endura - Velorum

The winds of change sweep the galaxy, as each day we face a new unknown. Alliances form and crumble in the same stroke under these precarious times, enemies breed in the shadows. Now, more than ever, Velorum seeks friends to weather the storm with, a united front to face the chaos. Opening our kingdom to strangers for the first time in centuries, we welcome you all into our home to forge connections between our peoples that can surely benefit everyone. No comfort has been spared as we seek to make the visit as enjoyable as possible.

Our evening will kick off with drinks before dinner, a time to mingle and get a feel for one another. Afterwards, we’ll move to the dining room for a feast, the exotic cuisine of Velorum served with some favorite’s of the expansive galaxy. When we’ve all had our fill, we can retreat to the garden. Live music and beautiful sights will surround us as we are able to continue talks. We encourage those who have found suitable company to break off into subgroups if they feel it is necessary, as all official business should be wrapping up by this point.

As guests arrive from Flytjan Spaceport, members of the Velorian Embassy will greet the diplomats and show them to the palace via a brief shuttle ride, providing a view of the capital’s nighttime beauty. Lights, bright and numerous enough to be seen from space, can be seen among the tall spires and arches as the flights make their way over Vaglaskógi’s massive ringed sectors. As Sólarupprá Sarhöll, Sunrise Palace, comes into view, guests may see the sprawling gardens transition into the formal courtyard, surrounded by tiered waterfalls, tall evergreen trees, and members of the Velorian Royal Guard lining the walkway and the stairway leading up the the palace entrance from the massive landing pad.

Diplomats and business representatives are encouraged to give their name, rank, and respective kingdom, faction, or company that they are representing so that they may be introduced to the Court. Grab drinks, relax, talk it up, or speak with the Keisari (Ylla Caeli'runa) or the Reiní (Kadri Virelli) about trade deals, alliances, or partnerships before or during dinner. Be civil, be courteous, and be polite.

Have fun and enjoy the beauty and sights of Velorum where one and all are welcome!

Hello lovely peeps! Thank you all for agreeing to consider relationships with Velorum as it’s getting on its feet and entering the great big Galaxy. I appreciate all of you, friends and (hopefully) new frens alike <3

If you’d like to have an extended meeting with the Ylla and Kadri about potential deals and relationships after this thread is completed, maybe because we didn’t get to you or because things weren’t as in depth as you would have liked, please let myself or Annasari know in the
Velorum Discord server! We’re more than happy to set up private audience sort of threads that occur after the state dinner!

If you have any questions, please also direct those to the Discord server or to our DM’s and we’ll answer them to the best of our ability.

Again, thank you all for being awesome and beautiful people! Hope you enjoy the thread!

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Kadri Virelli

Tags: Ylla Caeli'runa | Open

The blue silk skirt of her dress fluttered around her ankles as the advisor entered the room. Guests would be arriving shortly, but she had made an attempt to be early and welcome them. Kadri drifted to the drink cart, where the server had already prepared a flute of emerald liquid. She took it with a smile, before her attention was pulled away to the sound of another. Her gaze found Ylla, and the woman’s smile warmed as she greeted the young keisari with a small curtsy.

“The outfit becomes you, Ylla. Fitting of a ruler.”

The sound of soft footfalls echoed through the chamber as Kadri went to their side.

“I can feel your nervousness, but fear not. Much is at stake, yes, as tonight marks the beginning of giving Velorum a real foothold in the galaxy. But I trust in your abilities to win their hearts, and I trust in Echor to offer his wisdom where needed.”

Kadri let silence fall over the pair for a moment as she considered. She, too, had questioned what tonight would bring. The days leading up to now had made her uneasy as well, every spare moment spent studying what information was available about those who had been invited. The worry had faded earlier that day as she put faith in the thought that it would all work out for the better; their people would find a way to make their mark upon the galaxy, even if the evening didn’t go as she hoped it would.

She nodded at the keisari’s words as they awaited their esteemed guests.

Echor Akí.

Ylla Caeli'runa



Face: XX
Wearing: Armor, Unmasked [ XX ]
Location: Sólarupprá Sarhöll, Vaglaskógi - Velorum

On most days the armor they wore felt like a second home. Today, as they dressed and were helped into the suit, there was a keen sense of being exposed. They couldn’t figure out whether it was as simple as nerves or something deeper that stirred in their gut. It didn’t matter though, they had to review everything quickly as the day seemed to pass in a dizzying blur and all too slow at once. Attending this event unmasked was another matter. It made them visibly uncomfortable. It was tradition that a Keisari’s mask did not come off during official business or visits, however their Councilors were insistent that these times were different. They needed to present a face to the public and the greater parts of the Galaxy.

The sun began to set as they made their way to the Grand Hall, flanked by guards and fidgeting with gloved fingers as the trio walked through the palace. For a moment, Ylla wondered if they should’ve worn something else. But, their usual armor would do fine. Not that they would need it, seeing as the dinner had a strict no weapons rule. Set in place for both the protection of the Velorians and the protection of the guests that would arrive soon. No measure was too much, especially when the Galaxy they sought to step into was practically burning.

Upon reaching the Grand Hall, they noticed Kadri and they smiled. Much like the day of their ascension, Kadri was a calming and sturdy shoulder to lean on. They gave a respectful bow of their head and smiled easily as they made their way to the entrance, Kadri close behind. The woman made sense of everything in so few words. “Thank you for the reassurance. The stakes are high tonight, far higher than they’ve ever been in our history. But, for the sake of our future, I hope you are right.”

They reached over and squeezed their friend’s hand, for the stability of them both. All they had to do tonight was talk to people, convince them that Velorum was worth the investments and alliances that they’d forge here. They waved gently at the server with the drink cart, picking out a dark red drink that burned going down.

Ylla cleared their throat and looked to the captain of their guard, looking back at the woman. “The detachment is in place? And the ambassadors are at the… the
geimhöfn as well?” The captain seemed understanding, smiling softly with a curt nod. “This is a difficult night. Remain calm, remain vigilant, and all will be well.” Their hand clapped on a cold, armored shoulder. “Echor Akí.” The captain must have taken comfort in the words, her shoulders relaxed and she bowed, leaving to attend to the rotations outside.

Their eyes scanned the room. Servers stood on stand-by. The Royal Guard was stationed in the courtyard and their barracks weren’t far from here in case they needed to be called in under extreme circumstances. The long tables were set and members of the Velorian Court had already begun arriving, eager to meet those who would venture to their corner of the Galaxy. A mental checklist showed that all that needed information, coordinates, and planetside transportation were all fulfilled and ready. Satisfied that everything was in place in the shimmering room and without, they stood beside Kadri, expectant.

Tags: Kadri Virelli | Open​
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Location | Velorum
Objective | Seek Political Alliances and Business Deals
Tags | Ylla Caeli'runa | Kadri Virelli

Politics. The never ending War of Words. Sularen had always aspired to emulate great Imperialistic Leaders such as High Chancellor Tanomas Graf or Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon though early attempts to rise to power had been foiled during the Kuati Crisis forcing Sularen to flee in exile to expand his movement the Directorate and return to the Core Worlds to take what Jedi Master Cedric Grayson had promised him over 4 Years Ago.

However being betrayed by a Sith Lord and simply screwed over by an Imperator , Sularen had been forced to find refuge on Byss after his attempts to resettle on O'reen were disrupted by the Risen Empire. But after a Swift Coup and a Rigged Election , Sularen found himself as the Lord-Imperator of Byss slowly consolidating his power on Byss and plotting against the very government that had taken everything from him : the Galactic Alliance.

Already , the Lord-Imperator had spent a year as a shadowy figure remaining holed down in his Citadel on Byss with his Cousin taking care of administrative duties and representing Byss in the Senate and after the Battle of Byss , Sularen thought it was the right time to make his resurgence. To re-emerge into the Political Scene and finally move forth to complete his ever-changing plan to retake what was rightfully his.

Today , he was here to secure an Alliance with Velorum a Planet he saw as a potential ally despite it's isolation in the Unknown Regions. But this wound't be the first time Sularen had reached out to Planetary Governments in the Unknowns , already Sularen had established contact with various other groups , the Nothmir Federation and the Fel Imperium and he had struck alliances with both Factions too. But these groups were no longer affiliated with Sularen , the former having betrayed him and the later having simply disappeared though Sularen found himself in control of remnants of the Fel Imperium's Armada.

If Sularen could establish a simply Mutual Defense Pact with Velorum it could greatly advance his plans for the future as he already had begun thinking of how to integrate Velorum into his Grand Masterplan , though due to the fact that Sularen's many allies in the past had betrayed him , the Lord-Imperator had to move with caution. Thus why he was going to bring 5 Politorate Agents to "Observe" the rulers of Velorum and determine if they were trustworthy of an Alliance.

Soon enough a Single
T-4b Imperial Shuttle jumped out of hyperspace arriving in orbit of Velorum , carrying Marlon Sularen who wore a Crimson Imperial Uniform with a unique insignia , along with 5 Politorate Agents and 4 Crimson Guardians. As the Shuttle descended towards the surface , Sularen prepared himself as soon he was to partake in the largest Political Gathering he had attended to since his Cedric Grayson sacked him.

The Imperial shuttle nestled quietly on a landing pad, and several attendants scurried out to meet the entourage. Elite Guardsmen hand picked for this duty preceded the party, filing out and taking up positions on either side of the ramp. The King stepped forward just ahead of his guest, the Jedi. Ryv sought to understand the Imperials and watch how they politicked.

Their short stint as a strike team on Dantooine proved vital in the instruction of Jedi on more violent diplomacy. This would be an opportunity to show Knight Karis that there were more delicate ways to administer the iron fist. Enlil glanced back to Ryv as the man caught up and lowered his voice.

"Watch. Listen. Curb your frustration, blunt your wit. If someone strikes out at you, beat them back with decorum and choice words." There was no better advice, in truth. Without firsthand experience in a gathering of socialites, the Sword might never fully comprehend why this warning was necessary at all. It was his trial by fire.

"Trade is a vital commodity for fledgling worlds. As Ketaris has just recently found a semblance of normalcy, an agreement here could secure many incoming students for the University, and a steady flow of funds. But," he held up a finger as they were led toward the staging grounds for this party. "We both have to secure the good faith of the host, while also not giving any quarter to others who may have been invited. There is no telling who we might find beyond the threshold."

An enemy who you could not simply swing a lightsaber at was the worst kind of opponent for a frontline combatant.

They entered the hall with heads held high, shoulders back, and an air of confidence. Enlil nodded politely as the servants announced them, then stepped aside. "I thank you for your kind invitation, and on behalf of the people of Ketaris and the Sovereign Imperator, I bring tidings of goodwill."

He gave the respectful slight bow to Ylla Caeli'runa and the others who had labored to make this event a reality. With a sidelong glance toward Ryv Ryv , he cleared his throat.

Orask Terrano

Prime Minister of the Crossroads Republic
Orask Terrano had arrived aboard the Crucible, the flagship of the Crossroads Republic Fleet in the company of four Illustrious-Class Carriers, forty Repulse-Class Attack Battleships, and a hundred and twenty Monitor-Class Cruisers, plus thirty Contributor-Class Combat Support Ships with fuel and ammunition stocks plus spare parts, just in case of an emergency. This was the standard escort for the Prime Minister whenever left the system, especially seeing as this was a very long ways away and went through several hotbeds of conflict. But the large fleet was not taking chances, steering clear of other warships, and generally keeping to itself. Also with the fleet en route to the meeting and then the safer area of the Core had come more than a hundred Type-12 Class Superfreighters, a trade convoy whose corporate owners had tagged along to take advantage of the heavier-than-average security precautions and were now scattered about on business in the Core now that it was safe. Only a dozen had come this far, showcasing the shipbuilding prowess of the other major shipbuilding enterprise in the Crossroads Republic, Starlight Shipyards.

Landing at the designated landing zone was the much-more comfortable Type-31 Shuttle Liner of Prime Minister Orask Terrano, painted in dark blue on its belly, a red stripe through the center and white on top and on the wings with the Crossroads Republic seal emblazoned in front of the port and starboard hatches, a few meters behind the cockpit. Everything about the eighty-meter long ship echoed the pride in which Crossroads held itself, after all, they'd gone toe-to-toe with and beaten Ecumenopolis worlds like Hosnian Prime and Eriadu. Most memorable was the Crossroads-Empire War of 4 ABY where they'd matched Stormtroopers and Inquisitors in oftentimes hand-to-hand fighting through their lunar colonies and in the Skyhooks of the shielded Crossroads colonies. Since then they'd become a fully self-sustaining entity deep within the Southern Outer Rim where few others had succeeded. Orask Terrano, with the assistance of one of his most trusted cabinet members, Lia Corrin, Chief Executive of the government-run Crossroads Defense Industries, were here to flex some diplomatic muscle where there were other big wigs who probably only ever heard of the Crossroads Republic in the footnotes of morning intelligence briefings or whatever else that they did.

Walking down to the rolled-out carpet lined with guards Orask and Lia were in their finest clothes, the height of formal fashion amongst Crossroads society. His suit was black, slimming, and had the red and gold-embroidered sash of the office of the Prime Minister across his chest and tied into the black sash tied at his waist with golden cufflinks and a shiny lapel which mimicked the seal of the Crossroads Republic. His pants were pressed with a single crease running along the front and back of his pants and wore shined black laceless shoes. He had a cane of darkly-stained Wroshyr Wood with a knob of amber. He didn't actually need it of course, but it was a gift, and frankly he liked having it, it was a good look.

Lia had on a dark suit as well, she didn't like dresses, and plus it made her look like the hardened weapons designer and businesswoman that she was. Plus their security detail had requested she wear something that she would be able to run in. So this dark, sleek, but functional outfit was chosen, and she too wore the sash of her office, a shiny silver and blue sash with her having malleable wrist-mounted datapad for being able to showcase some of CDI's products in the event someone showed an interest in their products of war or their products of peace.

The security chief had about had a conniption when he'd heard his guard detail would be barred from having weapons of any kind at the event. But Orask had assured the old-school former Tier-1 operator everything would be fine, and so the duo was here, with their dozen personal guards hanging back in matching formal suits, identify-able by their Crossroads Republic lapel pins and black blast glasses which were basically HUD's and comms devices. These men were big, specifically chosen for their intimidating sizes, usually being 6'5" on average and as muscular as professional athletes and some sported the tattoos of their former time in service as special forces, a couple having their proud markings visible on their necks or the backs of their hands. While they were certainly not very comfortable, they were definitely up to it, as natives of Crossroads Prime they'd grown up in 2.8G gravity and in the course of their special forces training had lived in 3.0G gravity while taking military steroids, allowing them to possess much higher-than-average muscular densities, red blood cell counts, and skeletal densities. These men's bodies were weapons, and as the security detail for the Prime Minister they were shields, willing to step in front of a blaster bolt for their command-in-chief without a second's hesitation. But of course they weren't alone. There was also a pair of assistants per delegate. One of them had a large metallic box in his hands, a gift for the royalty of their hosts, as per Crossroads diplomatic tradition.

As they walked up towards the palace entrance they saw that the monarch, Ylla Caeli'runa was engaged with someone, and decided not to butt in, it was horrific disrespect to both parties, and so they slowed their walk towards them to give them time to have their short meeting.

"Best slow down for a moment," Orask said with a smile to Lia, "Looks like...someone Imperial by the looks. We'll meet them when we go inside."

"Yeah, I guess so," Lia sighed, not too comfortable being here, waiting.

"Worry not," Orask chuckled, "We'll be joined shortly back here by some of the other delegates I'm sure, gives us time to meet our fellow guests. Now relax Miss Corrin, try and enjoy yourself. I hear Velorum has some fantastic local vintages," he said in reference to the promise of fine champagne and wine, "And who knows, they may be in the market for some hardware, which is why I brought you."

"Understood Mr. Prime Minister."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium

Location: Sólarupprá Sarhöll, Vaglaskógi, Velorum
Equipment: Polyweave Elegant attire | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
Background music:
Sting – Desert Rose

Ingrid also received an invitation to this event. She knew they had to talk because they were close enough to each other, so some level of diplomatic relationship was needed. The Empress arrived alone, still inconsolable, but at least her feelings were no longer visible on her. She was already quite good at hiding her pain and grief. Her eyes still betrayed the pain and emptiness, but at least it was no longer present in her movements. Nothing has ever been as difficult as doing this. For the sake of Tubrok, she chose an evening dress and did not come in a military uniform.

Ironically, the dress her husband gave her accurately reflected the colour of Adrian's eyes, but at the same time, the colours of the Tubrok clan were also greyish-blue, or steel blue. As always since her husband’s death, she had used the man’s yacht, arriving with this ship. She should have been on Zakuul and preparing for the coronation, which would happen in a few days, she didn’t want to, but it was her duty. Luckily, Ingrid was a great actress, and that was something she had to do, since she was an agent. Whatever she should have been able to play authentically, she will play here as well, what society expects a noblewoman.

That is why there was no trace of the former military movement. Now she was just graceful and elegant, which was a perfect match for a noblewoman in a dress like her. From this the hidden danger was still there, it mingled with her being. She entered the room where there were countless other people, looked around, but suddenly saw no acquaintances. She saw the hosts just talking to others so she didn’t want to disturb them. For now, she looked more at the place where she was, the building, than an art lover. In this, she always found great pleasure anyway, for artistically observing different places.

She was never impatient, so she had plenty of time to look around, to walk, and if she can't talk to the hosts tonight, that's not the end of the world, because she'll have the opportunity to do so later. Perhaps in her current state, she may not even be fit to attend such an event, even if she had to and has been attending a similar event since Adrian's death…


Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv descended the shuttle's ramp behind Enlil, favoring the Imperial King's right side. He opted for something more formal this evening, his typical jacket and armorweave replaced with a suit of armor favored by his elite guardsmen. All in all, the kiffar certainly passed as one of Enlil's chosen, the deception only deepened by the Jedi Knight's hardened features. His amber gaze and scarred visage were more familiar with war than they were peace, and he found no issue in displaying that to those they passed. If he was to learn beneath the King, then the least he could do was protect the man who he'd call a friend.

"Very well," he stated in response to Enlil's first line of advice. The words themselves felt foreign on the Jedi's tongue. His more casual nature betrayed him momentarily as he caught himself perplexed by his choice of wording.

"Trade is important, understood," Ryv nodded as he followed those put in place to guide the guests to the party proper. He offered a brief but friendly nod to any who looked his way. It wasn't easy being formal, but he could at least manage politeness well enough. "Give no ground, okay. You know, your majesty, I've done negotiations for the Alliance before, being a Jedi diplomat and all... but uh, well, this is definitely a whole different ball game. I appreciate your willingness to take me here tonight."

The Jedi Knight mimicked Enlil's stance and posture, chin held high and chest puffed out as they strode into the hall. One hand rested by his lightsaber hilt, while the other hung at his side. The kiffar did his best to look as imposing as he felt.

Following Enlil's greeting, Ryv stepped forward and offered a bow befitting a Jedi Knight.

"Yes, thank you for having us this evening. On behalf of the New Jedi Order, I, too, bring only goodwill to you and your people," he fell silent at that and clasped his hands together behind his back.


Ylla Caeli'runa




Face: XX
Wearing: Armor, Unmasked [ XX ]
Location: Sólarupprá Sarhöll, Vaglaskógi - Velorum

Their hand clasped behind their back, they smiled and greeted the people as they began streaming in. It was comforting to have familiar faces around tonight. They smiled and shook hands, bowed, and spoke briefly to each person that entered their home, to every Council member and every Vané that chose to attend tonight, some with their families.

They especially found the little children cute, the way their eyes grew big and tracked them from across the room, running ahead of their parents to collide with them as they knelt to give them hugs. All of the parents seemed intent on apologizing and telling Ylla how they’d taught their children how to respond. The Keisari only smiled and accepted the apologies, insisting that it really wasn’t a problem before launching into questions about how their family was and what they’d like to see happen during Ylla’s reign. To the
Gamall and Virðuð, the Elders of their species, that arrived at the head of their families, Ylla gave a respectful bow and urged them not to return the gesture on this night.

Yes, they were Echor incarnate, but they were Vané too.

A tall man stepped up ahead and to the side of the incoming diplomats, the first pair to arrive. “Presenting Enlil of Ketaris and Knight Ryv Karis, Sword of the Jedi.” Their throat clenched even as their lips formed a polite smile. Ylla had prepared for this moment specifically with Kadri, learning to push down millenia of distrust and skepticism. Another help came as they remembered Kadri telling them during their studies that the Jedi represented but one side of the Symmetry, thus they were vital to the assessment of what Light, Balance, and Darkness were. The same could be said of the Sith.

At their approach, Ylla mimicked their gestures. Head inclined, shoulders back, a smile plastered on their face. They gave a dip of their head in return. “Thank you both for accepting our invitation and for your well wishes.” They looked between the two to prevent favoritism to either Order represented by the two men, though it was still a challenge to hold the Jedi’s gaze. Hopefully that would dissolve as the night went on. Suspicion and diplomacy did not mix. “Knight Karis, would you mind giving Lárus your saber? Tonight is a strict no weapons event. I hope you understand, I do have to look after my people as much as I must protect you.” They gestured to the man that’d stepped up next to the Knight, holding out his hand. “He will be by the door and you can retrieve it at the end of the night. I can assure you that you will not need it.

Beyond the trio in front of them, they saw another pair in militaristic uniforms, their insignia unfamiliar.

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After 18 Hours of lengthy travel , Sularen's T-4b Imperial Shuttle jumped out of hyperspace arriving in orbit of Velorum. While Sularen had just learned of the Planet's Existence , and had little time to get any sort of valuable information regarding it , despite this the planet seemed promising and there was plenty of opportunities here especially regarding potential alliances and corporate contracts.

Soon enough , Sularen's T-4b Shuttle landed at the Flytjan Spaceport and the Lord-Imperator of Byss flanked by 5 Politorate Agents and 4 Crimson Guardians exited the Shuttle. Soon enough the Lord-Imperator was met by members of the Veloran Embassy who greeted him and asked him to follow them. Sularen then ordered his Guards to stay behind and then boarded a Shuttle along with his 5 Politorate Agents as they were all soon transported to the Sólarupprá Sarhöll.

As they neared the Palace , Sularen could see the sprawling gardens transition into the formal courtyard, surrounded by tiered waterfalls, tall evergreen trees, and members of the Velorian Royal Guard lining the walkway and the stairway leading up the the palace entrance from the massive landing pad. Upon exiting the Shuttle and providing identification , Sularen was allowed in where he spotted his prime target Keshari Ylla Caeli'runa who was already accompanied by Enlil Enlil of Ketaris and the famous Sword of the Jedi Ryv Ryv Karis.

Soon enough , Sularen found himself approaching the Trio to met up with the Keshari. "Greetings your Majesty" the Lord-Imperator said upon reaching Caei'runa. "A am Lord-Imperator Marlon Sularen of the Deep Core World of Byss and it's a pleasure to meet with you." Sularen began "Thank you for inviting me and providing me with the opportunity to establish relations between our two worlds." then Sularen turned around to face Ryv Karis and Enlil.

"Ah , and isn't it the Sword of the Jedi himself , Ryv Karis. It's also an honor to meet especially given your contributions to the Defense of Byss during the Eternal Imperial Attack. I must thank you , especially for coming at our aid despite the tense relations between my Predecessor and your New Jedi Order. The People of Byss are glad that you were at least able to help us fend off a hostile incursion."

Then he looked at Enlil then back to Ryv. "And who is this accompanying you. Mr.Karis? I don't think i've seen or heard of this fella before. But judging from the current circumstances i must guess that he is a member of your New Jedi Order?"

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Interacting With: Ylla Caeli'runa | Enlil Enlil | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Not for the first time in his life, Ryv was thankful for his natural affinity towards empathy. The ability to feel another's emotions as easily as his own provided a means of seeing through the masks adorned out in public. And Ylla, for all their courtesy, was no different. Their distrust in him became apparent from the moment the monarch's aide announced the title of Jedi. The warmth faded, replaced by a forced a smile meant to hide the cold truth of their true feelings. It wasn't uncommon. Being a Jedi meant getting used to the love-hate relationship one would have with those throughout the galaxy. The Jedi were expected to take to the field first in the face of evil, yet people still found it easy to alienate them for their abilities.

Ryv's eyes narrowed immediately after Ylla's request. He looked between the two aristocrats before shaking his head.

"I understand your trepidation, your majesty, but a lightsaber is only a weapon in the hands of a killer. I cannot speak for other Jedi, nor your experience with my kin. I can speak for myself, however. And I assure you, you needn't fear my use of it. Those who've attended this event are more likely to be hurt by one of your other guests wielding the cutlery than they are from me wielding my saber," he clasped his hands together behind his back and looked to Enlil. Before the Jedi Knight could say anything else, another approached the trio.

He turned Imperator Sularen's way and nodded. "Greetings Imperator, I am surprised to see you at such a gathering. I would think you busy considering said assault on Byss. However, there is no reason to thank me for my contributions to the defense of your home. It is the nature of the New Jedi Order to stand in defense of those in need. Be they members of the Alliance, such as yourself, or not."

Motioning towards Enlil with a wave of a hand, Ryv shook his head following Marlon's question.

"King Enlil is not a member of the NJO, no. He's actually one of the many warlords serving beneath the banner of the New Imperial Order. We just so happened to meet on the battlefield at Dantooine. He proved himself a staunch ally of the NJO, as well as a reliable combatant to have at my side. If your interest lies in allying with planetary leaders, few in the galaxy will hold a candle to the King of Ketaris."
"I have done some research on your world and culture, Keisari," he remarked. "Your views on the magic of the Galaxy closely mirror those of my own culture, though there is marked difference in technological advancement and nuance." There were thousands of years between the two civilizations and one was almost extinct. It stood to reason that they shared little more than chance likeness.

Still, it was refreshing to see another civilization in modern times that placed importance on the rule of law, and on neutrality of nature. Good and evil were both, at times, the instigators of conflict. There were those who believed neutrality meant a dagger behind every back, and a handshake to every outside party, and those people were wrong.

"You have my word that Knight Karis' blade will remain at his side except in defense of those around him. I witnessed his resolve firsthand against an enemy that mowed down his close friends, and the self-control that it took not to act out of emotion was worthy of no small praise."

While he knew little about the Jedi path, the King knew the measure of men. Among them, though he was plagued by demons and shadows, Ryv was a monolith. Steadfast, strong, enduring, and unmoving in his resolve. He was a bright light that cast a comforting shadow on those under his protection. It was the closest anyone could come to being a King without actually ascending the throne.

"I will gladly accept any consequence for untoward action on his part."

Enlil turned his attention now to the man who called himself Imperator. His ruby eyes betrayed nothing of the thoughts in his mind. With arms crossed, he examined Marlon carefully and critically. "Pray tell me, Imperator," he asked with no hint of sarcasm or venomous sentiment. "What Empire do you preside over? My understanding of Byss is that it is a Sovereign member of the Galactic Alliance."

Ylla Caeli'runa Ryv Ryv Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Ylla Caeli'runa




Face: XX
Wearing: Armor, Unmasked [ XX ]
Location: Sólarupprá Sarhöll, Vaglaskógi - Velorum

Suspicion and diplomacy did not, and must not, mix.

They did not believe that the Jedi Knight understood, not to the extent that the word implied. As far and they and their people were concerned, the lightsaber itself was not the issue. What and who it represented was. Those who practiced what was known as the Discipline of the Mind, they were seen as dangerous for their abilities. The restrained caution that Ylla showed was nothing compared to the anxiety that held them underneath a carefully constructed smile.

But, there was no doubt that if Velorum was to enter the Galaxy, they would need to place their trust - their faith - in someone. It would all have to start with them and it would have to start tonight if there was to be any progress. They prayed that their people would understand in the long run.

Their eyes shifted to focus on Enlil briefly, “We do. We will have to discuss more in private after dinner and refreshments. I’ve read about Ketaris, but I’m sure there are things you may want to tell yourself.

Following the Knight’s statements and the King’s reassurances of the Jedi’s intentions, they nodded, both to the attendant and to their guests. A gentle laugh came after the threat of cutlery being more dangerous, a genuine and easy smile replacing the former one. “I will honor your request, Knight Karis. I hope that you and Enlil will honor the trust placed in you both.

A quick turn-around as a third person approached them before the pair in front of them had a chance to step into the hall proper. They blinked and tried to remain composed at the breach of protocol, even the announcer was stunned and unable to get out the formal introduction before the 6 people made their way over to the Keisari. Thankfully, the man in front addressed Ylla first rather than those he came to speak with.

They cleared their throat softly and donned another polite smile that didn’t show their teeth. “Lord-Imperator, welcome to Velorum. The journey from the Core must’ve been lengthy, thank you for making such an eff-” And then, he turned to speak to Enlil and the Jedi. They resisted the urge to look at Kadri, straightening themselves as they looked to Imperator Sularen. An eyes raised at Enlil’s point of Byss being under the banner of the Galactic Alliance, nevertheless they spoke clearly.

If you all don’t mind, would you please move your conversation to the dining room? I believe the next set of representatives have arrived.” In truth, they were already there, but mentioning that wouldn’t be a good start to the evening.


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