Done speaking, Madalena saw Brayden leaning against the wall. Quickly, she shuffled over to sit next to him, her knees resting atop each other, and close to touching his own legs. While he had said that it had indeed been a story, a joke, there was something in her that needed a small assurance that it would be okay if she touched him as she had earlier. It was probably silly. He’d probably laugh at her if she gave it voice.
“Because it’s genius!” she answered with glee, “I was on Tatooine because I wanted to get this artifact from a freshly minted Hutt Boss.” What she hadn’t added, what she couldn’t add, because it had been Scherezade that had gone to see the Hutt, was that he had their mother’s lightwhip, or she would have never even considered going to Tatooine. “He wanted to make me one of is dancing girls, so I killed him, took some of his insides out, wore his skin, and danced. And then I had this amazing idea!”
Quickly, she removed her holodevice again, the images of the damage she’d caused on Manda, when she strapped bombs to her baby Hutts and threw them at an AT-AT to break it down entirely, and the time on Tatooine when the Confederacy came in to wipe the Empire’s remnants out of there, and she used her Hutts again to send them up through the sewers and make the entire bridge area go boom, effectively destroying the personal hopes of more than a few criminal bosses.
“I got the Minister of Science’s ear,” she explained with enthusiasm, “I gave him the Hutt’s tail and he cloned dozens of baby Hutts for me! They’re like little puppies, you can train them. And they’re cold blooded! Most surveillance systems look for warm blood, something vaguely shaped like humans, or droids. No one thinks to look for a bunch of Baby Hutts that recently ate bombs.”
Laughing madly, she turned the holodevice off and pocketed it again.
“I had a fun run with them,” she concluded her story, “but I sold the last fifteen of them to a crime family closer to the core and made a really nice income from it. I’m going to think of something better soon enough though. I always have grand ideas, and the CIS gives me the resources to make them happen, even if it takes some greasing from time to time.”
Madalena looked at Brayden, her smile wide. She was practically beaming now. The Hutt Babies had been a stroke of genius, as had other plans she’d made, like the time she contaminated the drinking water of an entire pirate fortress so that when the CIS showed up, the pirates were literally crapping their pants. Such was how the mind of the girl who no longer existed worked; and in turn, so did Madalena’s.
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