Geneviève Lasedri
Fascists hate her!

Depicted top
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: ECHO Esprit Industries
Model: ECHO EMV-16 Urgent Care Shuttle
Modularity: [None]
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Trimantium; Alusteel; Transparisteel
Classification: Medical Transport
Length: 75 meters
Width: 45 meters
Height: 34 meters
- 1 rapid-fire quad laser cannon turret (stern)
- 1 ECHO EMS-7 Ambulance (or other speeder under 20m in length/width)
Advanced navigation system
Advanced targeting system
Hyperspace navicomputer
Distress beacon
Advanced life support system
Heavy deflector shields
Heavy shield plating
Radiowave comms system
Shortwave comms system
Infrared beam comms system
Chaff flares
4 treatment beds
2 ECHO Sterinull Suites
ECHO Copycat: Hallucin technology
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class: 1 (Limited sustainable travel within local systems)
- Very fast and very agile
- Well-armored
- Easily identifiable as a medical transport
- Insignificant armaments
- Limited hyperdrive
Centrally featured are the pair of ECHO Sterinull Suites, which have the capacity to keep even the most critically injured patients alive long enough to make it to the nearest hospital or medical frigate. Four accompanying surgical beds are also installed to accommodate more of the inflicted.
The ship is heavily shielded to protect it from potential crossfire, and a rapid-fire quad laser cannon turret is installed at the tail of the craft--just in case. The guns are rather ineffective against anything except fighter craft, and it is not recommended to use them unless you really, absolutely have to. Otherwise, you probably will lose your medical immunity status in the battlezone. Baseline ECHO Copycat technology was integrated into the EMV-16, making sure to identify the craft as friendly to anyone in the area. While this is likely not an issue to begin with, it never hurts to have a failsafe.
While the hyperdrive is very fast, it is not allotted enough power for a trip across the galaxy, since the goal is to simply move a patient to a nearby care center as fast as possible. Thus, hyperspace travel is typically limited within local clusters of systems.
A hangar in the aft of the vessel can hold a decent-sized speeder, such as the recommended critical care compliment ECHO EMS-7 speeder.
A typical crew is composed of 2 pilots and 3 medics, although a total crew of 7 may be considered the optimum. The ambulance starcraft can support a total of 14 people for about two weeks.
Development Thread: [N/A]
Intent: To create an ambulance starship for common use.