Kingdom of Devit

WEAPON: Lightsaber

Every so often Caelan found himself doing something that he probably shouldn't, and that something was venturing out on his own. The first time he'd done it; he'd ended up on Tython during the most recent battle. He'd also attempted it when heading to Hurikane in search of his lightsaber crystal. Now was no different. Word had gotten to him of a potential sighting of his sister on the distant world of Artorias, specifically within the confines of the safe haven deep beneath the surface of the planet's ocean. Given that he hadn't heard a word about her since the loss of his parents and their separation, he had to look for himself.
Again, he took public transportation, though this time he disguised himself more like a homeless person, wearing a baggy outer robe over his typical robes and sitting off to himself, almost curled up in a corner. It was a dark corner, with a light that flickered every so often. People left him alone, passing by him. Once a child tried to approach him, but his mother quickly grabbed him and pulled him away, telling him to stay away from the filthy person in the corner. Inwardly, Caelan was disgusted with the way they taught their kids to treat him, but outwardly he embraced it because it made people leave him be.
When they left the transport on Artorias, he made sure everyone else went first and then followed after them while the droids got to work cleaning up the mess. Spilled food, used diapers, vomit, left behind wrappers. They treated him like he was filthy because he wore and oversized cloak and sat in a dark corner, but they polluted the ship with their filth without a care. The hypocrisy was not lost on him.
The starport was made of a white stone, large blocks stacked and sealed together, carved into curves and little dentils and other things to add interest. It was a beautiful building, considering the white stone standing out against the backdrop of green forest and jungle. He appreciated the aesthetic of it, though the way his cloak stuck to him in the heat was not pleasant and he soon found himself shedding it in order to avoid overheating. His next order of business was getting some water from a local canteen. Fate, who had hidden on his shoulder the whole time, adding to his awkward appearance, hopped down to the ground and trapsed alongside him.
After securing a drink, the two headed for the marina to seek transport to the deepwater shelter where someone had reported seeing Kita. He had to see with his own eyes whether she was there or not. If she wasn't, no harm. He paid for everything himself. If she was, well, he wanted his sister back and would do just about anything to make it happen.
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