Kingdom of Devit

He shook his head at her.
"Your methods cause injury for the sake of injury. Enjoyment of the suffering of others is not a positive trait."
Finishing up his work on the injured attackers, he stood again and allowed the locals to take full command of the situation. It was clear to him that his trip to this world was a trick, trying to get him killed the same as the people who'd killed his parents had been trying for a long time now. You'd think they would higher better people considering their attempts kept failing, but perhaps they only wanted to use the expendable, cheap sort in order to not lose people they actually cared about, or large sums of money.
He turned to regard her at what she said. Fate beeped at him and he waved a hand at the droid in response. No, he wasn't in need of him killing the woman.
"I didn't need your help. It would have been easier to deal with them without you. I really don't need people following me around that don't know me and I'm sure Reign would rather you be doing whatever work you're supposed to be doing instead."
She could doubt all she wanted, he had actually met the man before.
"Go home. You aren't needed or wanted here."