Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Economic Warfare


As the massive missile of the Lilaste flagship burst forth from its launcher, a squadron of twelve fighters swerved to intercept it. They opened fire with laser cannons. It was a missile, and not a starfighter, and consequently a small target even if it was large for a missile. Several of the fighters missed in their attack. A couple of them landed laser fire upon the missile, but its impervium casing resisted the assault well.

Meanwhile, the ship upon which Maldor stood made its ordered retreat behind the Lilaste flagship, farther from danger. There was no way the Q-ship could survive such an assault as was bearing down on them, so it was good to interpose the Lilaste ship between themselves and the horde.

The massive wing of starfighters was happy to center its attention on the Lilaste ship. There was no illusion about taking out Senator Mecetti without ending the threat of the massive warship first.

A hundred fighters all fired proton torpedoes, creating a wave of death that seemed to fill the starscape. The eight Starfighters of House Mecetti did what they could, targeting proton torpedoes for destruction. Of the hundred torpedoes, a handful were struck.

The pilots of House Mecetti were competent.

But it was not enough. Not by a long shot.

As the torpedoes came on, the Lilaste ship rippled and faded from view, disappearing on sensors. Stealth was a formidable ally.

The proton torpedoes- lacking a target now- continued forward on their course. Surely, most would miss.

But there were so many. So very many of them. Some must certainly strike the Lilaste flagship before it escaped the fusillade.

But so, too, did the Venator suffer. The Lilaste missile continued on and struck the ship on its belly. First, the shields of the destroyer flared to life. Then the explosion smashed through them, burning into the hull below. Not a disabling strike, but a formidable one. The Lilaste Order had drawn blood.

The question was, how much of their own blood would spill before this duel was done?

Laphisto Laphisto
Ali Kare Ali Kare

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