Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Economy: Community Discussion


Hey, it said discussion!

So i'm tossing in my two credits worth of how it worked. XD

ultimately, it wasn't rules as much as basic understanding.


That was in the actual SLIU universe that requires an account and acceptance into It's not on Yuku.


So i can't link to it. Thus the copy paste.
I do think though that having a separate currency for factions makes sense, and then the IC leaders use that to buy ships/stations etc. This would mean the credits we see would be related to a character's actual personal assets, not faction/company/etc.

That would stop the necessity for one person having the treasury logged against them. After all, the costs even of today's Earth governments are exponentially higher than that of even the richest individuals. Imagine the Galactic Republic's resources and trying to provide prices for a loaf of bread and a SSD. It'd be impractical.

Perhaps a simple solution is to have a faction specific currency called Build Units (BUs) which are generated from your major planets. These accumulate over time and let you build ships, research new tech submissions that have been approved, and lets staff accurately track what a faction has.

  • Keeps personal credits separate from faction assets. This allows a realistic credit system to be put in place without it being broken by including factions.
  • Means 95% of writers will only deal with things their character can afford.
  • Greater staff oversight of the thing which matters - faction resources.

  • Factions have a second type of 'currency' to keep track of, though it would only be the leaders who need do this.
  • BUs (or whatever they're named) would need balancing to prevent massive fleets being produced in a day.

Alli Wren

Akio Kahoshi said:
So... many... rules....

Tefga said:
We've already got a problem with people not reading the currently established rules, now you're proposing a novella. LOL. People are too lazy, me included, to keep up with all of it. The system would die within weeks, and would cause a lot of arguments.

Ayden Cater said:
Don't worry, Akio. That was how they did it. It's not how we'd do it.
if you are having problems now, no mater how you slice, it a economic system is going to have rules and be extra things that RPJ's have to worry about and enforce. I don't see with these problems this system working. I love the idea, but its hard to implement, and whats the point unless you do have lots of rules, like how much do you get to start with, how can you spend it, how can you earn it. I just think that without at least a fairly all encompassing system covering factions, companies, and people and everything in between.
@[member="Alli Wren"]
You, my fantastic friend, took the words right out of my mouth! Honestly, folks, this is an economic system here. Stats are involved, and where there are stats, there are going to be rules. Lots of rules. At least, if we want it to be balanced and not completely ridiculous, there will be lots and lots of rules, guidelines, regulations, restrictions, and all matter of things that must be read in order to understand and obey the system.

If that doesn't sit well with a lot of people, then we're better off having nothing to do with it.


@[member="Tyrin Ardik"] @[member="Alli Wren"]

I agree with you guys. There will be rules when it comes to economy.

While the copy and paste i did appeared lengthy, the ultimate deal was this:

Make a thread - select which faction you want to give your shipment to - select your defenses - how much shipping in total and a max of two ships.
1. starting post.

2. launch post.

3. journey post.

4. arrival post.

Expect opposition -- if not, claim money.

Then it get's judged by an RPJ.
The problem is manpower and logistics. Which is why this isn't feasible unless we have the software to do it. I'm not doing wall of text rules, and I'm not telling the RPJ's (despite what they think), that on top of servicing complaints and questions, and judging role-plays and factory submissions, that they also now how to moderate and enforce a new economy by sheer text and doing the math themselves. Plus, leaving it to text opens up a treasure trove of abuse.

If we did it, we'd do it through the board's software. It's possible, but it's limited. It's all up to how we enforce it.

This website is a demo of the software that would be used to implement it. Some of you have noticed we did implement it for testing in the past - "credits" in your private messages.


Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Not gonna lie... if I saw one of these here, I'd probably quit. For 'open roleplaying', this defeats most of the point. It's less 'open' and more 'who can troll the hardest'.
Allaina Mare said:
Not gonna lie... if I saw one of these here, I'd probably quit. For 'open roleplaying', this defeats most of the point. It's less 'open' and more 'who can troll the hardest'.
I'm inclined to agree, and it'll take some serious convincing for us to pick up production with this project again. It's mainly people just being bored and wanting "more" right now, though.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
People want more? They want more on a board where they have the freedom to do effectively anything short of blow up a planet? Where they can generate infinite income streams, brand-new weapons and starships, entire planets even instantly?

Greedy assholes.

Alli Wren

Yep, I think we should forget it then, as I doubt the board's software would accurately handle what we would need, and while I would still like this forum if it was more stat heavy, I think we are better in the long run not being.
Well, my main focus is attracting more people to the community. While some people would be in favor of stats, I think the majority of them would be willing to sacrifice stats for more people to interact with.
I'm in agreement with Tef here for the most part.
While it sounds a cool idea, and some of us (including me) would have a lot of fun with makes things more complex, and for staff it adds a whole layer of new daily upkeep.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
For OOC stuff? Like, titles/awards? That's fine. It's not gameplay and doesn't affect RPing, which doesn't change the open concept.


Et in Arcadia Ego
Although this would be to my benefit, I know from personal experience that putting currency in RPing sites is bad news.

Eventually you will be dealing with problems like massive unrealistic inflation and players essentially hoarding currency and doing nothing with it. If the system doesnt fail outright that is.

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