Wesa new palos!

Image Source: Google Images
Intent: Create a Droid that will serve as a Elite guard.
Development Thread: BOOM! Dev Thread done, Will still continue ( I hope it will) for story and character progression.
Manufacturer: Iscariot Industries
Model: EDG Enforcer
Affiliation: Shadow Dynasty
Modularity: Yes, Can be given different weapons to use. A Cloak can be added if desired ( Can not use Lightsabers )
Production: Semi-Unique
Quantity: 7
Material: Droid parts, Phrik & Hadrium
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 200kg
Height: 2.2m
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: Electrostaff
Misc. Equipment: Faraday Cage, Micro Sensors, 3 Photorecptors ,Scanning Protocols, 360 Sensory Vision, Thermal Vision & Night Vision
(+) Lightsaber Resistance
(+) Blaster Resistance
(+) Electric Resistance
(+) Four Arms
(+) Specialize in a Number of Weapons ( Excluding Lightsabers )
(-) Slightly Slow
(-) Heavy Weight
(-) Tall and Wide, Might not be able to fit in some places
(-) Faraday Cage can be broken physically if one is smart enough, leaving the droid open to Electricity
(-) Has no resistance against Ionization ( aka ) Ion Weapons
(-) Like most Droids, Can be hacked if a Slicer is skilled enough
Description: The Elite Doom Guard Enforcer ( EDG Enforcer) was made to protect and engage in combat if commanded to do so. His Design affords it with the Strength of almost a Wookie through advanced Servo's and motors. Its Frame is made of the Lightsaber resistant metal Phrik and hadrium. Lightsabers, Blasters and some Slug Throws will have trouble with this Enforcer Guard. Inside the Droid is a faraday cage to prevent any outer source of energy like Electricity to interfere with the inner workings. Though if the Inner cage broke the droid would be at a disadvantage. Other Equipment includes 3 photorecptors, 360 Sensory Vision due to micro sensors, Thermal Vision, Night Vision & Scanning Protocols. Additional Equipment can be given to the EDG Enforcer droid Example, A cloak of some kind and a Different weapon to use, though Each droid starts off with 1 Electrostaff.
Seems like the ultimate Guard droid but it is still only a droid, being 2.2m tall and 200kg the droid is on the slower side and wont be able to accompany you everywhere ( Might get stuck in some places).