Satine squatted down in front of Rayland, "first let's start by getting rid of this outer shell that you've been wearing" She waited staring at him, "Don't make me find it"
Rayland reached over and touched something and now the Bothan's true form was seen. It was easy to see why he chose a human form his canine teeth and the extra fur made him look vicious, and unapproachable. This image works if you want to be a spy, but it you want to race pods, or borrow things from a Hutt they didn't care what you looked like they would get their credits, or products from their dead hides.
"Now Rayland the Hutt says you owe him something, now you have the choice of giving it to me and my letting you go, of your paying me and my partner more than what the Hutt offered on your contract, or we can kill you as the Hutt would like" She looked at him emotionless now, her voice had dropped an octave she was now in serious mode.
Rayland swallowed hard looking from her to Nolan. He knew about Mandalorians, everyone knew about mandalorians. "I don't have what the Hutt wants Satine"
Ooo she arched a brow he knew her name. Now that was a twist, "How do you know my name?"
Rayland shook his head, "You're rallying the Shadows Guards to go back to Emberlene, and your image is being passed along to anyone talking about the Guards." Then his eyes went to Nolan, "and after your friend snapped the jaws on the dragon they wanted to know more about him too"
"And then there's that little incident with your mother that seems to have popped up again"
Satine wanted to show little interest in what he was saying damn bothans were excellent spies, so what did he offer. And was this his bargaining chip. The Bothan gave her a toothy grin which she wanted to slap off his face but refrained, and held her emotions in check.
"Ok out with it Rayland, what do you want?" She was grinding her teeth slowly now controlling the need to threaten him further.
"Well" the bothan relaxed as if he knew he had the upper hand, "I will surmise that you don't really care that your reputation and his are growing. But that you want to know about the thing with your mother"
"You're wasting my time" she said slowly her heart was beating slower she reached up and pulled the zenji from her hair and with a quick rotation of her wrist and brought it down hard the bothan cried out, the needle was stuck in the ground. "Talk" she whispered.
He nodded, "fine fine. Did you know there was a traitor on Emberlene, even now, someone who doesn't want to change the way things are."
Her blue gray eyes were more like steel now. "I think I should just kill you now, you're boring me to pieces." She leaned closer, "I have better things to do than listen to your whining and desperate attempt to keep me from fulfilling the contract"
He nodded,"ok, you've got wamp rats in your house they are already bargaining with the Imperials, offering the same deal your mother did. Free labor and a bunch of breeders for their elite"
It was lie it had to be her mother would not do that, and no one in the Clan would dare! "I want a name."
The bothan smiled again, "that will take time"
"You bargain your life find the name, and goddess help you if you're lying to me, I'll find you and kill you just on principle." The bothan scrambled away leaving Satine sitting there contemplating everyone in her Clan. Was there anyone that had been outspoken, was there anything that jumped to her attention.
She looked up to Nolan, "What do mandalorians do with traitors?" Her heart so full of her new found happiness and connection with Nolan now twisted inside her, nothing was worse than a family betrayal and for what, what was the payoff on this, if it was true or was he just lying to get away.
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