Anora Vahn
This Is How We Rise Up
Eenia Vahn

NAME: Eenia Vahn
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems
AGE: 29
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
EYES: Blue-green
HAIR: Blond, just past shoulder length, and it's never straight no matter how hard she tries to straighten it
SKIN: She has a lighter, softer complexion and skin tone
*She's compassionate, deeply so, and with her compassion comes a sort of empathy
*A quick learner, she typically only needs to be shown something once or twice before she gets it down
*Dedicated. She isn't afraid of a challenge, and even if it hurts her (emotionally or physically) she'll see it through
*She has a strong connection with the Force, and doesn't usually have an issue with learning new ways to use it
*Her compassion makes her tenderhearted, and therefore at times emotional
*She tends to make decisions based on heart instead of strategy
*She's only ever been in a handful of serious confrontations, but has worked hard on her battle prowess, and while still not a master in physical combat by any means, she can at least keep herself alive
*She no longer trusts people, making her closed off to others
Between the two Vahn sisters, Eenia is definitely the more womanly in figure. Where her older sister is more athletic in build, Nia is smaller but certainly more curvaceous. While she's not all that tall, she doesn't seem to mind and makes up for it in personality. Her hair is a thick, blond mass that goes just below her shoulders, and try as she might she can never get the locks to straighten out. They always have a loose wave or curl to them, and while untrainable in terms of style, she does manage to keep the locks out of her face and blue-green eyes.
Personality: While at one time Eenia was a vibrant, happy, bubbly, pleasure to be around, recent events have turned her into a somewhat empty shell. She isn't mean or cold towards anyone, but she no longer regards people with emotion either. She has become distant, her usual infectious laughter and contagious smiles have become memory only, and she by no means seeks people out to spend time with them as she once would have done.
This of course has gotten somewhat better with time. Nia is still not her old, bubbly self, but she is not so quick to dismiss everyone who comes near her either. Occasionally, there are smiles now, but they are not the infectious grins of before and the expression does not hardly ever reach her eyes. Mirth is still hard to generate for her, but she does at least make an attempt - whether it succeeds or not is entirely up in the air.
The Vahn household had always been a loving and nurturing environment. Both parents adored both of their daughters, and raised them fairly and as equally as possible. So when Anora was stripped from the household, it disrupted the balance of everything in Eenia's life. While their parents remained ever doting, and despite the occasional contact with Anora, Eenia found herself emotional to a point that she could not control. So much so in fact, it gained attention and garnered another visit from the same visitor who had taken Anora away two years prior. It came as a shock to everyone involved - including the man who had come to investigate - that Nia shared the same traits as her older sister, and therefore once again and Vahn girl was taken from her home so that she could be offered proper training in the ways of the Force and of the Jedi.
Of course, what had seemed to be a good enough life was turned upside down in an instant. Love had entered Eenia's life, and nearly the same time her parents and sister had left it. Something had happened with Anora, and because of a dispute she had with Eenia about the younger sister's love interest, nothing had been done about the older Vahn sister going missing on Nia's part. And once she had learned that her parents had been killed and Anora had, had a hand in it? Eenia started down a dark path.
Two years she had spent teetering on the edge, walking a grey line, but she had that one bright spot in her life to help pull her through. And then all at once everything came undone again. Eenia had attempted to kill her sister and failed, landing herself in some intensive care to heal up and get back in physical shape. In that same time, she not only lost what she had considered the love of her life, but a new life that had been growing inside of her as well.
The combination of all of these losses took its toll on Eenia, and she has since spent her time dragging through her day to day. Through it all, being abandoned like she did not matter has been the worst of it all, especially at a point when she needed someone in her life to help her through. But despite it all, she's still on her feet, still going, even if she's only a shell of the woman she had been before hand.
After a couple years of enduring, and trying her hardest to continue on as if nothing were amiss, Nia had reached a point where she just simply could not handle being around so many constant reminders anymore. She had left her post with the SJO, abandoned her training - which had been increased by her request yet still not fully helped her the way she wanted it to. A new place was needed, a new life was needed, and so she had made arrangements to get herself away from Kashyyyk and the Jedi entirely. It had taken work, and plenty of paperwork, but the fact of the matter remained; With the turns her life had taken Nia preferred the ideals of the CIS. And thus, she was ready to start a new, fresh chapter of her life.
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