Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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effff this place

I've struggled with this since 2016 and there are several reasons why I'm having major muse kill and I have to leave this place. I don't want to gossip but after further review I've decided to list the reasons below and gossip:

1. Is [member="Darth Carach"] coming back or not? Muse kill.

2. The font choices are just too much. Helvetica or Comic Sans??? Muse kill.

3. The First Order. Muse kill.

4. People keep complaining to me on skype because Spark uses too many hashtags and even though I realize staff can't do anything to police this blatant bullying, I expected more. Muse kill.

#toteslying #jkjk

So for reals, most of you know this but I'm training for a sprint triathlon. With training + full-time job + after work commitments + life = little to no rp activity until after the race in April.

Stay classy Chaos.


Post inspired by [member="Alen Na'Varro"]
> finally capture spork fann
> writer immediately leaves

[member="Spark Finn"]

You know whats a muse kill for me? Spark and her damn hastags bleeding over into other characters. Next thing you know, Thessa is going to be all #mermaidlife in her posts.

Get yourself together and come back #hashtagless


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