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Approved Tech Eisenwerke Bogenfender Suspension

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Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant

Image Source: Youtube

Intent: To create a tank suspension module for sale on the market as well as to equip to various tanks created.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Model: Bogenfender Suspension
Affiliation: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke, Open Market
Modularity: Yes, it can be made for various vehicles of various sizes, as well as custom made variants for special orders.
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, alusteel, and other materials

Designed for reliability, redundancy, and simplicity, the Bogenfender Suspension is one of the oldest known and used suspension systems found on Eisenwelt and is even rumored to predate the planet's founding.

The Bogenfender Suspension is extremely simple to manufacture and maintain. It consists of a curved, or bowed, length of durasteel attached to the axle of the vehicle. When the vehicle hits uneven terrain or rough ground, the axle is forced up against the outer curve of the durasteel length. The concave length flattens to an extent, softening the vehicle's impact on the rough ground. More lengths of durasteel can be added for heavier vehicles in a steadily decreasing length to create a stronger, more durable suspension system. Overall, the suspension system is highly resilient and easily installed as well as very easily maintained both in the field and in the garage.

The downsides are fairly simple. For heavier vehicles, Bogenfender suspension may render the vehicle difficult to control with the bowed durasteel unsprung. For smaller vehicles, this may lead to some stiffness in the wheel. For heavier vehicles, this may require the addition of more powerful powered steering. For armored vehicles, this will lead to a slower traverse speed in general for the vehicle. Also, while the suspension does give a smoother ride in many ways, extremely rough terrain or uneven ground will overtax the suspension and possibly damage the Bogenfender suspension or possibly the vehicle it is mounted on.
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