Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elanil Saedaris

This is wise indeed. But i seek not war simply for the sake of warring. My body count serves a higher purpose. There are always allies to be won, and assets to be gained. But to the victor always go the spoils
That would require me to possess some of that voodoo magic that you creatures think makes you better than the rest of the galaxy. Really though, it just makes you rather dependent on such an energy, and worthless when you should find yourselves stripped of such.

[member="Darth Sinna"]
Power is power, whatever the form. Do not you also feel superior to those with lesser intellect than yours, despite the fact that any Sith could likely rip out your throat with a mere thought, regardless of the intellectual deficit? Let us not be so petty as to disregard mutual gain for the sake of a dogmatic argument. Or did we all start following the Jedi's example when I wasn't looking??
Sith are Weak Bound by codes and Blind hate. The Darkside demands a greater user of its powers.

And @Ta'ek Viss Your character is pretty darn cool
Ta'ek Viss said:
Power is power, whatever the form. Do not you also feel superior to those with lesser intellect than yours, despite the fact that any Sith could likely rip out your throat with a mere thought, regardless of the intellectual deficit?et us not be so petty as to disregard mutual gain for the sake of a dogmatic argument. Or did we all start following the Jedi's example when I wasn't looking??
I like how you clarify that point, likely being the key word. Such barbarians are not worth the time of day I'm afraid.

One must carry intellect of a higher level than the mundane humans to even attract my attention, so good luck with that.

I may have no qualms about creating destructive forces for the the rest of you creatures to use. What you choose to do with it, really is none of my concern. And that power that you claim makes you better than me? Really just makes you weak. Pathetic really if you must rely on that to get through life.

*sighs, a bit bored* Call me when someone interesting shows up.
I survived my whole life without knowing I was force-sensative. And I could do it again if I had to. Survival is what matters. Power leads to survival, survival leads to knowledge of survival being passed on. This is how we progress within the fields of science. Intellect without reason is equally worthless. Don't say I didn't try to appeal to your sense of reason. I know you at least have the intellect to comprehend my words, let's see if they actually strike a chord somewhere, or if you simply have a larger hollow space between your ears than most. A species with a low threshold for pain brooks no need for the use of the Force. There are manual instruments equally capable of inflicting torture and pain. I'm sure you've built some yourself

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