Khyros Sunblade said:
I am torn between the two, mostly as I don't really know either of them.
A question to both. What is your plan going forward from our current crisis?
OOC stance -
I want to help rebuild the image of the Republic. The Republic is currently viewed as weakened by the crisis faces in the last few weeks, and they are most likely right. Weakened by the attacks on Chazwa, and Roche. The actions of few that lead to ramifications for everyone who bears the tag Republic. We need to pull together as a community and build the faction back to a position of strength, and that is not always an easy task. The Republic needs stories, and IC backing to support it.
Dominions are wonderful as long as we have people to post to them and have an interest in them. Many of the companies that once supported the Republic may not be available to us, and until we know their position it is hard to say that we are going to build up armies, and place soldiers on worlds when we may not have the resources.
The Jedi have left the Republic and we may call upon them for assistance but it will be the decision of the Grandmaster whether they are still available to the Republic. They are after all guardians of peace. I would like to find stories that bring them to interact with the Republic, such as when Faith travels a Jedi goes with her for protection.
We do need to have involvement in stories that are more than military actions. While these stories are enjoyed by many, there are others who are looking for character development, advancement, and social activities. As Jack stated, and Mantic have stated we need to incorporate political stories into our dominion to promote the Senates involvement. Appointing Senators to be diplomats, or ministers to further their story, addressing issues that are facing their home worlds will help strengthening the Senators, and the Republic.
The Position of Supreme Chancellor isn't only about having a shiny tag in your signature, its about putting in the time for stories to help others advance, its helping with OOC issues that come up, and though I am slow at posting I do post and try to write with everyone who asks.
To Be Supreme Chancellor that person is an unofficial member of staff of the Republic and the individual who takes on that position needs to help others aspire to be in that position.
IC -
Faith will work towards rebuilding the image of the Republic, as a traditionalist she envisions the Republic as the Image of strength, peace, and democracy. She would like to see the Sith's influence reduced, she would see alliances formed, and use what resources she has to influence those that would aide the Republic in these goals.
She would encourage the Senate aide the planets that have been taken over by the Sith, relief efforts to show that the Republic takes care of its own.
She would encourage new businesses to align with Republic, to make contracts with weapons dealers to arm our military with the latest technology. To work with all business that remain aligned with the Republic to find ways to thank them for their continued support.
She would work with the military to find out what they need to help them on the battle front. The Senate must work with the military hand in hand to show a united front and each working from the same goals. There should be transparency on all levels of goverment.
Faith would hide all of Jack's rum but would also make him the Social Director for all parties for the Senate.