Yasha Cadera
The first thing that comes to mind as I'm dangling in the grip of this malevolent force is that if I'd added more protein to my vegetables, maybe I wouldn't be so thin as to flip flop around like a shawl in a breeze.
"Se-schedu-ce…?" The word creeps out and with it the most horrible, agonizingly impossibly life threatening things of all: I get a ridiculous case of the giggles. 'Course they sputter out of my force clenched throat with all the dignity I'm used to coming from myself in terrifying situations. "Wasso-wass-s-" my voice dies into the sequestering chokes and sputters of a man whose face has turned a shade of purple and I think I'm about to swallow my tongue. Can you do that? Can you swallow your own tongue? "I'd be your friend."
The grip loosens on my throat and in the distance I feel @[member="Meret Blackmoon"] raging. Well, it's not so much the feels that get me as my brain becomes starved of oxygen, and my sight line as fuzzy as bales of yarn but the sight in the corner of my eye of the red-faced blonde that I'd gotten to know on Endor with the Whisties. My arms flail out, trying to be in sight of her so she knows I'm not dead - that helps right? Not being dead? "H'hei Mmmmrret! Meret's a -oh Darthy!" @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]'s grip lightens enough that I'm at risk of not passing out, which at the moment isn't something I'd particularly mind if there's a 100 story drop in my immediate future. I grab both my bony hands around his arm, or really anything I can hold on to and cough. "No one influences Meret's decisions but Meret. She's her own lady, she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants." My mind flares up, I could defend myself! Say I've got no mind of my own, say we've already had our fun, say something about Meret's mental process during the party but I don't.
For some reason the words don't come and I let what befalls come without my verbose defence. "I'm not the sort of guy who tells a Lady what to do. I'm the sort of guy who tries to heal the cuts and bruises that come out of the decisions we make…"
"Se-schedu-ce…?" The word creeps out and with it the most horrible, agonizingly impossibly life threatening things of all: I get a ridiculous case of the giggles. 'Course they sputter out of my force clenched throat with all the dignity I'm used to coming from myself in terrifying situations. "Wasso-wass-s-" my voice dies into the sequestering chokes and sputters of a man whose face has turned a shade of purple and I think I'm about to swallow my tongue. Can you do that? Can you swallow your own tongue? "I'd be your friend."
The grip loosens on my throat and in the distance I feel @[member="Meret Blackmoon"] raging. Well, it's not so much the feels that get me as my brain becomes starved of oxygen, and my sight line as fuzzy as bales of yarn but the sight in the corner of my eye of the red-faced blonde that I'd gotten to know on Endor with the Whisties. My arms flail out, trying to be in sight of her so she knows I'm not dead - that helps right? Not being dead? "H'hei Mmmmrret! Meret's a -oh Darthy!" @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]'s grip lightens enough that I'm at risk of not passing out, which at the moment isn't something I'd particularly mind if there's a 100 story drop in my immediate future. I grab both my bony hands around his arm, or really anything I can hold on to and cough. "No one influences Meret's decisions but Meret. She's her own lady, she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants." My mind flares up, I could defend myself! Say I've got no mind of my own, say we've already had our fun, say something about Meret's mental process during the party but I don't.
For some reason the words don't come and I let what befalls come without my verbose defence. "I'm not the sort of guy who tells a Lady what to do. I'm the sort of guy who tries to heal the cuts and bruises that come out of the decisions we make…"