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Approved NPC Elianne Corvast

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Elianne wearing her competition swimsuit

  • Intent: To expand on a character that features prominently in Varindar's past
  • ​Image Credit: All-American Swim
  • Role: Elianne is a character that featured prominently in Varindar's past as a swimmer
  • Links: What's a hotel stay between padawans? (the thread where Elianne is alluded to for the first time)
  • Age: 16
  • Force Sensitivity: NFU
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Standing at 1.78m, for 75 kg, Elianne is a rather tall human, with all the physical features one would expect from a typical human/Near-Human swimmer's body that size: broad, muscular shoulders, well-toned arms, legs, back, slender core. Sporting flaxen hair, brown eyes, and a somewhat tanned complexion, she starts to get envious whenever sleeves get longer than T-shirt-length, since her shoulder breadth seems to be wider than in normal people her size, forcing her to wear wider and longer clothing than is appropriate at her size if it possesses sleeves longer than T-shirt-length.
  • Name: Elianne Corvast
  • Loyalties: Forak School District high school student on Trandosha
  • Wealth: Average
  • Notable Possessions: A swimming suit, a 10mm ripper, a first aid kit
  • Skills: Swimming (elite), shooting (trained), first aid (trained)
  • Personality: Elianne might be a little obsessed with her body, and what she could get out of it. In addition, she also seems to be obsessed with looking as good as she can possibly be, and also she seems to be cautious about what can and cannot be worn in public without ruffling feathers, while remaining mindful of not wearing symbols of her achievements in public. In fact, she can be a little befuddled away from either Contruum or Trandosha, due to her ignorance of the greater galaxy, but she is otherwise rather patient.
  • Weapon of Choice: 10mm ripper
  • Combat Function: She would primarily rely on agility to fight and, as such, she would also fight at a distance, trying to get an advantage by shooting from behind cover, and to move from behind cover at speed to other positions. However, out in the open, she needs to be constantly on the move
  • Knowledge of biology: she has knowledge of biology beyond what's normally expected of a high school student, especially as it pertains to exercise science - it comes in handy when delivering first aid
  • Excellent swimmer: As a result of hours upon hours of training inside the pool and to a lesser extent off the pool, she can swim at speeds most humans/Near-Humans living on land would only dream of, which gave her body some serious agility. In addition, she knows a great deal about the various strokes of swimming, and also about the various swimming races that can be held. For this reason she can wager some money on other heats she does not swim in and use it to supplement her family's income, if only a little inconsistently
  • Vain: Elianne will often spend much of her off-pool time shopping for whatever makeup, accessories, clothes that go well together - however, she will also want accessories or clothes to have at least a modicum of durability
  • Status obsession: Elianne harbors dreams, and rather big ones at that. An unwitting enemy can trap her, blackmail her even, under the guise of an opportunity to acquire status, or its symbols thereof
  • Naïve: due to her rather sheltered upbringing, she lacks knowledge of the greater galaxy
Born on Contruum, she was taken as a slave as a child in the aftermath of the One Sith invasion of Contruum, with the slavers responsible for her family's capture bringing her to their home base of Trandosha, where she was raised under conditions that gave her no room to breath: she was raised in isolation from the greater galaxy, with an intensive training regimen that contained long swims in the river, and also followed by equally intensive education in mundane topics such as mathematics, language arts, history, with neglect in some areas more tied into current events and contemporary topics, and, in the meantime, the slaves were trained to become obedient drones. In time, it became clear that Elianne's primary athletic skill lied in swimming and the slavers that held her focused her training in that direction, despite the limited appeal of that sport. Elianne thus grew to become primarily a breaststroke and butterfly swimmer, living under this grueling regimen until the Mandalorian Clans splintered.

When the Mandalorian Clans splintered, the local underworld began to fight each other and it proved devastating to the existing slaver operations of the time, at which point the local authorities began to place orphaned slaves into foster families; prospective foster families had to agree not to take the orphans as slaves. She thus made an impression on the Forak High School's student body, where she quickly carved a niche by becoming the girl's swimming team captain, and getting exposed to what is known today as hippodrome-style swimming competition, but little did she knew was that she went under the spotlight thanks to her performances, swimming in as many as 20 heats on any given week, and a wide variety of races as well, running at the Crown Nebula Hotel's pool in races hosted under the hospices of the Ta'jar Blood Gang, not suspecting that the Ta'jars ran the hotel and the races as a moneylaundering operation. For the most part, she kept racing in those races, and most of the competitors that were actually able to defeat her were neither humans nor Near-Humans. The hotel also fielded its own team from the staff members at the time, and, in the aftermath of the events of Dathomir, the rivalry between the high school's team and the hotel's team reached its boiling point.

The most notorious of those humans/Near-Humans that actually succeeded in defeating her in the pool was, in fact, Varindar Asyt, in heats including but not limited to, a 200m backstroke race, and both ladies were local stars across the city and its surrounding region, thanks to their respective charisma and skills. For the next few months after the introduction of Varindar in the local swimming scene, both ladies trained harder in an attempt to one-up each other in the water, and their until the Ta'jars got the hotel seized away from them and the races ceased to be held. Currently she is entering senior year in high school.
Please either spoiler the image or make it smaller per the recent Codex rule update.

Aside from that this submission seems fine to me. Please change the above and then it can move on to the next layer of judging.

[member="Varindar Asyt"]
[member="Varindar Asyt"]

Thank you. I noticed the addition of an extra weakness too.

Looks good, approved on my end.

Pending Primary Approval.

[member="Jairus Starvald"]
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