Eliza Teth

General Information
Full Name: Eliza TethAliases: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Eriadu
Voice Sample: Kari Wahlgren (first clip)
Occupation: Shipyard Mechanic
Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive
Physical Information
Height: 5’ 8”Weight: 134 lbs
Physical Build: Ectomorphic
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Pale White
Psychological Information
Cross - Careful - Reserved - Hard Working - Socially Anxious - Honest
Though quiet and somewhat reclusive, and perhaps a bit grumpy, Eliza does usually get on alright with others, provided that they're more talkative than she is. She's most comfortable in familiar, quiet places where she can relax, and in the company of people she can trust. While Eliza may be more at ease within the safety of her own home, she's not by any means a lazy person. She’s diligent in her work, finding enjoyment in modding and repairing ships and land vehicles. She may stress herself out from time to time- worrying about the smaller details and biting off more than she can chew- but in general Eliza is a very careful person. From her point of view, a job completed just after the deadline is better than a rushed one.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Strengths and Weaknesses
Tinkerer- Eliza finds enjoyment in taking apart tech and putting it back together
- Her area of expertise mainly lies in vehicle repair and modification, though she does have some experience in modding blaster rifles.
- Never satisfied with a sloppy or unfinished job, Eliza works twice as hard to ensure her projects are successful.
- Eliza values honesty, and dislikes lying or breaking promises
- Since she usually tells the truth, she's consequentially bad at lying due to either guilt or inexperience
- Because of her inability to lie, she usually just speaks the truth outright, or tries to dodge answering.
- Hunting with her father had the benefit of teaching Eliza how to aim across long distances with a rifle.
- Feels safer when under cover and away from the action, allowing her time to line up her shots and effectively take an opponent down.
- Eliza has little combat experience, and isn't as skilled at close ranged combat presently.
- If she can help it, Eliza won't engage in close quarters combat.
- Because she's not an experienced fighter, Eliza may not win many fights without a serious advantage
- Her first instinct is to flee. Even if she's winning a fight, she may still decide to find an escape route.
- Though a bit ill-tempered, Eliza makes for a good listener, as she can be understanding
- She may not be good at telling them, but she has a knack for knowing when people are lying.
- While she can't read minds, she can read emotions.
- Eliza’s Force Sensitivity plays a key factor in this trait, despite her not knowing this.
Eliza was born into the upper-class Teth family, residing on the planet Eriadu. While she and her older brother were both gifted in the Force, their sensitivity was never discovered thanks to their family’s isolation from the rest of Eriadu’s population. This secludedness was something Eliza rather liked; she was always somewhat reserved and shy around strangers, and found more comfort in being by herself, or simply at home and away from the hustle and bustle of the city life.Though the two were pretty different personality wise, Eliza and Aryn were both relatively close throughout their childhood and young adulthood. When she wasn’t with her parents she would tag alongside her brother, exploring the Carrion Plateau alongside him. When he eventually left Eriadu, Eliza couldn’t help but feel hurt, and even more so when Aryn dropped out of contact. As the years went on, and tales and rumors of his exploits began to reach her, she eventually gave up on the idea of him returning, harboring a resentment for him leaving the family behind.
In his absence, Aryn's forgotten T-16 Skyhopper eventually fell into Eliza's hands, which initially sparked her interest in mechanics. She spent hours, and even days at a time working on the thing, refurbishing and modifying it to run more efficiently, faster, and reliably. It wasn’t long until Eliza started venturing out on her own, albeit not too far from where she grew up. What started as occasional weekend trips into Phelar with one of the family’s servants eventually led to a job opportunity; repairing ships and other vehicles in the city’s spaceport. Taking the old Skyhopper along with her, not being able to so easily part with the thing, Eliza moved into the city to start her career as a mechanic. Though the noisiness and business would irk her, she thought it a small inconvenience in exchange for doing something she loved.