Tanith Alde
Your Highness

NAME: Elizabeth Verd
RANK: Adorable Padawan
SPECIES: Felacation
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 140 CM (4'5 Ft )
WEIGHT: 25 Kilo (About 55 Pounds)
EYES: Purples/Yellow/Red (It Varies)
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yus Though...Shes not trained
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Catlike, Has long fang like teeth and sharp claw like nails, hyperdevloped sense of balance, perfect night vision and hyper fast reflexes and speed, and of course agility
+Mechanic, Lizzy is a pretty skilled mechanic, able to fix everything from blasters to starship drives
+ Healing Hands, Lizzy is adept at healing others, a task she enjoys quite a bit
-Weak Minded, Lizzy is weak minded and easily distractable.....Ooh Shiny!
- Aquaphobic, Lizzy has a bad fear of water
- Small and Frail, Lizzy is of small stature and not exceptionally strong physically
- Wounded, Lizzy was wounded by a Sith while repairing a starship, and lost an arm in the conflict, which had to be replaced through cybernetics
- Heartbroken, after her mate abandoned her she suffers from periodic melancholy and depression
Lizzy is a petite little thing, unnasuming for the most part, except for her tail and cat ears. Like most of her species Miss Verdant when stressed or in quite a bit of panic has the bad habit of turning into a large predatorial cat, roughly 8 ft (2 meters) Tall and weighing 300 Pounds (Roughly 140 KIlo) with claws capable of shredding durasteel
Lizzy is an adventurer by nature, prone to go in a random direction untill something shiny distracts her and tears her along another direction. She has managed to bumble through life do to a mix of luck, skill and a good sense for when something dangerous will happen. If pressed she would refer to herself, professionally, as just a simple girl looking to explore the world. And as a followup she would shiv the person that asked when their back is turned. Lizzy might look innocent but she is far from it, she knows shes no great fighter or great mind, but she knows she looks nonthreatening and uses it to her advantage more often than not. Lizzy can be suprisingly cruel when the whim takes her, and often uses her claws when such times come. It's because of Lizzy's past, she's been hurt. Hurt badly. Possibly leaving a scar on her forever
Hurt further in the conflict over the Hutt dreadnought, she lost her arm in the first real fight for her life.
EQUIPMENT: Kitty's Lightsaber, Kitty uses a pair of identicle full length lightsabers

Kitty's Armor: Kitty's armor is very lightweight, consiting of a bodysuit (With a hole for her tail, Of Course) with light armored plating over certain locations of it, most notably her chest, feet and hands. Areas like her thigh and back remain largely unprotected, however this armour does give her an ease of movement, as well as protect her from the occasional lucky shot.
Kitty's Misc: Kitty has a sling bag full of various valuable and shiny objects, aswell as more mundane tools, a hygiene kit, some snacks (Kitty is always hungry) and a few other non important items
Nu Uh
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/74880-lightsaber-traingingggg/ (Not my best work)