Ellifain Eden
[SIZE=18pt]Ellifain “Elli” Eden[/SIZE]

FACTION: None at this time.
RANK:[/SIZE] None at this time.
SPECIES: Part Firrerreo, Nagai, and Human
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: Short and slim, average for her age!
WEIGHT: *gives a whimsical laugh* I’m not telling you, silly!
EYES: Golden-lime
HAIR: Green gold-streaked, sometimes dark. It changes.
SKIN: Shimmering pale-ish
FORCE SENSITIVE: *impish nod*
+ ideal scout: quiet, light-weight, stealthy, fast
+aptitude for aim, good at throwing things from the high trees she climbs, Destin often gets the brunt of her playful attacks
+force skills with plants and beasts
-not physically strong
-often lets her age and lack of experience take over making immature or poor judgment calls, innocent-mischievous
-sugar addiction, particularly pixie sticks and cookies
No, she is a stow-away on all other ships until she landed on Sulon
Elli is a traveling space nomad, a true drifter, hitching free rides as a stow-away. She can't remember doing anything else or who her parents might have been. While life was rough, constantly scrounging around for food, shelter, and safety, she turned hard situations into fun games or imagined herself as someone else. It was a way to ignore or deflect pain at the price of disillusionment. As such, she tends to roll with whatever life gives her with a sometimes naive, positive attitude.
At the age of 10, bedraggled and malnourished, Elli found herself on Sulon, stowing away on a shipment of plants and herbs. Certain events led the child to run into Avalore Eden. When the Master Healer found out Elli was an orphan, she quickly adopted the impish girl. Elli found herself living at the first stable place she'd ever known. The homestead changed her life. Armaud and Svora are her favorites. Their love for all things outdoors made bonding very easy, even though she didn't join the Edens until she was 10. Even though she teases Destin the most, she loves him dearly and is fiercely protective of the entire family.
Elli also shares a special bond with Emme, having shared the same room since she arrived. And sisters have to stick together with all those boys! Although she feels like one of the family, there are times when she truly feels alone and like an outsider due to her status as adopted. None of the siblings or the adults necessarily make her feel that way, it's just a part of looking and feeling different and joining the family when she was 10. She also has a large hidden fear that she'll still be abandoned or left behind. She's good at not thinking about these serious emotions and pretends they don't exist at all, preferring to throw pine-cones at Destin and gossiping with Emme.
[member="Avalore Eden"]: Adopted Mother
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]: Adopted Father
[member="Gabriel Sionoma"]: Adopted Uncle
[member="Destin Eden"]: Adopted brother - twinsie
[member="Armaud Eden"]: Adopted brother - twinsie and oldest
[member="Svora Eden"]: Adopted brother
[member="Emme Eden"]: Adopted sister
[member="REverance"]: The Other Adopted Uncle
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